Reputation: 426
Using InheritedWidget I need to doKeysToBeInherited.of(context).homeKey1
for using the keys in different parts of the app:
class ShowcaseStatefulWidget extends StatefulWidget {
_ShowcaseStatefulWidgetState createState() => _ShowcaseStatefulWidgetState();
class _ShowcaseStatefulWidgetState extends State<ShowcaseStatefulWidget> {
final GlobalKey _homeKey1 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey _homeKey2 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey _homeKey3 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey _storeKey1 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey _storeKey2 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey _storeKey3 = GlobalKey();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return KeysToBeInherited(
homeKey1: _homeKey1,
homeKey2: _homeKey2,
homeKey3: _homeKey3,
storeKey1: _storeKey1,
storeKey2: _storeKey2,
storeKey3: _storeKey3,
child: AppRoutes(),
class KeysToBeInherited extends InheritedWidget {
required this.homeKey1,
required this.homeKey2,
required this.homeKey3,
required this.storeKey1,
required this.storeKey2,
required this.storeKey3,
}) : super(child: child);
final GlobalKey homeKey1;
final GlobalKey homeKey2;
final GlobalKey homeKey3;
final GlobalKey storeKey1;
final GlobalKey storeKey2;
final GlobalKey storeKey3;
static KeysToBeInherited? of(BuildContext context) {
return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<KeysToBeInherited>();
bool updateShouldNotify(InheritedWidget oldWidget) {
return true;
Or defining the like:
final GlobalKey homeKey1 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey homeKey2 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey homeKey3 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey storeKey1 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey storeKey2 = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey storeKey3 = GlobalKey();
Both approche work and I am not sure which one should I pick, and what are the prose and cons of using either approch?
does not ncessarily need to be statefull.
The AppRoute()
is where I define Matterial app and the routes.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 173
Reputation: 1508
if your keys are constant use the second approach and if your keys might change and you need your children to be notified, use the first approach.
Upvotes: 1