Reputation: 163
I have to integrate more than 50 Lambda functions with relevant api gateway method. So that I create a terraform map with Lambda function name and api gateway resource path as below.
variable "lambdas" {
description = "Map of Lambda function names and API gateway resource paths."
type = map
default = {
user = {
name = "user-lambda-function"
path = "user"
products= {
name = "products-lambda-function"
path = "products"
orders= {
name = "orders-lambda-function"
path = "orders"
Then I iterate lambda function creation through this map using for_each
as below.
resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda_functions" {
for_each = var.lambdas
filename = ""
function_name =
role = data.aws_iam_role.lambda_execution_role.arn
handler = "index.handler"
source_code_hash = filebase64sha256("")
runtime = "nodejs14.x"
After that I start to create API Gateway, resources and methods as below,
resource "aws_api_gateway_rest_api" "api_gateway" {
name = var.api-gateway-name
resource "aws_api_gateway_resource" "resources" {
for_each = var.lambdas
rest_api_id =
parent_id = aws_api_gateway_rest_api.api_gateway.root_resource_id
path_part = each.value.path
resource "aws_api_gateway_method" "methods" {
for_each = aws_api_gateway_resource.resources
rest_api_id =
resource_id =
http_method = "POST"
authorization = "NONE"
api_key_required = false
Then I try to integrate above API Gateway method with relevant Lambda function by iterating above above methods. But here I have to input relevant lambda function invocation uri.
resource "aws_api_gateway_integration" "integration" {
for_each = aws_api_gateway_method.methods
rest_api_id = each.value.rest_api_id
resource_id = each.value.resource_id
http_method = each.value.http_method
integration_http_method = "POST"
type = "AWS_PROXY"
uri = ""
I am struggling to input this relevant lambda function uri to integrate with relevant method.
My question is, How do I get relevant lambda function uri to input here with this iteration? Or any solution to achieve this without code every lambdas, resources and methods.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3352
Reputation: 238957
The aws_lambda_function has invoke_arn
which is:
ARN to be used for invoking Lambda Function from API Gateway - to be used in aws_api_gateway_integration's uri
So you have to use that in your aws_api_gateway_integration
Upvotes: 1