Reputation: 656
I use node.js 12.3.0 and i had installed eslint 7.0.0 by npm. So i wrote the .eslintrc.js like below.
module.exports = {
"env": {
"commonjs": true,
"es6": true,
"node": true
"globals": {
"Atomics": "readonly",
"SharedArrayBuffer": "readonly"
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 12
"rules": {
"semi": ["error", "always", {"omitLastInOneLineBlock": true }],
"no-shadow-restricted-names" : "error",
"no-unused-vars": ["warn", { "vars": "all" }],
"no-redeclare": ["error", { "builtinGlobals": true }],
"no-use-before-define": ["error", { "functions": true, "classes": true, "variables": true }]
As you know, i already added "no-use-before-define" but it didn't work. All another eslint rules are worked fine but only "no-use-before-define" didn't check anythings.
Here is my examples js file.
let c = qwertqwert(); //As you know qwerqwert is not defined. I want to check this.
a = 123123; //I don't want to allow assign any value to variable before declaration.
b = asdfafasfdasdfas; //Also i need to check any undefined variable or functions are used.
Does "no-use-before-define" can check this?
It seems only can check when i use the variable or function before define or declaration.
Func(); //I use(call) first.
//But the define statement is after.
function Func()
return 10;
Above code had checked fine by eslint but it is meaningless. Because i want let eslint to check usage of undefined functions or value.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1335
Reputation: 755
if you define eslint should show the error you should write a rule like
if you don't want rule you can remove it or skip rule by file
"no-use-before-define": [
"functions": false,
"classes": false,
"variables": false
NOTE :- i am using extension of airbnb
extends: [
it works for me
node js :- 14.17.6
eslint :- 7.12.1+
and if function is not defined then it shows
Upvotes: 1