Reputation: 11261
I'm working on an Advent of Code challenge (2021 day 18). Just as a test I tried compiling it on different compilers. While GCC (11.2) and MSVC (19.30) think it's fine, Clang (13.0.0) throws a list of errors. link to compiler explorer
/opt/compiler-explorer/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11.2.0/../../../../include/c++/11.2.0/bits/alloc_traits.h:514:4: error: no matching function for call to 'construct_at'
std::construct_at(__p, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
/opt/compiler-explorer/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11.2.0/../../../../include/c++/11.2.0/bits/vector.tcc:115:21: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::allocator_traits<std::allocator<RegularNumber>>::construct<RegularNumber, int, Named<int, index_for_vector_of_RegularNumber> &, Named<int, index_for_vector_of_RegularNumber>>' requested here
_Alloc_traits::construct(this->_M_impl, this->_M_impl._M_finish,
<source>:115:19: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::vector<RegularNumber>::emplace_back<int, Named<int, index_for_vector_of_RegularNumber> &, Named<int, index_for_vector_of_RegularNumber>>' requested here
regNumVec.emplace_back(*it - '0', leftRegNumIdx,
/opt/compiler-explorer/gcc-11.2.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/11.2.0/../../../../include/c++/11.2.0/bits/stl_construct.h:94:5: note: candidate template ignored: substitution failure [with _Tp = RegularNumber, _Args = <int, Named<int, index_for_vector_of_RegularNumber> &, Named<int, index_for_vector_of_RegularNumber>>]: no matching constructor for initialization of 'RegularNumber'
construct_at(_Tp* __location, _Args&&... __args)
What doesn't Clang understand what seems fine according to the other two? Is this a bug, or my mistake?
Here's the "minimalized" code:
#include <algorithm>
#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
template <typename Type, typename Description>
class Named {
using UnderlyingType = Type;
// clang-format off
constexpr Named()
requires std::default_initializable<Type>
= default;
explicit constexpr Named(Type const &val)
requires std::copyable<Type>
: val_{val}
explicit constexpr Named(Type&& val)
requires std::movable<Type>
: val_{std::move(val)}
constexpr operator Type() const&
requires std::copyable<Type>
return val_;
constexpr operator Type() const&&
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Type>) // move assignable?
requires std::movable<Type>
return std::move(val_);
Type val_;
// clang-format on
template <typename T>
auto readinputdata(std::istream &&is) {
auto data{std::vector<T>{}};
copy(std::istream_iterator<T>{is}, std::istream_iterator<T>{},
return data;
static constexpr auto testData{
struct index_for_vector_of_Pair;
using PairIndex = Named<int, index_for_vector_of_Pair>;
struct index_for_vector_of_RegularNumber;
using RegNumIndex = Named<int, index_for_vector_of_RegularNumber>;
struct RegularNumber {
using IndexType = RegNumIndex;
int value{};
RegNumIndex leftIdx{}, rightIdx{};
using IndexVariant = std::variant<PairIndex, RegNumIndex>;
struct Pair {
using IndexType = PairIndex;
PairIndex parent{};
IndexVariant leftIdx{}, rightIdx{};
static auto pairVec{std::vector<Pair>{}};
static auto regNumVec{std::vector<RegularNumber>{}};
// used for converting the input strings to pairs
static auto leftRegNumIdx{RegNumIndex{-1}};
static constexpr auto invalid_index{-1};
template <typename Type>
auto get_last_index(std::vector<Type> const &vec) {
using Index = typename Type::IndexType;
return Index{static_cast<typename Index::UnderlyingType>(size(vec))};
auto generate_pair(std::string::const_iterator &it, PairIndex parent)
-> PairIndex;
auto generate_side(std::string::const_iterator &it, PairIndex pairIdx)
-> IndexVariant {
if (*it == '[') {
return generate_pair(it, pairIdx);
} else {
regNumVec.emplace_back(*it - '0', leftRegNumIdx, // error on this line
auto const litIdx{get_last_index(regNumVec)};
if (leftRegNumIdx != invalid_index) {
regNumVec[leftRegNumIdx].rightIdx = litIdx;
leftRegNumIdx = litIdx;
return litIdx;
auto generate_pair(std::string::const_iterator &it,
PairIndex parent = PairIndex{invalid_index}) -> PairIndex {
auto const pairIdx{get_last_index(pairVec)};
auto &pair{pairVec.back()};
pair.parent = parent;
++it; // skip [
pair.leftIdx = generate_side(it, pairIdx);
++it; // skip comma
pair.rightIdx = generate_side(it, pairIdx);
++it; // skip ]
return pairIdx;
int main() {
auto const snailFishNumbers{readinputdata<std::string>( //
std::stringstream{testData} //
auto const outerPairIdxs{[&] {
auto outerPairIdxs{std::vector<PairIndex>{}};
transform(cbegin(snailFishNumbers), cend(snailFishNumbers),
back_inserter(outerPairIdxs), [](auto const &str) {
auto it{cbegin(str)}; // need lvalue
return generate_pair(it);
return outerPairIdxs;
return 0;
Upvotes: 6
Views: 612
Reputation: 3150
Your type is an aggregate
struct RegularNumber {
using IndexType = RegNumIndex;
int value{};
RegNumIndex leftIdx{}, rightIdx{};
which construct_at tries to initialize with round parenthesis
::new(std::declval<void*>()) T(std::declval<Args>()...)
However, an aggregate needs a {}
initializer, until the compiler implements P0960 Allow initializing aggregates from a parenthesized list of values
And Clang just isn't there yet. Compiler support for C++20
Upvotes: 13