
Reputation: 91

FluentD, grep only specific logs events

I have logs, and I want to grep only the logs and send to Elasticsearch which contains 'error="400 - Rejected by Elasticsearch' and 'failed to parse field' and ignore the others.

log:2022-02-04 23:56:43 +0530 [warn]: #0 dump an error event: error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchErrorHandler::ElasticsearchError error="400 - Rejected by Elasticsearch [error type]: invalid_index_name_exception [reason]: 'Invalid index name [-2022.02.04], must not start with '_', '-', or '+''" location=nil 


2022-02-03 01:42:40 +0530 [warn]: #0 dump an error event: error_class=Fluent::Plugin::ElasticsearchErrorHandler::ElasticsearchError error="400 - Rejected by Elasticsearch [error type]: mapper_parsing_exception [reason]: 'failed to parse field [log] of type [text] in document with id 'BnYRvH4BMXwCDVGBTa8Z'. Preview of field's value: '''" location=nil 

MY Config>>

fluentd.conf: |-    
      <filter kubernetes.var.log.containers.fluentd**>
        @type grep
            key log
            pattern /(^Rejected|^error="400|^mapper_parsing_exception)/
      <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.fluentd**>
        @type elasticsearch
        @log_level info
        suppress_type_name true
        host ""
        port 80
        reload_connections false
        logstash_format true
        logstash_prefix "fluentd"
        reconnect_on_error true
        request_timeout 2147483648
        retry_max_times 3
        num_threads 4
        compression_level best_compression
        compression gzip
        include_timestamp true
        utc_index false
        time_key_format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%z"
        time_key time
        reload_on_failure true
           @type file
           path /var/log/fluentd-buffers/cluster-logging-fluentd.buffer
           flush_mode interval
           retry_type exponential_backoff
           flush_thread_count 4
           flush_interval 3s
           retry_forever true 
           retry_max_interval 30
           chunk_limit_size 8MB
           queue_limit_length 20
           overflow_action block

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