Reputation: 8404
I have the shiny app below which initially displays a checkBoxGroupButtons()
and a table. The table has 5 rows (just example-normally more) if you click on a row then another table is displayed.
The checkbox group has 2 choices Elective
and Non-elective Long Stay
. In this version I have included only calculation for Elective
using data[,2]
and data[,1]
in lines 78-79 of my code. The respective calculations for Non-elective Long Stay
will be data[,4]
instead of data[2,]
and data[3,]
instead of data[1,]
The initial table is used to give the index or rows selected for the calculation.
So for example if I choose Elective
and first row I should take a table based on 1st row and with 2 columns in total (only Elective
as it is now),
If I choose then both Elective
and Non-elective Long Stay
another column will be added with the relative calculations.
IF I click on another row lets say row 3 it will be included in the calculations together with row 1 from earlier.
If nothing is chosen the no table is displayed.
To sum up the checkbox sets the service type displayed and the row selection the index of rows that wil be included in the means calculation.
filtercost<-structure(list(Currency = c("A01A1", "A01AG", "A01C1", "A01CG",
"A03"), `Currency Description` = c("Other Therapist, Adult, One to One",
"Other Therapist, Adult, Group", "Other Therapist, Child, One to One",
"Other Therapist, Child, Group", "Dietitian")), row.names = c(NA,
-5L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
datacost<-structure(list(Elective_Activity = c(110, 134, 167, 241, 247),
`Elective_Unit Cost` = c(9329, 5105, 3354, 3116, 2429), `Non-elective Long Stay_Activity` = c(2957,
1899, 2049, 2220, 3388), `Non-elective Long Stay_Unit Cost` = c(6877,
5455, 3822, 3385, 2533)), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
header <- dashboardHeader(title = "National Schedule of NHS Costs")
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
body <- dashboardBody(fluidPage(
inputId = "somevalue2",
label = "Choose service type:",
choices = c("Elective","Non-elective Long Stay"),
justified = F,
status = "primary",
checkIcon = list(
yes = icon("ok",
lib = "glyphicon"),
no = icon("remove",
lib = "glyphicon"))
box(width = 12,DT::dataTableOutput('selectedrow_costs')),
box(width = 12,DT::dataTableOutput('costs'), height = 150))
ui <- dashboardPage(title = 'Search', header, sidebar, body)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$costs <- DT::renderDataTable({
dtable <- datatable(
filtercost, selection = "multiple",rownames=FALSE
dep <- htmltools::htmlDependency("jqueryui", "1.12.1",
script = "jquery-ui.min.js",
package = "shiny")
dtable$dependencies <- c(dtable$dependencies, list(dep))
#output$value2 <- renderPrint({ input$somevalue2 })
selectedrow_costsrows <- eventReactive(input$costs_rows_selected, {
s <- input$costs_rows_selected
data <-[s,])
names(data) <- NULL
elective_mean<- weighted.mean(as.numeric(data[,2]),as.numeric(data[,1]),na.rm = F)
elective_se<- sqrt(as.numeric(data[,1])*((as.numeric(data[,2])-elective_mean)^2)/sum(as.numeric(data[,1])))
elective_CI_l<- elective_mean-1.96*elective_se
elective_CI_h<- elective_mean+1.96*elective_se
Service_type <- c("Elective")
Weighted_mean <- round(c(elective_mean),0)
Weighted_SR <- round(c(elective_se),0)
CI_Lower_95 <- round(c(elective_CI_l),0)
CI_Upeer_95 <- round(c(elective_CI_h),0)
costtable <-,Weighted_mean,Weighted_SR,CI_Lower_95,CI_Upeer_95))
output$selectedrow_costs <- DT::renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1542
Reputation: 21297
Perhaps this will meet your needs. Please note that you may need to modify the formula for elective_se
and elective_se2
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$costs <- DT::renderDataTable({
dtable <- datatable(
filtercost, selection = "multiple",rownames=FALSE
dep <- htmltools::htmlDependency("jqueryui", "1.12.1",
script = "jquery-ui.min.js",
package = "shiny")
dtable$dependencies <- c(dtable$dependencies, list(dep))
#output$value2 <- renderPrint({ input$somevalue2 })
selectedrow_costsrows <- reactive({
s <- input$costs_rows_selected
data <-[s,])
names(data) <- NULL
if (is.null(input$costs_rows_selected)) {costtable <- NULL
}else {
n <- length(input$costs_rows_selected)
elective_mean<- weighted.mean(as.numeric(data[,2]),as.numeric(data[,1]),na.rm = F)
elective_se <- ifelse(n>1, sqrt(sum((as.numeric(data[,2])-elective_mean)^2)/(n*(n-1))), 0)
elective_CI_l<- elective_mean-1.96*elective_se
elective_CI_h<- elective_mean+1.96*elective_se
Service_type <- c("Elective")
Weighted_mean <- round(c(elective_mean),0)
Weighted_SR <- round(c(elective_se),0)
CI_Lower_95 <- round(c(elective_CI_l),0)
CI_Upeer_95 <- round(c(elective_CI_h),0)
costtable1 <-,Weighted_mean,Weighted_SR,CI_Lower_95,CI_Upeer_95))
elective_mean2<- weighted.mean(as.numeric(data[,4]),as.numeric(data[,3]),na.rm = F)
elective_se2 <- ifelse(n>1, sqrt(sum((as.numeric(data[,4])-elective_mean2)^2)/(n*(n-1))), 0)
elective_CI_l2<- elective_mean2 - 1.96*elective_se2
elective_CI_h2<- elective_mean2 + 1.96*elective_se2
Service_type2 <- c("Non-elective Long Stay")
Weighted_mean2 <- round(c(elective_mean2),0)
Weighted_SR2 <- round(c(elective_se2),0)
CI_Lower_952 <- round(c(elective_CI_l2),0)
CI_Upeer_952 <- round(c(elective_CI_h2),0)
costtable2 <-,Weighted_mean2,Weighted_SR2,CI_Lower_952,CI_Upeer_952))
colnames(costtable2) <- "V2"
if (is.null(input$somevalue2)) {costtable <- NULL
}else if (length(input$somevalue2)==2){
costtable <- cbind(costtable1,costtable2)
if (input$somevalue2=="Elective"){
costtable <- costtable1
}else {
costtable <- costtable2
output$selectedrow_costs <- DT::renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 1