Reputation: 59
I am having a lot of difficulty writing an API response as json to a blob within an Azure Storage Container. I have tried multiple solutions online but have not managed to see any through to success. I would like to share 2 attempts I have made and hopefully there is someone out there that can assist me in getting at least one methodology correct
Attempt/Method 1
I have tried to use a Service Principle to authenticate my BlobServiceClient from Azure-Storage-Blob. My service principal has been assigned the role of Storage Blob Data Contributor for the Container within which I am trying to create the blob. However on execution of the script I receive an error along the lines of "Unsupported Credential". Below is my script and the error:
My script and resulting error are:
import azure.functions as func
import requests
import json
import uuid
from import BlobServiceClient, BlobClient, ContainerClient
from msrestazure.azure_active_directory import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from import TokenCredential
# Initialise parameters to obtain data from Rest API
url = "$top=1000&$expand=datasets,dataflows,reports,users,dashboards"
headers = {'Authorization': get_access_token()}
# Get response. I want to save the response output to a blob.
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
response = response.json()
# Initialise parameters for credentials
CLIENT = "bxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx7" # Azure App/Service Principal ID
KEY = "Gxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1" # Azure App/Service Principal Key
TENANT_ID = "cxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx7" # Tenant where Storage Account is which is different to the Tenant the App resides
# Create credentials & token
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
client_id = CLIENT,
secret = KEY,
#tenant = TENANT_ID,
resource = RESOURCE
tokenCre = TokenCredential(credentials.token["access_token"])
# Initialise parameters for BlobServiceClient
ACCOUNT_URL = "" # includes container name at end of url
#Create BlobServiceClient
blobService = BlobServiceClient(account_url = ACCOUNT_URL, token_credential=tokenCre)
#Create blobClient
blobClient = BlobClient(account_url = RESOURCE,container_name=CONTAINER_NAME, blob_name="response.json", credential = tokenCre )
#Upload response json as blob
blobClient.upload_blob(response, blob_type = "BlockBlob")
Click here for the error that comes after the upload_blob method call]1
Attempt/Method 2
In my second attempt I tried to create ,my BlobServiceClient using Azure-Storage-Blob using my storage account connection string. This method actually allows me to create containers, however when I try to upload a blob as in the script below, However I am unable to create blobs within a container as I get a 403 Forbidden response.
My script and resulting error are:
import requests
import json
import uuid
from import BlobServiceClient, BlobClient, ContainerClient
# Initialise parameters to obtain data from Rest API
url = "$top=1000&$expand=datasets,dataflows,reports,users,dashboards"
headers = {'Authorization': get_access_token()}
# Get response. I want to save the response output to a blob.
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
response = response.json()
# Initialise parameters
CONNECTION_STRING = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=storageaccountxxxxxxxxx;AccountKey=rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxQ==;"
# Create blobServiceClient from connection string
blobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=CONNECTION_STRING)
#Create blobClient
blobClient = blobServiceClient.get_blob_client(container = "pbiactivity", blob = "response.json")
#Upload response json to blob
blobClient.upload_blob(response, blob_type = "BlockBlob")
Click Here for the errors that come after the upload_blob method call]2
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2628
Reputation: 8254
Here is one of the workaround that worked for me:-
import os
import logging
from import BlobServiceClient, BlobClient
#Initialise parameters
url = "<YourURL>"
headers = {'Authorization': get_access_token()}
#Get response
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
response = response.json()
connectionString= "<Your_Connection_String>"
containerName = "<Name_of_your_container>"
blobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connectionString)
blobContainerClient = blobServiceClient.get_container_client(containerName)
#To create Container (If the container has already been created you can ignore this)
#Create blobClient
blobClient = blobServiceClient.get_blob_client(container = "<Name_of_your_container>", blob = "response.json")
with open("response", "rb") as blob_file:
In my Storage Account:-
Upvotes: 1