Reputation: 20431
How can I download only a specific folder or directory from a remote Git repository hosted on GitHub?
Say the example GitHub repository lives here:
Its directory structure:
├── foo/
│ ├──
│ └──
└── bar/
I want to download only the foo folder and not clone the whole Test project.
Upvotes: 2041
Views: 1818695
Reputation: 519
i thought i would add a more complete solution here .. at the end :)
none of the other answers actually describe how to do it
download a zipped directory right here in the browser by running this code snippet
the path can be empty, ( therefore it will download all files in the repo )
body {display:flex;flex-direction:column;font-family:arial;margin:0}
#title {margin:0;font-size:12px;display:flex}
section {display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto 1fr;gap:3px;align-items:center;margin:3px}
input {font-size:16px;padding:2px 5px}
button {cursor:pointer;width:200px;font-size:16px;padding:2px}
#output {display:none;font-size:16px;margin:0}
<div id=title>download a directory from a github repository<span style=flex:1></span><span><a href='' style=text-decoration:none>try : javascript-2020 : stackoverflow : main</a></span></div>
<div>owner</div><input class=owner>
<div>repo</div><input class=repo>
<div>branch</div><input class=branch>
<div>path</div><input class=path>
<button onclick=download()>download</button>
<pre id=output></pre>
<script type=module>
import jszip from '';
var $ = sel=>document.querySelector(`.${sel}`).value; function(){
var owner = $('owner');
var repo = $('repo');
var branch = $('branch');
var path = $('path');
if(path[0]=='/')path = path.slice(1);
if(path && path.slice(-1)!='/')path += '/';
var url = `${owner}/${repo}/git/trees/${branch}?recursive=true`;
var json = await fetch(url).then(res=>res.json());
var file = `${path.split('/').filter(Boolean).at(-1)||repo}.zip`;
var zip = new jszip();
await Promise.all( item=>{
var fn = item.path.slice(path.length);
var url = `${owner}/${repo}/${branch}/${item.path}`;
var blob = await fetch(url).then(res=>res.blob());
var blob = await zip.generateAsync({type:'blob'}); = 'block';
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url; = file;
a.textContent = file+' ( right-click - save link as )';
and a link to a github webpage for a more complete example ( work in progress ) : download a directory from a GitHub repository
as per the documentation REST API endpoints for Git trees : Get a tree
a complete list of files for a repo can be downloaded in json format by adding ?recursive=true
to the endpoint${owner}/${repo}/git/trees/${branch}?recursive=true
each file can be downloaded individually from${owner}/${repo}/${branch}/${path}
and the whole process only requires 1 github api request which helps with the github api rate restrictions, 60 p/hr anonymous, 5000 p/hr authorised, there is however a delay between updating a repo and those changes being reflected at, this can be 5-10mins
individual files can also be downloaded from, ( changes reflected immediately )${owner}/${repo}/contents/${path}
to use authorized requests with the github api, a http header needs to be added to the request
authorization : bearer ${token}
a github api token can be generated at : Fine-grained personal access tokens, you'll need to add the contents permission to the token
given a successful request this url will return a json object with the file data base64 encoded in the content field, such as
(async ()=>{
var owner = 'javascript-2020';
var repo = 'tmp';
var branch = 'main';
var path = 'myfile.js';
var token = '';
var headers = {};
headers = {authorization:`bearer ${token}`};
var url = `${owner}/${repo}/contents/${path}`;
var json = await fetch(url,{headers}).then(res=>res.json());
var txt = window.atob(json.content);
this structure can then be coupled with npm : jszip to create a zip file containing the files in the folder
<script type=module>
import jszip from '';
var owner = 'javascript-2020';
var repo = 'stackoverflow';
var branch = 'main';
var path = '';
if(path[0]=='/')path = path.slice(1);
if(path &&!='/')path += '/';
var file = `${path.split('/').filter(Boolean).at(-1)||repo}.zip`;
var zip = new jszip();
var url = `${owner}/${repo}/git/trees/${branch}?recursive=true`;
var json = await fetch(url).then(res=>res.json());
await Promise.all( item=>{
var fn = item.path.slice(path.length);
var url = `${owner}/${repo}/${branch}/${item.path}`;
var blob = await fetch(url).then(res=>res.blob());
var blob = await zip.generateAsync({type:'blob'});
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url; = file;;
for those wishing to do all this in nodejs, the following will write directly to disk
// download-repo-dir.node.mjs
import fs from 'fs';
var owner = 'javascript-2020';
var repo = 'stackoverflow';
var branch = 'main';
var path = '';
if(path[0]=='/')path = path.slice(1);
if(path && path.slice(-1)!='/')path += '/';
var file = `${path.split('/').filter(Boolean).at(-1)||repo}/`;
var url = `${owner}/${repo}/git/trees/${branch}?recursive=true`;
var json = await fetch(url).then(res=>res.json());
json.tree.forEach(async item=>{
var fn = item.path.slice(path.length);
var fh = fs.createWriteStream(file+fn);
var stream = new WritableStream({write:data=>fh.write(data)});
var url = `${owner}/${repo}/${branch}/${item.path}`;
to get jszip working in nodejs this seems to work
var sandbox = {};
sandbox.cjs = txt=>Promise.resolve(eval(`(()=>{var exports={},module={};${txt};return module.exports})()`));
var url = '';
var JSZip = await fetch(url).then(res=>res.text().then(sandbox.cjs));
there is also the node --experimental-network-imports
flag node.js : HTTPS and HTTP imports
import JSZip from '';
and then run with
node --experimental-network-imports --no-warnings .\test.node.mjs
not really to do with the question but i include a url to download an entire repo${owner}/${repo}/archive/refs/heads/${branch}.zip
find me in the stackoverflow javascript chat room if anything isnt working and ill update it
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 384234
git clone --filter
downloads only the required foldersE.g., to clone only objects required for subdirectory small/
of this repository: notably ignoring subdirectory big/
which contains large files, I can do:
git clone -n --depth=1 --filter=tree:0 \
cd test-git-partial-clone-big-small-no-bigtree
git sparse-checkout set --no-cone /small
git checkout
The --filter
option was added together with an update to the remote protocol, and it truly prevents objects from being downloaded from the server.
I have covered this in more detail at: How do I clone a subdirectory only of a Git repository?
Tested on git 2.30.0 on January 2021.
Upvotes: 53
Reputation: 19824
Update April 2021: there are a few tools created by the community that can do this for you:
Note: if you're trying to download a large number of files, you may need to provide a token to these tools to avoid rate limiting.
Original (manual) approach: Checking out an individual directory is not supported by Git natively, but GitHub can do this via Subversion (SVN). If you checkout your code with Subversion, GitHub will essentially convert the repository from Git to Subversion on the backend, and then serve up the requested directory.
Update November 2024: The Subversion support has been removed after January 8, 2024: The rest of this answer is outdated and describes the functionality in the past.
Here's how you can use this feature to download a specific folder. I'll use the popular JavaScript library Lodash as an example.
Navigate to the folder you want to download. Let's download /test
from master
Modify the URL for subversion. Replace tree/master
with trunk
Download the folder. Go to the command line and grab the folder with SVN.
svn checkout
You might not see any activity immediately because GitHub takes up to 30 seconds to convert larger repositories, so be patient.
Full URL format explanation:
- If you're interested in
branch, usetrunk
instead. So the full path istrunk/foldername
- If you're interested in
branch, usebranches/foo
instead. The full path looks likebranches/foo/foldername
- Pro tip: You can use
svn ls
to see available tags and branches before downloading if you wish
That's all! GitHub supports more Subversion features as well, including support for committing and pushing changes.
Upvotes: 1808
Reputation: 22206
You can directly download or create download link for any GitHub public directory or file from DownGit:
You may also configure properties of the downloaded file—detailed usage.
Disclaimer: I fell into the same problem as the question-asker and could not find any simple solution. So, I developed this tool for my own use first, and then opened it for everyone :)
Upvotes: 1159
Reputation: 175
github-dlr is a command line tool specifically created for this Job. Here is how it can be used:
github-dlr <github_path>
# Basic Example
More options on the README Of the project.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 155
I have developed a tool that might be exactly what you need:
Paste your GitHub folder link
Then you can easily download your GitHub folder
Give it a try and let me know how it works for you
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 2465
After so many annoying attempts I got this. This will allow you to download any directory/file from any branch/reference from any Git repository, to any target you want even if you are already on a Git repository, so this uses a combination of Git archive in case it is supported, but obviously GitHub does not support it, so it falls back to a smart Git clone that filters blobs, and then checks out. This creates a directory in a temporary directory and moves the files.
# Function to download specific files or directories from a Git repository without history
function download_from_git() {
local git_remote="$1"
local git_ref="$2"
local git_path="$3"
local target="$4"
# Create a temporary directory next to the current directory
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d temp-git-repo-XXXXXXXX)
# Attempt to download the specified file or directory using 'git archive'
if git archive --remote="$git_remote" "$git_ref" "$git_path" | tar -x -C "$temp_dir"; then
# Check if the git_path is a directory or a file
git_path_exists=$(ls -d "$temp_dir/$git_path" 2>/dev/null)
if [ -z "$git_path_exists" ]; then
echo "Error: The specified Git path does not exist in the repository."
return 1
if [ -d "$temp_dir/$git_path" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target"
mv "$temp_dir/$git_path/"* "$target/"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$target")"
mv "$temp_dir/$git_path" "$target"
# Clone the repository with the specified branch or ref in the temporary directory
git clone --depth 1 --branch "$git_ref" --filter=blob:none "$git_remote" "$temp_dir"
cd "$temp_dir"
git restore --source "$git_ref" -- "$git_path"
cd - > /dev/null
# Check if the git_path is a directory or a file
git_path_exists=$(ls -d "$temp_dir/$git_path" 2>/dev/null)
if [ -z "$git_path_exists" ]; then
echo "Error: The specified Git path does not exist in the repository."
return 1
if [ -d "$temp_dir/$git_path" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target"
mv "$temp_dir/$git_path/"* "$target/"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$target")"
mv "$temp_dir/$git_path" "$target"
# Clean up the temporary directory
rm -rf "$temp_dir"
download_from_git "" "master" "npm" "./node-modules/wasm-pack/"
in this case you might notice it fetches the last head instead of just these files, while it is possible to just fetch the last files it downloads way way slower! but in case you really want to just download the files, use:
git clone -n --depth 1 --filter=blob:none "$git_remote" "$temp_dir"
cd "$temp_dir"
# Set the sparse-checkout to only include the required directory
git sparse-checkout init --cone
echo "$git_path" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
# Download the required objects
git checkout "$git_ref" -- "$git_path"
Hopefully this saves time to someone.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 50248
There are a variety of ways to handle this, depending on whether or not you want to do this manually or programmatically.
There are four options summarized below. And for those that prefer a more hands-on explanation, I've put together a YouTube video: Download Individual Files and Folders from GitHub.
Also, I've posted a similar answer on Stack Overflow for those that need to download single files from GitHub (as opposed to folders).
1. GitHub User Interface
2. Third-party Tools
) and press the Download button.3. Subversion
svn export
, and press enter.4. GitHub API
. After replacing the placeholders, an example endpoint is:
. This gives you JSON data for all of the content that exists in that folder. The data has everything you need, including whether or not the content is a folder or file, a download URL if it's a file, and an API endpoint if it's a folder (so that you can get the data for that folder). Using this data, the script can recursively go through all content in the target folder, create folders for nested folders, and download all of the files for each folder. Check out DownGit's code for inspiration.Upvotes: 23
Reputation: 1603
Our team wrote a Bash script to do this, because we didn't want to have to install SVN on our bare-bones server.
It uses the GitHub API and can be run from the command line like this:
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 5703
I work with CentOS 7 servers on which I don't have root access, nor Git, SVN, etc. (nor want to!), so I made a Python script to download any GitHub folder:
Usage is simple, just copy the relevant part from a github project, let's say the project is, and you want a folder where some source files are only, then you need to do something like:
python "/MaxCDN/php-maxcdn/tree/master/src" /my/target/dir/
(will create target folder if doesn't exist)
It requires lxml library, can be installed with easy_install lxml
If you don't have root access (like me) you can create a
file into your $HOME
directory with these contents:
[install] user=1
And easy_install lxml
will just work (ref:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 7293
Get a token: by using the GitHub API, and JSZip, FileSaver.js libraries.
Step 1: Input the GitHub URL in the field at the top-right.
Step 2: Press Enter or click Download for downloading the ZIP file directly or click search for viewing the list of subfolders and files.
Step 3: Click the "Download Zip File" or "Get File" button to get the files.
In most cases, it works fine, except that the folder contains more than 1,000 files, because of the GitHub Trees API limitation (refers to GitHub API#Contents).
And it also can support private/public repositories and upgrade the rate limit, if you have a GitHub account and use the "get token" link on this site.
Upvotes: 696
Reputation: 2444
To export a directory from GitHub, replace "/tree/master/" in the directory's URL with "/trunk/".
For example, to export the directory from the following URL:
run the following command:
svn export
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 13181
There is nothing wrong with other answers, but I just thought I'd share step-by-step instructions for those wandering through this process for the first time.
~ To open Terminal just click spotlight and type terminal then hit Enter
BTW - If you are on Windows or some other platform, you can find a binary download of Subversion (SVN) at
~ If you want to checkout the folder rather than simply download it try using the SVN help (tldr: replace export with checkout)
Regarding the comment on resuming an interrupted download/checkout. I would try running svn cleanup
followed by svn update
. Please search Stack Overflow for additional options.
Upvotes: 35
Reputation: 124804
If you have Subversion (SVN), you can use svn export
to do this:
svn export
Notice the URL format:
appended at the endBefore you run svn export
, it's good to first verify the content of the directory with:
svn ls
Upvotes: 196
Reputation: 6905
Another specific example:
Like I want to download 'iOS Pro Geo' folder from the URL**tree/master**/%20Pro%20iOS%20Geo
and I can do so via
svn checkout
Note trunk in the path.
Yes, using export instead of checkout would give a clean copy without extra Git repository files.
svn export
If tree/master is not there in the URL, then fork it and it will be there in the forked URL.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 543
Whoever is working on a specific folder, he/she needs to clone that particular folder itself. To do so, please follow the below steps by using a sparse checkout.
Create a directory.
Initialize a Git repository (git init
Enable sparse checkouts. (git config core.sparsecheckout true
Tell Git which directories you want (echo 2015/brand/May(refer to folder you want to work on) >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
Add the remote (git remote add -f origin
Fetch the files (git pull origin master
Upvotes: 34
Reputation: 2181
If you need to do it programmatically and you don't want to rely on SVN, you can use GitHub API to download all the contents recursively.
For inspiration, here's my Ruby gist.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10621
If you want to download files, not clone the repository with history, you can do this with git-archive
makes a compressed ZIP or tar archive of a Git repository. Some things that make it special:
folder, or any untracked files in the repository it's run on.An example of creating an archive of the docs/usage
directory from a remote repository you're connected to with ssh:
# In a terminal
git archive --format tar --remote ssh:// HEAD docs/usage > /tmp/usage_docs.tar
More information in this blog post and the Git documentation.
GitHub doesn't allow git-archive
access. ☹️
Upvotes: 104
Reputation: 4164
If you truly just want to just "download" the folder and not "clone" it (for development), the easiest way to simply get a copy of the most recent version of the repository (and therefore a folder/file within it), without needing to clone the whole repository or even install Git in the first place, is to download a ZIP archive (for any repository, fork, branch, commit, etc.) by going to the desired repository/fork/branch/commit on GitHub (e.g. http(s)://<user>/<repo>/commit/<Sha1>
for a copy of the files as they were after a specific commit) and selecting the Downloads
button near the upper-right.
This archive format contains none of the git-repo magic, just the tracked files themselves (and perhaps a few .gitignore files if they were tracked, but you can ignore those :p)—that means that if the code changes and you want to stay on top, you'll have to manually redownload it, and it also means you won't be able to use it as a Git repository...
I am not sure if that's what you're looking for in this case (again, "download"/view vs "clone"/develop), but it can be useful nonetheless...
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 9766
You cannot; unlike Subversion (SVN), where each subdirectory can be checked out individually, Git operates on a whole-repository basis.
For projects where finer-grained access is necessary, you can use submodules—each submodule is a separate Git project, and thus can be cloned individually.
It is conceivable that a Git front-end (e.g., GitHub's web interface, or GitWeb) could choose to provide an interface for you to extract a given folder, but to my knowledge none of them do that (though they do let you download individual files, so if the folder does not contain too many files, that is an option)
GitHub actually offers access via SVN, which would allow you to do just this (as per comment). See Improved SVN is here to stay, and old SVN is going away for latest instructions on how to do this.
Upvotes: 25
Reputation: 7020
If the directory you want to download is a separated library, it's better to create an other Git repository, and then to use the Git submodule function.
Of course, you have to be the owner of the initial repository you want.
Upvotes: -9
Reputation: 421
For whatever reason, the svn
solution does not work for me, and since I have no need of svn
for anything else, it did not make sense to spend time trying to make it, so I looked for a simple solution using tools I already had. This script uses only curl
and awk
to download all files in a GitHub directory described as "/:user:repo/contents/:path"
The returned body of a call to the GitHub REST API
"GET /repos/:user:repo/contents/:path"
command returns an object that includes a "download_url"
link for each file in a directory.
This command-line script calls that REST API using curl
and sends the result through AWK, which filters out all but the "download_url" lines, erases quote marks and commas from the links, and then downloads the links using another call to curl.
curl -s | awk \
'/download_url/ { gsub("\"|,", "", $2); system("curl -O " $2); }'
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 1009
I have created a simple application that supports download directories, files, and repositories (Private/Public).
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1138
to the start of the GitHub URL: ( -> built this simple webpage that does this for you, so just:
to the start of the URL in the address barClicking on Download should zip just the contents of that directory and download them to your device.
Upvotes: 33
Reputation: 869
Download the Git repository folder to a current directory and delete Git files.
function download_git_folder() {
repo_folder=$(basename $repo_url)
git init
git remote add -f origin ${repo_url}
git config core.sparseCheckout true
echo "${repo_subfolder_path}" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
git pull origin ${branch}
mv "${repo_subfolder_path}"/* ./
readarray -td/ root_subfolder <<<"${repo_subfolder_path}"; declare -p root_subfolder;
rm -rf ./.git ${root_subfolder[0]}
download_git_folder "" "master" "Test/bar"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2039
After trying all the answers, the best solution for me was:
Go to any repository. (example:
Press . or replace .com
with .dev
in the URL to open the repository in GitHub's internal editor
In the Explorer pane (left side or press Ctrl+Shift+E), right-click on the required file/folder and select Download.
In the Select Folder dialog box, choose the directory on your disk under which you want the selected file/folder to exist.
I tried other solutions like in accepted answer but,
I don't want to install and learn SVN only for this.
Other tools like Download Directory, Refined GitHub, GitZip, DownGit either require API tokens or cannot download large directories.
Upvotes: 113
Reputation: 171
This answer is for a special case when you want a certain file from a repository.
A short answer can be found here. You should change the URL to this format:
To explain it simply, enter your desired URL from GitHub. Add raw before GitHub in the URL address, and delete the blob from the address. For example, suppose you want to grab the CSV file in this address:
You should change the URL to this one:
Upvotes: -2
Reputation: 609
To be unique, I must say you can also download GitHub folders without SVN, Git, or any API.
GitHub supports raw links, which you can exploit to download only those files and folders which you need.
I noticed many things. Below is my research collection:
Crawl all hyperlinks <a>
from webpage and get its href="value"
if an href value contains /tree/master/ or /tree/main/ then it is folder link: /tree/main/ GithubFolderDownloader
else if the href value contains /blob/master/ or /blob/main/ then it is a file link: /blob/main/ GithubFolderDownloader.sln
Afterwards, replace with and remove /blob/ from the file:
It would become a raw link. Now you can download it.
On the basis of above research, I created a minimalist tool in C# that can grab folders. graysuit/GithubFolderDownloader
Note: I am author. You can comment if any thing missing or unclear.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3316
This is how I do it with Git v2.25.0, and it was also tested with v2.26.2. This trick doesn't work with v2.30.1.
git clone --no-checkout --filter=tree:0
cd opencv
# Requires Git 2.25.x to 2.26.2
git sparse-checkout set data/haarcascades
You can use Docker to avoid installing a specific version of Git:
git clone --no-checkout --filter=tree:0
cd opencv
# Requires Git 2.25.x to 2.26.2
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/:/code/ --workdir=/code/ alpine/git:v2.26.2 sparse-checkout set data/haarcascades
# Bare minimum clone of OpenCV
git clone --no-checkout --filter=tree:0
Resolving deltas: 100% (529/529), done.
# Downloaded only ~7.3MB , takes ~3 seconds
# du = disk usage, -s = summary, -h = human-readable
du -sh opencv
7.3M opencv/
# Set target directory
cd opencv
git sparse-checkout set data/haarcascades
Updating files: 100% (17/17), done.
# Takes ~10 seconds, depending on your specifications
# View downloaded files
du -sh data/haarcascades/
9.4M data/haarcascades/
ls data/haarcascades/
haarcascade_eye.xml haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml haarcascade_licence_plate_rus_16stages.xml haarcascade_smile.xml
haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml haarcascade_lowerbody.xml haarcascade_upperbody.xml
haarcascade_frontalcatface.xml haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml haarcascade_profileface.xml
haarcascade_frontalcatface_extended.xml haarcascade_fullbody.xml haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml
haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml haarcascade_russian_plate_number.xml
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 169
Try it.
usage: gitd [-h] [-u URL] [-r] [-p] [--proxy PROXY]
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL GitHub URL, split by ",", example: "https://x, http://y"
-r, --raw Download from a raw URL
-p, --parse Download by parsing HTML
--proxy PROXY Proxy configuration. Example: "socks5://"
Upvotes: 3