Reputation: 1
Have been using modus-vivendi theme to which I add a bold font for everything for some time.
I would like to introduce a special customisation for comments, using normal weight, and having a keybinding that changes the contrast ratio between the comment colour and the background.
Had started writing a minor mode, but some have suggested the use of a derived mode, as the appropriate way to customise comments as described. Any examples I can use?
In the elisp manual I found define-derived-mode. As the new customisotion is for comments, I would surmise that a closely related mode to inherit would be prog-mode.
But I have no experience on how to go about successfully making a derived mode.
(defvar richkov-annotation-contrast 2
"Sets the colour contrast (against background) for comments.")
(defvar richkov-annotation-chroma
;; Using two Association Lists, each compased of a Chroma Intensity
;; Key (low, mid, high) associated with an RGB Hex-Code. Emacs
;; Minibuffer Command `M-x list-colors-display' lists colour names
;; and hex-codes.
'( (dark . ((low . "#8300E0") ; indigo (Blu:63% Red:37% Grn:0%)
(mid . "#AA33FF") ; indigo (Blu:54% Red:36% Grn:11%)
(high . "#C370FF"))) ; indigo (Blu:45% Red:35% Grn:20%)
(light . ((low . "#C16BFF") ; indigo (Blu:46% Red:35% Grn:19%)
(mid . "#AA33FF") ; indigo (Blu:54% Red:36% Grn:11%)
(high . "#8000DB"))) ) ; indigo (Blu:63% Red:37% Grn:0%)
"Colour contrast for comments, indigo on dark and light background.")
(defun richkov-annotation-font-weight ()
"Use normal weight typeface for comments."
(set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil :weight 'normal))
(princ "Weight: ")
(princ (face-attribute 'default :weight))
(defun richkov-annotation-typeface (chroma)
"Set the foreground colour for comments.
CHROMA Intensity Key used for setting colour of comments ."
(message "richkov-annotation-typeface ")
(let* ( (colors richkov-annotation-chroma)
(alist-get (frame-parameter nil 'background-mode) colors)) )
;; make comment colour change buffer-local
(face-remap-add-relative 'font-lock-comment-face
`(:foreground ,(alist-get chroma levels)))
(message "richkov-annotation: %s contrast" chroma)) )
(defun richkov-annotation-sweep ()
"Cycles through the colour chroma for comments.
Colours are determined by `richkov-annotation'."
(pcase richkov-annotation-contrast
(richkov-annotation-typeface 'low)
(setq richkov-annotation-contrast 2))
(richkov-annotation-typeface 'mid)
(setq richkov-annotation-contrast 3))
(richkov-annotation-typeface 'high)
(setq richkov-annotation-contrast 1)) ))
(defun richkov-annotation-low-contrast ()
(when richkov-minor-mode
(richkov-annotation-typeface 'low)))
(defun richkov-annotation-keytrigger ()
"Key trigger for rapid execution of richkov commands"
(global-set-key (kbd "H-;") #'richkov-annotation-sweep))
(defun richkov-annotation-tools ()
"Aggregates annotation tools for comments."
(define-minor-mode richkov-minor-mode
"Colour Brace Marks according to their depth."
:lighter "richkov" ; indicator in mode-line
(font-lock-remove-keywords nil richkov-font-lock)
(set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil
:weight (face-attribute 'default :weight))
(when richkov-minor-mode
(font-lock-add-keywords nil richkov-font-lock 'append)
(set (make-local-variable 'jit-lock-contextually) t)
(when font-lock-mode
(if (fboundp 'font-lock-flush)
(with-no-warnings (font-lock-fontify-buffer)) )) )
(defun richkov-minor-mode-enable ()
"Enable `richkov-minor-mode'."
(richkov-minor-mode 1))
(defun richkov-minor-mode-disable ()
"Disable `richkov-minor-mode'."
(richkov-minor-mode 0))
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