Reputation: 23
I am trying to work on a for loop to make running a function I've developed more efficient. However, when I put it in a for loop, it is overwriting columns that it should not be and returning incorrect results.
Edit: The error is that in the resulting dataframe MiSeq_Bord_Outliers_table0, the resulting columns containing label Outlier_type is returning incorrect outputs.
As per the Outlier_Hunter function, when Avg_Trim_Cov and S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed are below their
respective Q1 Thresholds their respective Outlier_type columns should read "Lower_Outlier", if between Q1 & Q3 Threshold, "Normal" and if above Q3 Threshold then "Upper_outlier". But when the for loop is executed, only "Upper_outlier" is shown in the Outlier_type columns.
Edit: The inputs have been simplified and tested on the different computer with a clean console. If there were any artifacts there before, they should have been eliminated now, and there should be no errors here now. It is important to run the outlier_results_1var part first. If you test run this code and get errors, please let me know which part failed.
Edit: MiSeq_Bord_Outliers_table0_error is the error that is being reproduced. This is the error result, not an input.
Can someone please tell me why is it returning these incorrect results and what I can do to fix it? I will upload the relevant code below. Or is there another way to do this without a for loop?
#libraries used
#2.) Outlier_Hunter Function
#Function to Generate the Outlier table
#Outlier Hunter function takes 4 arguments: the dataset, column/variable of interest,
#Q1 and Q3. Q1 and Q3 are stored in the results of Quartile_Hunter.
#Input ex: MiSeq_Bord_final_report0, Avg_Trim_Cov, MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles_ATC$First_Quartile[1], MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles_ATC$Third_Quartile[1]
#Usage ex: Outlier_Hunter(MiSeq_Bord_final_report0, Avg_Trim_Cov,
#MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles_ATC$First_Quartile[1], MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles_ATC$Third_Quartile[1])
#Here is the Function to get the Outlier Table
Outlier_Hunter <- function(Platform_Genus_final_report0, my_col, Q1, Q3) {
#set up and generalize the variable name you want to work with
varname <- enquo(my_col)
#print(varname) #just to see what variable the function is working with
#get the outliers
Platform_Genus_Variable_Outliers <- Platform_Genus_final_report0 %>%
select(ReadID, Platform, Genus, !!varname) %>%
#Tell if it is an outlier, and if so, what kind of outlier
Q1_Threshold = Q1,
Q3_Threshold = Q3,
Outlier_type =
!!varname < Q1_Threshold ~ "Lower_Outlier",
!!varname >= Q1_Threshold & !!varname <= Q3_Threshold ~ "Normal",
!!varname > Q3_Threshold ~ "Upper_Outlier"
#MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles entries
MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = c("Avg_Trim_Cov", "S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed"),
Platform = c("MiSeq", "MiSeq"),
Genus = c("Bord", "Bord"),
Min = c(0.03, 295),
First_Quartile = c(80.08, 687613.25),
Median = c(97.085, 818806.5),
Third_Quartile = c(121.5625, 988173.75),
Max = c(327.76, 2836438)
#Remove the hashtag below to test if what you have is correct
#datapasta::df_paste(head(MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles, 5))
#dataset entry
MiSeq_Bord_final_report0 <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
ReadID = c("A005_20160223_S11_L001","A050_20210122_S6_L001",
Platform = c("MiSeq","MiSeq",
Genus = c("Bordetella",
Avg_Raw_Read_bp = c(232.85,241.09,
Avg_Trimmed_Read_bp = c(204.32,232.6,
Avg_Trim_Cov = c(72.04,101.05,
Genome_Size_Mb = c(4.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1),
S1_Input_reads = c(1450010L,
S1_Contaminant_reads = c(12220L,6974L,
S1_Total_reads_removed = c(12220L,6974L,
S1_Result_reads = c(1437790L,
S2_Read_Pairs_Written = c(712776L,882301L,
S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed = c(718895L,889616L,
#Execution for 1 variable
outlier_results_1var <- Outlier_Hunter(MiSeq_Bord_final_report0, Avg_Trim_Cov,
MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles$First_Quartile[1], MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles$Third_Quartile[1])
#Now do it with a for loop
col_var_outliers <- row.names(MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles)
#col_var_outliers <- c("Avg_Trim_Cov", "S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed")
#change line above to change input of variables few into Outlier Hunter Function
outlier_list_MiSeq_Bord <- list()
for (y in col_var_outliers) {
outlier_results0 <- Outlier_Hunter(MiSeq_Bord_final_report0, y, MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles[y, "First_Quartile"], MiSeq_Bord_Quartiles[y, "Third_Quartile"])
outlier_results1 <- outlier_results0
colnames(outlier_results1)[5:7] <- paste0(y, "_", colnames(outlier_results1[, c(5:7)]), sep = "")
outlier_list_MiSeq_Bord[[y]] <- outlier_results1
MiSeq_Bord_Outliers_table0 <- reduce(outlier_list_MiSeq_Bord, left_join, by = c("ReadID", "Platform", "Genus"))
#the columns containing label Outlier_type is where the code goes wrong.
#When Avg_Trim_Cov and S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed are below their
#respective Q1 Thresholds their respective Outlier_type columns should read
#"Lower_Outlier", if between Q1 & Q3 Threshold, "Normal" and if above Q3
#Threshold then "Upper_outlier". But when the for loop is executed, only
"Upper_outlier" is shown in the Outlier_type columns.
datapasta::df_paste(head(MiSeq_Bord_Outliers_table0, 5))
MiSeq_Bord_Outliers_table0_error <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
ReadID = c("A005_20160223_S11_L001",
Platform = c("MiSeq",
Genus = c("Bordetella","Bordetella","Bordetella",
Avg_Trim_Cov = c(72.04,
Avg_Trim_Cov_Q1_Threshold = c(80.08,
Avg_Trim_Cov_Q3_Threshold = c(121.5625,
Avg_Trim_Cov_Outlier_type = c("Upper_Outlier","Upper_Outlier",
S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed = c(718895L,
S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed_Q1_Threshold = c(687613.25,
S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed_Q3_Threshold = c(988173.75,
S2_Total_Read_Pairs_Processed_Outlier_type = c("Upper_Outlier","Upper_Outlier",
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Views: 296
Reputation: 11878
For use in a loop like you do, it would be more useful to write your Outlier_Hunter()
function to take the target column as a character string rather than an expression.
To do that, try replacing all instances of !!varname
in your function with .data[[my_col]]
, and remove the enquo()
line altogether.
Note that with these changes, you also need to change how you call the function when you don't have the column name in a variable. For example, your single execution would become:
For more info about programming with tidy evaluation functions, you may find this rlang vignette useful.
Upvotes: 1