Ahsan Khan
Ahsan Khan

Reputation: 271

Flutter | upload large file in chunks using dio package

I saw this package https://pub.dev/packages/chunked_uploader but not clear how to upload large files in chunks. My file size is 100MB. I'm using Dio for posting the files to the server and the filePicker plugin to pick multiple files. Please help how to do this upload multiple large files in chunks. thanks in advance.

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Views: 3273

Answers (1)

parmeet yash
parmeet yash

Reputation: 11

Here is good solution that can used to upload data chunked.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:universal_io/io.dart';

class ChunkedUploader {
  final Dio _dio;

  const ChunkedUploader(this._dio);

  Future<Response?> upload({
    required Stream<List<int>> fileDataStream,
    required String fileName,
    required int fileSize,
    required String path,
    Map<String, dynamic>? data,
    CancelToken? cancelToken,
    int? maxChunkSize,
    Function(double)? onUploadProgress,
    ChunkHeadersCallback? headersCallback,
    String method = 'POST',
    String fileKey = 'file',
  }) =>
        fileDataStream: fileDataStream,
        fileName: fileName,
        fileSize: fileSize,
        path: path,
        fileKey: fileKey,
        method: method,
        data: data,
        cancelToken: cancelToken,
        maxChunkSize: maxChunkSize,
        onUploadProgress: onUploadProgress,
        headersCallback: headersCallback,

  Future<Response?> uploadUsingFilePath({
    required String filePath,
    required String fileName,
    required String path,
    Map<String, dynamic>? data,
    CancelToken? cancelToken,
    int? maxChunkSize,
    Function(double)? onUploadProgress,
    ChunkHeadersCallback? headersCallback,
    String method = 'POST',
    String fileKey = 'file',
  }) =>
        filePath: filePath,
        fileName: fileName,
        path: path,
        fileKey: fileKey,
        method: method,
        data: data,
        cancelToken: cancelToken,
        maxChunkSize: maxChunkSize,
        onUploadProgress: onUploadProgress,
        headersCallback: headersCallback,

class _Uploader {
  final Dio dio;
  late final int fileSize;
  late final ChunkedStreamReader<int> streamReader;
  final String fileName, path, fileKey;
  final String? method;
  final Map<String, dynamic>? data;
  final CancelToken? cancelToken;
  final Function(double)? onUploadProgress;
  late int _maxChunkSize;
  final ChunkHeadersCallback _headersCallback;

    this.dio, {
    required Stream<List<int>> fileDataStream,
    required this.fileName,
    required this.fileSize,
    required this.path,
    required this.fileKey,
    ChunkHeadersCallback? headersCallback,
    int? maxChunkSize,
  })  : streamReader = ChunkedStreamReader(fileDataStream),
        _maxChunkSize = min(fileSize, maxChunkSize ?? fileSize),
        _headersCallback = headersCallback ?? _defaultHeadersCallback;

    this.dio, {
    required String filePath,
    required this.fileName,
    required this.path,
    required this.fileKey,
    ChunkHeadersCallback? headersCallback,
    int? maxChunkSize,
  }) : _headersCallback = headersCallback ?? _defaultHeadersCallback {
    final file = File(filePath);
    streamReader = ChunkedStreamReader(file.openRead());
    fileSize = file.lengthSync();
    _maxChunkSize = min(fileSize, maxChunkSize ?? fileSize);

  Future<Response?> upload() async {
    try {
      Response? finalResponse;
      for (int i = 0; i < _chunksCount; i++) {
        final start = _getChunkStart(i);
        final end = _getChunkEnd(i);
        final chunkStream = _getChunkStream();
        final formData = FormData.fromMap({
          fileKey: MultipartFile(chunkStream, end - start, filename: fileName),
          if (data != null) ...data!
        finalResponse = await dio.request(
          data: formData,
          cancelToken: cancelToken,
          options: Options(
            method: method,
            headers: _headersCallback(start, end, fileSize),
          onSendProgress: (current, total) =>
              _updateProgress(i, current, total),
      return finalResponse;
    } catch (_) {
    } finally {

  Stream<List<int>> _getChunkStream() => streamReader.readStream(_maxChunkSize);

  // Updating total upload progress
  void _updateProgress(int chunkIndex, int chunkCurrent, int chunkTotal) {
    int totalUploadedSize = (chunkIndex * _maxChunkSize) + chunkCurrent;
    double totalUploadProgress = totalUploadedSize / fileSize;

  // Returning start byte offset of current chunk
  int _getChunkStart(int chunkIndex) => chunkIndex * _maxChunkSize;

  // Returning end byte offset of current chunk
  int _getChunkEnd(int chunkIndex) =>
      min((chunkIndex + 1) * _maxChunkSize, fileSize);

  // Returning chunks count based on file size and maximum chunk size
  int get _chunksCount => (fileSize / _maxChunkSize).ceil();

typedef ChunkHeadersCallback = Map<String, dynamic> Function(
    int start, int end, int fileSize);

// Based on RFC 7233 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233#section-2)
final ChunkHeadersCallback _defaultHeadersCallback =
    (int start, int end, int fileSize) =>
        {'Content-Range': 'bytes $start-${end - 1}/$fileSize'};

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