Reputation: 83
I need to determine which sorting algorithm would be the best for my situation. I am running a tournament for 16 people, and each tournament, every person earns a certain number of points.
These 16 people are grouped into four teams of four, and their averages should ideally be as close together as possible (to make the fairest teams).
I am not sure which sorting algorithm would be best for this. I have tried this with a greedy bin packing algorithm, which did not produce optimal teams. I have also read that this might be a knapsack or cutting stock problem. From what I have read, I believe the new algorithm would ideally use offline sorting. If anybody knows what algorithm would be best for my situation, please let me know. My code is below:
from typing import List
import binpacking
import numpy as np
import math
levels = np.genfromtxt('points.txt', dtype = 'float')
players = np.genfromtxt('players.txt', dtype = 'str')
playerLevels = zip(players, levels)
playerLevelsList = list(playerLevels)
averageLevels = sum(levels)/len(levels)
print('Average points are', averageLevels)
bins = binpacking.to_constant_bin_number(playerLevelsList, 4, 1)
a, b, c, d = [ [individualArray] for individualArray in bins]
a = a[0]
b = b[0]
c = c[0]
d = d[0]
a1 = a[1]
b1 = b[1]
c1 = c[1]
d1 = d[1]
team1 = list(zip(*a))
team2 = list(zip(*b))
team3 = list(zip(*c))
team4 = list(zip(*d))
points1 = round(sum(team1[1])/4, 2)
points2 = round(sum(team2[1])/4, 2)
points3 = round(sum(team3[1])/4, 2)
points4 = round(sum(team4[1])/4, 2)
stdev1 = math.trunc(np.std(team1[1]))
stdev2 = math.trunc(np.std(team2[1]))
stdev3 = math.trunc(np.std(team3[1]))
stdev4 = math.trunc(np.std(team4[1]))
print('Team 1 is', team1[0])
print('Team 2 is', team2[0])
print('Team 3 is', team3[0])
print('Team 4 is', team4[0])
print('Team 1 Average is', points1, 'with a standard deviation of', stdev1)
print('Team 2 Average is', points2, 'with a standard deviation of', stdev2)
print('Team 3 Average is', points3, 'with a standard deviation of', stdev3)
print('Team 4 Average is', points4, 'with a standard deviation of', stdev4)```
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1318
Reputation: 15504
Brute-force solution using the partition algorithm from this related question: Producing all groups of fixed-length combinations:
from itertools import combinations # to generate teamups
from heapq import nsmallest # to select best teamups
# generating all teamups
def partitions(s, r):
Generate partitions of the iterable `s` into subsets of size `r`.
>>> list(partitions(set(range(4)), 2))
[((0, 1), (2, 3)), ((0, 2), (1, 3)), ((0, 3), (1, 2))]
s = set(s)
assert(len(s) % r == 0)
if len(s) == 0:
yield ()
first = next(iter(s))
rest = s.difference((first,))
for c in combinations(rest, r - 1):
first_subset = (first,) + c
for p in partitions(rest.difference(c), r):
yield (first_subset,) + p
# ranking measure for a given teamup
def closeness_measure(teamup):
sums = [sum(team) for team in teamup]
return max(sums) - min(sums) # score of strongest team minus score of weakest team
players = [5.27, 83.88, 60.5 , 97.37, 71.23, 12.74, 3.41, 40.21,
13.14, 45.54, 24.1 , 98.24, 29.14, 12.49, 4.52, 20.06]
best_5_teamups = nsmallest(5, partitions(players, 4), key=closeness_measure)
# [((97.37, 5.27, 24.1, 29.14), (98.24, 4.52, 40.21, 12.49), (3.41, 71.23, 20.06, 60.5), (13.14, 83.88, 12.74, 45.54)),
# ((97.37, 5.27, 12.49, 40.21), (98.24, 4.52, 24.1, 29.14), (3.41, 71.23, 20.06, 60.5), (13.14, 83.88, 12.74, 45.54)),
# ((97.37, 5.27, 24.1, 29.14), (98.24, 4.52, 40.21, 12.74), (3.41, 71.23, 20.06, 60.5), (13.14, 83.88, 12.49, 45.54)),
# ((97.37, 5.27, 12.74, 40.21), (98.24, 4.52, 24.1, 29.14), (3.41, 71.23, 20.06, 60.5), (13.14, 83.88, 12.49, 45.54)),
# ((97.37, 4.52, 24.1, 29.14), (98.24, 5.27, 40.21, 12.49), (3.41, 71.23, 20.06, 60.5), (13.14, 83.88, 12.74, 45.54))]
Useful documentation:
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Reputation: 5409
This is a variant of the balanced number partitioning problem, so is NP-hard to solve exactly. However, your constraints are small enough that you can test all possible divisions into teams: there are 16! / (4!)^5
such divisions, which is less than 3 million.
You also need to define your closeness metric. Some possibilities are 'minimize the largest average', 'maximize the smallest average', standard deviation, 'minimize the difference between maximum and minimum average', etc. When there are 3 or more teams, these metrics are not equivalent, so will give different results on certain inputs.
player_list = [3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 13, 17, 18, 19, 19, 22, 22, 22, 24, 28]
def closeness_measure(number_list):
"""Given a list of numbers, output a non-negative 'closeness'
according to some metric, with smaller numbers for 'closer' sets"""
# Minimizing the maximum
return max(number_list)
# Standard dev
# return statistics.stdev(number_list)
def find_best_packing(values, number_of_bins: int, size_per_bin: int, func_to_minimize):
"""Given a list of values to distribute into a fixed number
of bins of uniform cardinality, return a packing that minimizes
the given closeness measure.
Works by testing all combinations,
so run-time increases at least exponentially in len(values)
n = len(values)
if number_of_bins < 1:
raise ValueError('Must have positive bin count')
if size_per_bin < 1:
raise ValueError('Must have positive bin size')
if number_of_bins * size_per_bin != n:
raise ValueError('Must provide number_of_bins * size_per_bin values')
def evaluate_func_on_packing(packing):
return func_to_minimize([sum((values[x] for x in value_bin)) / size_per_bin
for value_bin in packing])
if number_of_bins == 1:
return [list(values)]
if size_per_bin == 1:
return [[x] for x in values]
# arbitrary starting packing
best_packing = [list(range(i, i + size_per_bin))
for i in range(0, n - size_per_bin, size_per_bin)]
best_packing_value = evaluate_func_on_packing(best_packing)
def update_best_if_necessary(candidate_packing):
nonlocal best_packing, best_packing_value
candidate_value = evaluate_func_on_packing(candidate_packing)
if candidate_value < best_packing_value:
best_packing = candidate_packing[:]
best_packing_value = candidate_value
def complete_packing(available_people: Set[int], current_packing) -> None:
if len(available_people) == 0:
smallest = min(available_people)
new_candidates = sorted(available_people)
for combination in itertools.combinations(new_candidates, size_per_bin - 1):
+ [[smallest] + list(combination)])
complete_packing(available_people=set(range(n)), current_packing=[])
return (best_packing, best_packing_value)
best_packing, best_value = find_best_packing(values=player_list,
print([[player_list[y] for y in value_bin] for value_bin in best_packing])
print([sum(value_bin) / 4 for value_bin in best_packing])
For example, using the 'minimize the maximum sum' metric:
player_list = [3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 13, 17, 18, 19, 19, 22, 22, 22, 24, 28]
best_packing = [[3, 7, 24, 28],
[4, 17, 19, 22],
[5, 13, 22, 22],
[12, 13, 18, 19]]
averages = [8.0, 7.0, 8.0, 7.0]
Using this recursive method, you can certainly find the exact answer for your constraints on a single input set (runs in under 10s on my laptop), using negligible memory.
There are two main ways to improve this:
Upvotes: 3