Reputation: 1965
Original Question:
I'm attempting to create a drilldown plot in highcharter that uses boxplots.
The goal here is to start with boxplots on a monthly timescale. The process is as follows:
A couple things to note, I've modified the data_to_boxplot
function in two ways. First by adding the ability to show no. of observations in get_box_values
. Second, I've added a drilldown field in data_to_boxplot
that corresponds to the name of the series. Which is used in hc_drilldown
# Helper functions
group_by_timescale = function(x,unit="day") {
if (unit=="month") {
lubridate::rollback(x, roll_to_first = TRUE)
} else if (unit=="week") {
floor_date(x, "week", week_start = 1)+6
} else if (unit=="day") {
get_box_values <- function(x) {
boxplot.stats(x)$stats %>%
t() %>%
cbind(boxplot.stats(x)$n) %>% %>%
setNames(c("low", "q1", "median", "q3", "high", "obs"))
get_outliers_values <- function(x) {
# Modified highcharter function
data_to_boxplot_2 = function (data, variable, group_var = NULL, group_var2 = NULL, add_outliers = FALSE, ...) {
stopifnot(, !missing(variable))
# browser()
dx <- data %>%
transmute(`:=`(x, {
if (!missing(group_var)) {
dg <- data %>% select({
else {
dg <- data.frame(rep(0, nrow(dx)))
if (!missing(group_var2)) {
dg2 <- data %>% select({
else {
dg2 <- data.frame(rep(NA, nrow(dx)))
dg <- dg %>% setNames("name")
dg2 <- dg2 %>% setNames("series")
dat <- bind_cols(dx, dg, dg2)
dat1 <- dat %>%
group_by(series, name) %>%
summarise(data = list(get_box_values(x)),.groups = "drop") %>%
unnest(cols = data) %>%
mutate(drilldown = name) %>% # add drilldown name to series
group_nest(series) %>%
mutate(data = map(data, list_parse)) %>%
rename(name = series) %>%
mutate(id = name) %>%
mutate(type = "boxplot", ...)
if (add_outliers) {
dat2 <- dat %>%
mutate(name = as.numeric(factor(name)) - 1) %>%
group_by(series, name) %>%
summarise(y = list(get_outliers_values(x)),.groups = "drop") %>%
unnest(cols = y) %>%
rename(x = name) %>%
group_nest(series) %>%
mutate(data = map(data, list_parse)) %>%
rename(linkedTo = series) %>%
mutate(type = "scatter", showInLegend = FALSE, ...)
dout <- bind_rows(dat1, dat2)
else {
dout <- dat1
# Sample data
dates = sort(rep(seq.Date(from = as_date("2021-01-01"), to = as_date("2021-12-31"), by = "day"),15))
data = data.table(
day = dates,
values = floor(runif(length(dates), 0, 1000))
data[, `:=` (
weeks = group_by_timescale(day, "week"),
months = group_by_timescale(day, "month")
# Create Boxplot series
month_dt = data_to_boxplot_2(data, variable = values, group_var = months, name = "month")
week_dt = data_to_boxplot_2(data, variable = values, group_var = weeks, group_var2 = months, name = "week")
day_dt = data_to_boxplot_2(data, variable = values, group_var = day, group_var2 = weeks, name = "day")
# Drilldown HC plot
hc <- highchart() %>%
hc_title(text = "Basic drilldown") %>%
hc_xAxis(type = "category") %>%
hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
hc_plotOptions(series = list(borderWidth = 0,dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE))) %>%
hc_add_series_list(month_dt) %>%
hc_drilldown(allowPointDrilldown = TRUE,
series = list(week_dt, day_dt))
Below is an image of the plot output. The x-axis values, when clicked, should result in a new boxplot but nothing happens. I'm suspect that it has to do with how my data is grouped but not sure. Any help on this would be great! Thanks
I'm still a bit new to R so my explanation may unintentionally omit details. After tinkering around, I've discovered that hc_drilldown(series)
expects an array of series configurations that are in the highcharts series option. When using the data_to_boxplot
function the output is a tibble with a nested list. So in order to add the drill down series to hc_drilldown. The tibble needs to be parsed to a list. Using highcharter::list_parse2
removes all names and I need to keep the name values in the series like "name", "id" etc.
I created a function to output a hc drilldown box plot for n number of drilldown series. In my example I ended up using rlist::list.parse(series) %>% setNames(NULL)
since that only removes the top level names in the list, but pretty sure highcharter::list_parse
will work as well now that I think about it (thanks @Kat). Then, all I needed to do was append the lists using c()
in hc_drilldown. One thing to note, the values in the drilldown columns used need to be unique i.e. have unique "ids" otherwise it's possible that clicking on the first series drilldown can bypass the middle levels and go directly to the most granular series. In my example below, clicking on Monthly "2021-08-01" will bypass the weeks in August and go to the day drilldown series.
# Helper functions
group_by_timescale = function(x,unit="day") {
if (unit=="month") {
lubridate::rollback(x, roll_to_first = TRUE)
} else if (unit=="week") {
floor_date(x, "week", week_start = 1)+6
} else if (unit=="day") {
get_box_values <- function(x) {
boxplot.stats(x)$stats %>%
t() %>%
cbind(boxplot.stats(x)$n) %>% %>%
setNames(c("low", "q1", "median", "q3", "high", "obs"))
get_outliers_values <- function(x) {
# Modified HC function
data_to_boxplot_2 = function (data, variable, group_var = NULL, group_var2 = NULL,
drilldown = FALSE, add_outliers = FALSE, ...) {
stopifnot(, !missing(variable))
# browser()
dx <- data %>%
transmute(`:=`(x, {
if (!missing(group_var)) {
dg <- data %>% select({
else {
dg <- data.frame(rep(0, nrow(dx)))
if (!missing(group_var2)) {
dg2 <- data %>% select({
else {
dg2 <- data.frame(rep(NA, nrow(dx)))
dg <- dg %>% setNames("name")
dg2 <- dg2 %>% setNames("series")
dat <- bind_cols(dx, dg, dg2)
dat1 <- dat %>%
group_by(series, name) %>%
summarise(data = list(get_box_values(x)),.groups = "drop") %>%
unnest(cols = data)
if(drilldown) {
dat1 <- dat1 %>%
mutate(drilldown = name)
dat1 <- dat1 %>%
group_nest(series) %>%
mutate(data = map(data, list_parse)) %>%
rename(name = series) %>%
mutate(id = name) %>%
mutate(type = "boxplot", ...)
if (add_outliers) {
dat2 <- dat %>%
mutate(name = as.numeric(factor(name)) - 1) %>%
group_by(series, name) %>%
summarise(y = list(get_outliers_values(x)),.groups = "drop") %>%
unnest(cols = y) %>%
rename(x = name) %>%
group_nest(series) %>%
mutate(data = map(data, list_parse)) %>%
rename(linkedTo = series) %>%
mutate(type = "scatter", showInLegend = FALSE, ...)
dout <- bind_rows(dat1, dat2)
else {
dout <- dat1
# Sample data
dates = sort(rep(seq.Date(from = as_date("2021-01-01"), to = as_date("2021-12-31"), by = "day"),15))
data = data.table(
day = dates,
values = floor(runif(length(dates), 0, 1000))
data[, `:=` (
weeks = group_by_timescale(day, "week"),
months = group_by_timescale(day, "month")
# vector indicating the relationship between each drilldown series
# the first position is the top level
groups = c("months", "weeks", "day")
# create hc drilldown boxplot
drilldown_boxplot = function(dt, var, dd_groups, parent_name = "Monthly") {
dd_size = length(dd_groups)
all_dd = list()
# create boxplot series lists
for (idx in 1:dd_size) {
if (idx == 1) {
all_dd[[idx]] = data_to_boxplot_2(dt, variable = get(var), group_var = dd_groups[idx],
drilldown = TRUE, name = parent_name)
} else if (idx == length(dd_groups)) {
all_dd[[idx]] = data_to_boxplot_2(dt, variable = get(var), group_var = dd_groups[idx],
group_var2 = dd_groups[idx-1])
} else {
all_dd[[idx]] = data_to_boxplot_2(dt, variable = get(var), group_var = dd_groups[idx],
group_var2 = dd_groups[idx-1], drilldown = TRUE)
parent_series = all_dd[[1]]
child_series = tail(all_dd, dd_size-1)
child_series_exp = c()
# parse lists to be readable in hc_drilldown
for (i in 1:length(child_series)) {
s = rlist::list.parse(child_series[[i]]) %>% setNames(NULL)
child_series_exp = c(child_series_exp, s)
# create hc drilldown boxplot
hc = highchart() %>%
hc_xAxis(type = "category") %>%
hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
hc_plotOptions(series = list(borderWidth = 0, dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE))) %>%
hc_add_series_list(parent_series) %>%
hc_drilldown(allowPointDrilldown = TRUE,
series = child_series_exp)
drilldown_boxplot(data, "values", groups)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 223
Reputation: 18754
I just missed that the data was present, sorry about that. You did provide a lot of content.
I am able to get your first drill-down to weeks, but another level to days. I actually haven't been able to find any examples of that level either. I find that to be odd. I know that my days of working with PowerBI had multiple-level drill-downs. If it's possible in HC, I haven't figured it out.
You only need to modify your call to hc_drilldown
hc_drilldown(allowPointDrilldown = TRUE,
series = list_parse(week_dt))
The entire call to create hc
# Drilldown HC plot
(hc <- highchart() %>%
hc_title(text = "Basic drilldown") %>%
hc_xAxis(type = "category") %>%
hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
hc_plotOptions(series = list(borderWidth = 0,
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE))) %>%
hc_add_series_list(month_dt) %>%
hc_drilldown(allowPointDrilldown = TRUE,
series = list_parse(week_dt))
I feel like there has to be a way to add another drill-down level. If I figure it out, I will edit my answer.
Based on the comments had back and forth, this is how I changed the attributes: drill-downs, ids, and names to try to get highcharter
to recognize the third-level depth. This won't necessarily work as it is, because I think the structure of the data changed in your updated question (solution?). Gah, you know what I mean.
Before the object week_dt
was created, I added data[, "weeks" := lubridate::week(weeks)]
to change the id's of the nested weeks' content to be the week number.
After the months_dt
, weeks_dt
, and day_dt
were created I changed the attributes.
In months_dt
I changed the attribute drilldown
to the month label. When m2 is created, it's just a list of months, that I use afterwards. I used the <<-
within the code to change months_dt
m2 <- lapply(1:length(month_dt$data[[1]]),
val <- month_dt$data[[1]][[x]][[8]]
month_dt$data[[1]][[x]][[8]] <<- lubridate::month(val,
label = T) %>%
Then used m2
to make the attribute drilldown
in months_dt
match the name
and id
of each week group that's attached to a specific month group (not the nested weeks' data).
week_dt$id <- unlist(m2)
week_dt$name <- unlist(m2)
I changed the grouping names of the object days_dt
to match the drilldown
within the weeks, which is 1:52 weeks in a year. Since the id
already carries this information, I used it.
day_dt$name <- day_dt$id
Then when that still didn't create a relationship that would generate the third-level drill-down (which you have working now), I removed the drilldown
attribute from day_dt.
function(x) {
day_dt$data[[x]][[y]][8] <<- NULL
This didn't actually work as I had hoped, so I didn't include it originally. Perhaps the week numbers needed to be character fields, between drilldown
and name
? It didn't seem likely since both date-type and character-type worked for the between months and weeks.
Upvotes: 1