Reputation: 1
I am trying to plot a column I created from the original data set called "Daily Changes" but this is not working and I do not know why. I created "Daily Changes" using a loop in #2. #3 is how I am trying to plot this.
pacman::p_load(dplyr, fpp3, GGally, tsibbledata)
AMZN_2018 <- gafa_stock %>%
filter(Date >= "2018-01-01" & Date <= "2018-12-31" & Symbol == "AMZN")
AMZN_2018 %>%
group_by(Symbol) %>%
arrange(Date) %>%
mutate("Daily Changes" = Close - lag(Close, default = first(Close)))
AMZN_Plot <- autoplot("Daily Changes") + ylab("Daily Change") + xlab("Date") +
ggtitle("Daily AMZN Stock Change 2018")
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Views: 42
Reputation: 96
It looks like your step 2 is just outputting, not assigning the output back to anything. Try using the assignment pipe operator, %<>%
instead of %>%
in the first part of the pipe. As @zephryl notes, you'll also need the {magrittr}
AMZN_2018 %<>%
group_by(Symbol) %>%
arrange(Date) %>%
mutate("Daily Changes" = Close - lag(Close, default = first(Close)))
Upvotes: 2