Reputation: 4315
I need a tool bar with a gradient, but I want normal buttons without a hot track. I do as a TToolBar class do:
My code:
procedure TForm7.ToolBar1CustomDraw(Sender: TToolBar; const ARect: TRect;
var DefaultDraw: Boolean);
GradientFillCanvas(sender.Canvas, clWindow, $00D6D6D6, ARect, gdVertical); //a GraphUtil unit
Tool bar's function from a ComCtrls
function TToolBar.GradientDrawToolBar(const ARect: TRect): Boolean;
Result := True;
if gdoGradient in GradientDrawingOptions then
GradientFillCanvas(Canvas, FGradientStartColor, FGradientEndColor,
ARect, GradientDirection);
Why do I have different results?
GetShadowColor(clBtnFace, -25) = $00D6D6D6
for me
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1339
Reputation: 5291
If you check the source for ComCtrls, the value for FGradientEndColor is GetShadowColor(clBtnFace, -25), which is based on a system color and may change depending on Windows appearance settings. Try using the same value in your custom draw code instead of $00D6D6D6.
Upvotes: 2