Reputation: 31
Try to use a IonInput on a Ionic React project.
<IonInput { ...props } { ...register(, { required, ...requiredOptions }) } />
Full Code :
const { register, handleSubmit, formState: { errors } } = useForm({
mode: "onTouched",
reValidateMode: "onChange"
const fields = [
label: "Firstname",
required: true,
requiredOptions: {
maxLength: 10
props: {
name: "firstname",
type: "text",
placeholder: "Enter a username"
label: "Age",
required: true,
requiredOptions: {
min: 18,
max: 99
props: {
name: "age",
type: "number",
inputmode: "numeric",
placeholder: "Enter your age"
const onSubmit = (data : any) => {
return (
<IonTitle>React Hook Form</IonTitle>
<IonContent fullscreen>
<IonHeader collapse="condense">
<IonTitle size="large">React Hook Form</IonTitle>
<IonCardSubtitle className="ion-text-center ion-margin">An example using React Hook Form</IonCardSubtitle>
<form onSubmit={ handleSubmit(onSubmit) }>
{, index) => {
const { label, required, requiredOptions, props } = field;
return (
<IonItem key={ `form_field_${ index }` } lines="full">
<IonLabel position="fixed">{ label }</IonLabel>
<IonInput { ...props } { ...register(, { required, ...requiredOptions }) } />
{ required && errors[] && <IonIcon icon={ alertCircleOutline } color="danger" /> }
<IonButton type="submit" className="ion-margin-top" expand="full">Submit</IonButton>
Will Get this error:
Type '{ onChange: ChangeHandler; onBlur: ChangeHandler; ref: RefCallBack; name: string; min?: string | number | undefined; max?: string | number | undefined; ... 7 more ...; inputmode?: undefined; } | { ...; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & IonInput & Pick<HTMLAttributes, "onBlur" | "onChange" | ... 250 more ... | "onTransitionEndCapture"> & StyleReactProps & RefAttributes<...>'. Type '{ onChange: ChangeHandler; onBlur: ChangeHandler; ref: RefCallBack; name: string; min?: string | number | undefined; max?: string | number | undefined; ... 7 more ...; inputmode?: undefined; }' is not assignable to type 'IonInput'. Types of property '"max"' are incompatible. Type 'string | number | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'. Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'.
My Dependencies:
I did some research through internet but didnt get a fix. May anyone help? Moreover, are there any other forms framework are good for ionic project? Thanks!!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 694
Reputation: 1
I had the same issue and found an article that motivated me to use Controlled Inputs.
Relevant Documentation:
const El = () => {
const { control, register, handleSubmit, formState: { errors } } = useForm({
mode: "onTouched",
reValidateMode: "onChange"
return <Controller
render={({ field }) => (
{...field} onIonBlur={() => field.onBlur()} onIonChange={(e) => field.onChange(e.detail.value)}
{ ...props }
rules={{ required, ...requiredOptions }}
Upvotes: 0