Reputation: 167
I am new to Go and React, both of which I am using for this mini project. Go is running a backend api using Mongodb.
I am fetching the user list from Mongo in Go, and then sending that to React, problem is Mongo is giving me all of the fields for the user (_id, password, and username), I only want username. I am not understanding how I can filter this and prevent all fields from being sent from Go to React.
JSON Output from Go API:
"Success": true,
"Data": [
"_id": "6205ac3d72c15c920a424608",
"password": {
"Subtype": 0,
"Data": "removed for security"
"username": "removed for security"
"_id": "6206b44afb8b044fdba76b8f",
"password": {
"Subtype": 0,
"Data": "removed for security"
"username": "removed for security"
Here is my Go code for the specified route:
// Route: Get Users, for getting a list of users
func RouteGetUsers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) {
// Set content-type to JSON
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
type Response struct {
Success bool `json:"Success"`
Data []bson.M `json:"Data"`
// Load the env file
err := godotenv.Load("variables.env")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")
// Get Mongo DB environment variable
uri := os.Getenv("MONGO_URI")
if uri == "" {
log.Fatal("You must set your 'MONGO_URI' environmental variable. See\n\t")
// Connect to Mongo Database
client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
if err != nil {
// Close the database connection at the end of the function
defer func() {
if err := client.Disconnect(context.TODO()); err != nil {
// Select the database name and collection name
coll := client.Database("go_project1").Collection("users")
// Query the database for the user list
cursor, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), bson.D{})
// If no documents were found, send a response and return
if err == mongo.ErrNoDocuments {
fmt.Printf("No documents were found")
// Setup a variable for the database results
var results []bson.M
// Send all database results to results variable
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {
// Setup a variable with the ResponseStandard struct
response := Response{
Success: true,
Data: results,
// Marshal into JSON
responseJson, err := json.Marshal(response)
if err != nil {
// Send success response to user in JSON
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", responseJson)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 284
Reputation: 120941
Use the projection option:
opts := options.Find().SetProjection(bson.D{{"username", 1}})
cursor, err := coll.Find(context.TODO(), bson.D{}, opts)
As second approach: Declare a type with the fields you want, and fetch to that type.
type Data struct {
Username string `bson:"username" json:"username"`
var data []Data
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &data); err != nil { ...
var response = struct {
Success bool `json:"Success"`
Data []Data `json:"Data"`
responseJson, err := json.Marshal(response)
A third approach: Filter the maps in the question:
for _, result := range results {
for k := range result {
if k != "username" {
delete(result, k)
Upvotes: 1