Reputation: 65
I am trying to build a multilingual Vue app with vue-i18n, and I am wondering how to persist the selected language? Anybody has experience with localisation? Is it possible by adding the language as a param to vue router? And or are there other ways ?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1217
Reputation: 1
This is what I did:
.env file:
# i18n
composable/useLocale.ts file:
export function useInitialLanguage() {
function isLocaleSupported(locale) {
// since we use this function to start i18n, we don't have access to
// "availableLocales" of useI18n, so we need to specify locales in our .env file
const supportedLocales = import.meta.env.VITE_SUPPORTED_LOCALES.split(",");
return supportedLocales.includes(locale);
function getPersistedLocale() {
const persistedLocale = localStorage.getItem(import.meta.env.VITE_LOCALSTORAGE_LOCALE);
if (!persistedLocale) return null;
if (!isLocaleSupported(persistedLocale)) {
return null;
return persistedLocale;
function guessDefaultLocale() {
const userPersistedLocale = getPersistedLocale();
if(userPersistedLocale) {
return userPersistedLocale;
// if no declared locale in localStorage or ...
return import.meta.env.VITE_I18N_LOCALE || "en";
return { guessDefaultLocale };
export function useLanguage() {
const { locale } = useI18n();
const language = computed({
get: () => locale.value,
set: (lang) => {
locale.value = lang;
localStorage.setItem(import.meta.env.VITE_LOCALSTORAGE_LOCALE, lang);
// to change the locale, write this in your components: useLanguage.language = "en"
return { language, ... };
i18n.ts file:
import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useInitialLanguage } from "@/composables/useLanguage.js";
const { guessDefaultLocale } = useInitialLanguage();
export default createI18n({
legacy: false, // Vuetify does not support the legacy mode of vue-i18n
// legacy: false ---> to switch from legacy mode (options api) to composition api mode
// reference
locale: guessDefaultLocale(),
fallbackLocale: import.meta.env.VITE_I18N_FALLBACK_LOCALE || 'fa',
messages: {
"en": en,
"fa": fa,
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 102
Each time you change/set the locale you need to store its value in the localStorage. Add this to your App:
watch: {
'$i18n.locale': function(newVal, oldVal) {
localStorage.setItem('last-locale', newVal)
Then in the i18n.js initialization file read this value on startup:
export default createI18n({
locale: getStartingLocale(),
And just add a function:
function getStartingLocale() {
if (localStorage.getItem('last-locale')) {
return localStorage.getItem('last-locale')
return process.env.VUE_APP_I18N_LOCALE || "en"
Upvotes: 5