
Reputation: 75

How do I solve inequalities with Sympy?

Objective: I want to implement a Fourier-Motzkin Elimination using Sympy. The first step for this would be to solve a number of inequalities.

Problem: The tools for solving inequalities with Sympy like solveset, solve_poly_inequality or reduce_inequalities do no seem to work.


from sympy import *
u1, u2, x1, x2 = symbols('u1 u2 x1 x2')
y1, y2, y3, y4, y5 = symbols('y1 y2 y3 y4 y5')

list_of_inequalities = [50*u2 - y5, -x2 + y5, 0, -u2 + 1, -35*u2 + y4 + y5, 35*u2 + x1 + x2 - y4 - y5 - 35, 35*u2 - y4 - y5, -35*u2 - x1 - x2 + y4 + y5 + 35, 50*y1 - y4, 50*u1 - x1 - 50*y1 + y4, -50*y1 + y4, -50*u1 + x1 + 50*y1 - y4, u2 - y1, -u1 - u2 + y1 + 1, 50*u2 - y5, -50*u2 - x2 + y5 + 50, 65*y1, 65*u1 - 65*y1, 35*u2 + 65*y1 - y4 - y5]

These are all expressions that are >=0. I want to get rid of all the y-variables with Fourier-Motzkin Elimination. So, in a first step I would like to start with y1.

Desired Solution:

For example for list_of_inequalites[8] which is 50*y1 - y4 I should get y1>=y4/50 or similar. In the end I want to have two lists. One with expressions that are smaller than y1 which would contain y4/50 and one with expressions larger than y1. I will need these lists for the next step in the Fourier-Motzkin Elimination.

My Try:

for eq in list_of_equations:
    expr= eq>=0
    if y1 in eq.free_symbols:

This way I get a list like this:

[ConditionSet(y1, 50*y1 - y4 >= 0, Reals), ConditionSet(y1, 50*u1 - x1 - 50*y1 + y4 >= 0, Reals), ConditionSet(y1, -50*y1 + y4 >= 0, Reals), ConditionSet(y1, -50*u1 + x1 + 50*y1 - y4 >= 0, Reals), ConditionSet(y1, u2 - y1 >= 0, Reals), ConditionSet(y1, -u1 - u2 + y1 + 1 >= 0, Reals), Interval(0, oo), ConditionSet(y1, 65*u1 - 65*y1 >= 0, Reals), ConditionSet(y1, 35*u2 + 65*y1 - y4 - y5 >= 0, Reals)]

I do not understand how to deal with these ConditionSets. They are certainly not the solution of my problem.

Another way would be to work with solve_poly_inequality:

for eq in list_of_equations:   
    expr= eq>=0
    if y1 in eq.free_symbols:

This way I get a

NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-269-686426e9455b> in <module>
      9     expr= eq>=0
     10     if y1 in eq.free_symbols:
---> 11         y_1.append(solve_poly_inequality(Poly(expr.lhs,y1),'>='))

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\solvers\inequalities.py in solve_poly_inequality(poly, rel)
     56                 "could not determine truth value of %s" % t)
---> 58     reals, intervals = poly.real_roots(multiple=False), []
     60     if rel == '==':

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\polytools.py in real_roots(f, multiple, radicals)
   3499         """
-> 3500         reals = sympy.polys.rootoftools.CRootOf.real_roots(f, radicals=radicals)
   3502         if multiple:

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\rootoftools.py in real_roots(cls, poly, radicals)
    385     def real_roots(cls, poly, radicals=True):
    386         """Get real roots of a polynomial. """
--> 387         return cls._get_roots("_real_roots", poly, radicals)
    389     @classmethod

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\rootoftools.py in _get_roots(cls, method, poly, radicals)
    717             raise PolynomialError("only univariate polynomials are allowed")
--> 719         coeff, poly = cls._preprocess_roots(poly)
    720         roots = []

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\polys\rootoftools.py in _preprocess_roots(cls, poly)
    696         if not dom.is_ZZ:
    697             raise NotImplementedError(
--> 698                 "sorted roots not supported over %s" % dom)
    700         return coeff, poly

NotImplementedError: sorted roots not supported over ZZ[x1,y4,u1]

The inequality that causes this error is 50*u1 - x1 - 50*y1 + y4 >= 0.

The last way I found for solving inequalities is reduce_inequalities:

for eq in list_of_equations:   
    expr= eq>=0
    if y1 in eq.free_symbols:

But, this time I get the following error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-266-50cdf532f9fa> in <module>
     22     expr= eq>=0
     23     if y1 in eq.free_symbols:
---> 24         y_1.append(reduce_inequalities(expr>=0,[y1]))
     25 #     print(y_1[-1])

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\solvers\inequalities.py in reduce_inequalities(inequalities, symbols)
    986     # solve system
--> 987     rv = _reduce_inequalities(inequalities, symbols)
    989     # restore original symbols and return

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\solvers\inequalities.py in _reduce_inequalities(inequalities, symbols)
    900             if len(common) == 1:
    901                 gen = common.pop()
--> 902                 other.append(_solve_inequality(Relational(expr, 0, rel), gen))
    903                 continue
    904             else:

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sympy\core\relational.py in __new__(cls, lhs, rhs, rop, **assumptions)
     87                             Eq and Ne; all other relationals expect
     88                             real expressions.
---> 89                         '''))
     90             # \\\
     91             return rv
A Boolean argument can only be used in Eq and Ne; all other
relationals expect real expressions.

Do you have any ideas how I can solve this problem?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 1809

Answers (1)


Reputation: 13185

I don't know exactly the nature of your particular problem. But maybe we can work around it.

First solution

solve is also capable of solving inequalities, though it might not be easy to extract the proper solution:

sols = [solve(t >= 0, y1) for t in list_of_inequalities if y1 in S(t).free_symbols]

# [(y1 < oo) & (y1 >= y4/50),
#  (-oo < y1) & (y1 <= u1 - x1/50 + y4/50),
#  (-oo < y1) & (y1 <= y4/50),
#  (y1 < oo) & (y1 >= u1 - x1/50 + y4/50),
#  (y1 <= u2) & (-oo < y1),
#  (y1 < oo) & (y1 >= u1 + u2 - 1),
#  (0 <= y1) & (y1 < oo),
#  (y1 <= u1) & (-oo < y1),
#  (y1 < oo) & (y1 >= -7*u2/13 + y4/65 + y5/65)]

# now a bit of post-processing:
from sympy.core.numbers import Infinity, NegativeInfinity
test_inf = lambda x: x.has(Infinity) or x.has(NegativeInfinity)
correct_arg = lambda x, y: x.args[0] if not x.args[0].has(y) else x.args[1]
final = [
    correct_arg(u, y1) for u in # extract the arguments from Relational that doesn't contain y1
    [t[0] if not test_inf(t[0]) else t[1] for t in # exclude arguments containing infinity
    [s.args[:2] for s in sols]] # extract args from Boolean And

# [y4/50,
#  u1 - x1/50 + y4/50,
#  y4/50,
#  u1 - x1/50 + y4/50,
#  u2,
#  u1 + u2 - 1,
#  0,
#  u1,
#  -7*u2/13 + y4/65 + y5/65]

Second solution

Since your inequalities appear to be linear, maybe we can solve them as equations, thus sparing us some post-processing. For example:

sols = [solve(t, y1)[0] for t in list_of_inequalities if y1 in S(t).free_symbols]

# [y4/50,
#  u1 - x1/50 + y4/50,
#  y4/50,
#  u1 - x1/50 + y4/50,
#  u2,
#  u1 + u2 - 1,
#  0,
#  u1,
#  -7*u2/13 + y4/65 + y5/65]

Third solution

I believe that solveset returned ConditionSet because it doesn't know the nature of your symbols. If your symbols represent real variables, you can set assumptions on them:

u1, u2, x1, x2 = symbols('u1 u2 x1 x2', real=True)
y1, y2, y3, y4, y5 = symbols('y1 y2 y3 y4 y5', real=True)

list_of_inequalities = [50*u2 - y5, -x2 + y5, 0, -u2 + 1, -35*u2 + y4 + y5, 35*u2 + x1 + x2 - y4 - y5 - 35, 35*u2 - y4 - y5, -35*u2 - x1 - x2 + y4 + y5 + 35, 50*y1 - y4, 50*u1 - x1 - 50*y1 + y4, -50*y1 + y4, -50*u1 + x1 + 50*y1 - y4, u2 - y1, -u1 - u2 + y1 + 1, 50*u2 - y5, -50*u2 - x2 + y5 + 50, 65*y1, 65*u1 - 65*y1, 35*u2 + 65*y1 - y4 - y5]

sols = [solveset(t >= 0, y1, S.Reals) for t in list_of_inequalities if y1 in S(t).free_symbols]

# [Interval(y4/50, oo),
#  Interval(-oo, u1 - x1/50 + y4/50),
#  Interval(-oo, y4/50),
#  Interval(u1 - x1/50 + y4/50, oo),
#  Interval(-oo, u2),
#  Interval(u1 + u2 - 1, oo),
#  Interval(0, oo),
#  Interval(-oo, u1),
#  Interval(-7*u2/13 + y4/65 + y5/65, oo)]

# extract the expressions, disregarding the infinity symbols
from sympy.core.numbers import Infinity, NegativeInfinity
test_inf = lambda x: x.has(Infinity) or x.has(NegativeInfinity)
[t[0] if not test_inf(t[0]) else t[1] for t in [s.args[:2] for s in sols]]
# [y4/50,
#  u1 - x1/50 + y4/50,
#  y4/50,
#  u1 - x1/50 + y4/50,
#  u2,
#  u1 + u2 - 1,
#  0,
#  u1,
#  -7*u2/13 + y4/65 + y5/65]

Upvotes: 2

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