Reputation: 21
I'm struggling to create a heatmap that will show Success Rate in Vega-lite. My data is similar to the below.
"@timestamp":"2022-02-20 11:15:16",
"transaction_datetime":"2022-02-20 11:15:16",
"@timestamp":"2022-02-20 11:16:16",
"transaction_datetime":"2022-02-20 11:16:16",
Success Rate calculation would be: ((count of records where status="Success")/(count of records))*100
I have tried to create multiple transforms but seems it does not work that way. Currently, I'm trying with the below code.
$schema: https: //
"width": "container",
"height": 400,
data: {
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: transaction_datetime
%timefilter%: "min"
%timefilter%: "max"
index: index1
body: {
size: 10000,
_source: [
format: { property: "hits.hits" },
transform: [
{ calculate: "datum._source['status']" as: "status"},
{ calculate: "datum._source['type_b_partner']" as: "type_b_partner"},
{ calculate: "datum._source['type_a_partner']" as: "type_a_partner"},
{ calculate: "datum._source['_id']" as: "id"},
{ "filter": "datum._source['status']=='Success'"},
"aggregate": [
{"op": "count", "as": "SuccessTxns"}
"groupby": ["type_a_partner","type_b_partner"]
"width": {"step": 17},
encoding: {
x: { field: "type_a_partner"},
y: { field: "type_b_partner"},
"color": {"field": "SuccessTxns", type:"quantitative"},
tooltip : [
{field : "type_b_partner",type:"nominal"}
{field : "type_a_partner",type:"nominal"}
{field : "SuccessTxns", type:"quantitative"}
"layer": [{
"mark": "bar"
}, {
"mark": {
"type": "text",
"align": "left",
"baseline": "middle",
"dx": -9
"encoding": {
"text": {field: "SuccessTxns", type: "quantitative"}
I'm able to extract Successful transaction count (SuccessTxns) but unable to create a field for "Total Transaction" using transform.
The visual would be like this. Sample visualization
Note: Sample heatmap Visual is attached to visualize the requirement only. Each square will show the Success rates
Please excuse me if I made any logical mistake to frame the objective or was unable to set the context properly. If you have any queries regarding the problem statement, please let me know.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 729
Reputation: 21
Resolved. Below is the solution.
transform: [
{ calculate: "datum._source['status']" as: "status"},
{ calculate: "datum._source['type_a_partner']" as: "type_a_partner"},
{ calculate: "datum._source['type_b_partner']" as: "type_b_partner"},
{ calculate: "datum._source['_id']" as: "id"},
{"calculate": "datum.status === 'Success' ? 1 : 0", "as": "SC"},
"aggregate": [
{"op": "count", "as": "TotalCount"},
{"op": "sum","field": "SC","as": "SuccessCount"}
"groupby": ["type_b_partner","type_a_partner"]
{"calculate": "datum.SuccessCount / datum.TotalCount * 100","as": "Rate"}
Upvotes: 1