Reputation: 15
I try to build a simple Text Editor using Electron. At the moment I want to add a custom title bar which doesn't really work as the buttons are not clickable...
I added an onclick
tag to the buttons.
//-- variables --\\
const { BrowserWindow, app, Menu, dialog, ipcMain } = require("electron")
let window
let filePath = null //currently opened file
let openFiles = [] //opened files
//-- startup --\\
//-- functions --\\
function createWindow()
window = new BrowserWindow
width: 1000,
height: 600,
frame: false,
icon: "./assets/icon.png",
darkTheme: true,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
nodeIntegration: true,
contextIsolation: false
function createMenu()
label: "File",
label: "Save",
click: saveFile,
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+S"
label: "Open",
click: openFile,
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+O"
label: "New",
click: newFile,
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+N"
async function promptFilePathOpen()
await dialog.showOpenDialog
({ properties: ["openFile"] }).then(function(res)
if(res.canceled) return
filePath = res.filePaths[0]
async function promptFilePathSave()
await dialog.showSaveDialog().then(function(res)
if(res.canceled) return
filePath = res.filePath
async function openFile()
await promptFilePathOpen()
window.webContents.send("crd-openFile", filePath)
async function saveFile()
if(filePath == null || undefined) await promptFilePathSave()
window.webContents.send("crd-saveFile", filePath)
async function newFile()
filePath = null
await promptFilePathSave()
window.webContents.send("crd-saveFile", filePath)
//-- listeners --\\
app.on("window-all-closed", function()
if(process.platform != "darwin") app.quit()
ipcMain.on("crd-minimizeWindow", function() //does not get called by the renderer
//coming soon
ipcMain.on("crd-toggleWindowSize", function() //does not get called by the renderer
//coming soon
ipcMain.on("crd-closeWindow", function() //does not get called by the renderer
//-- imports --\\
const { ipcRenderer } = require("electron")
const fs = require("fs")
const editorElem = document.querySelector("textarea.editor")
//-- functions --\\
function minimizeWindow() // does not get called by the button (index.html)
function toggleWindowSize() // does not get called by the button (index.html)
function closeWindow() // does not get called by the button (index.html)
//-- listeners --\\
ipcRenderer.on("crd-openFile", function(e, path)
editorElem.value = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf-8")
ipcRenderer.on("crd-saveFile", function(e, path)
fs.writeFile(path, editorElem.value , function(res, err)
if(err) throw err
ipcRenderer.on("crd-resetEditor", function()
editorElem.value = ""
The entire code is avalable on my GitHub, because I do not want the whole question consisting of code :)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1287
Reputation: 29011
Two issues here:
You defined functions like closeWindow
, but you didn't actually add an event listener for them. You mention onclick
but I can't see that in your code. So the first step would be to add document.querySelector('.closeWindow').addEventListener('click', closeWindow)
You made the whole title bar draggable, including the buttons. That means that the role of the buttons is also a draggable area, so when you click them, you start the drag operation instead of sending a click event. The solution is therefore to make sure the button area does not have the -webkit-app-region: drag
style but only the area left to them has. This will probably require you to redesign the HTML layout for the title bar a bit, since this won't work well with the whole thing being a grid
For more details, see this tutorial.
Upvotes: 2