Reputation: 204
I have below code and I want to get daily_balue, monthly_value, priorday_value, priorweek_value, priormonth_value from log file. As per the code the daily_value, monthly value, priorday value, prior week and priormonth value are stored in first index of array.
How to get daily,monthly value priority prior week and prior month values from first index of array ?
sql file as shown below:
first input file columns order:
cash , monthly_value, null,null, 0.000
cash, daily_value,2022-02-22,2022-02-22,3
cash, priormonth_value,2022-02-22,2022-02,8
cash , priorday_value, null,null, 10
cash, priorweek_value,2022-02-22,2022-02-22,32
loans, monthly_value, 2022-02-22,2022-02-22, 21.000
loans, daily_value,2022-02-22,2022-02-22,4
loans , priorday_value, null,null, 12
Output for first input should be stored in the below format in a csv file format : $date, $row, $daily_balue, $monthly_value, $priorday_value, $priorweek_value, priormonth_value
2022-02-22, cash, 3, 0.00, 10, 32, 8
2022-02-22, loans, 4, 21.00, 12, 23, 9
In some case the priormonth_values might be missing, so need to add zero in the output file second input file columns order:
cash , monthly_value, null,null, 0.000
cash, daily_value,2022-02-22,2022-02-22,3
cash , priorday_value, null,null, 10
cash, priorweek_value,2022-02-22,2022-02-22,32
loans, monthly_value, 2022-02-22,2022-02-22, 21.000
loans, daily_value,2022-02-22,2022-02-22,4
loans , priorday_value, null,null, 12
Output for second input should be stored in the below format in a csv file format : $date, $row, $daily_balue, $monthly_vale, $priorday_value, $priorweek_value, priormonth_value
2022-02-22, cash, 3, 0.00, 10, 32, 0
2022-02-22, loans, 4, 21.00, 12, 23, 0
third input file columns order . here daily_value and monthly_value are missing from the file
cash, priormonth_value,2022-02-22,2022-02,8
cash , priorday_value, null,null, 10
cash, priorweek_value,2022-02-22,2022-02-22,32
loans , priorday_value, null,null, 12
loans, priorweek_value,2022-02-22, 2022-02-02,11
Output for third input should be stored in the below format in a csv file. daily_value and monthly_value are assigned 0 format : $date, $row, $daily_balue, $monthly_vale, $priorday_value, $priorweek_value, priormonth_value
2022-02-22, cash, 0, 0, 10, 32, 8
2022-02-22, loans, 0, 0, 12, 11, 9
declare -A arr
if [ -s $sqlfile ]
while IFS=, read key value; do
arr[$key] = "${arr[$key]}$arr[$key]:+,}$value"
done < $sqlfile
for key in "${!arr[@]}"; do
row=`echo $key | xargs`
values = ${arr[$key]}
daily_value = `echo $values | cut -d ',' -f8 | xargs`
priomonth_value = `echo $value | cut -d ',' -f12 | xargs`
i = $((i+1))
echo "$sqlfile is empty"
exit 0
Upvotes: 1
Views: 312
Reputation: 118097
You could use gawk (GNU's version of awk) to do this. The sporadic spaces around ,
in the input could be dealt with by using *, *
as the field separator (FS
In some cases, there is null
where the date should be, so I add the value in the date
array with the value in the null
array. Since only one of them is set, the sum will be the correct value.
This also solves the case if neither the date
nor the null
array contains a value. blank + blank becomes 0
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
FS=" *, *";
OFS=", ";
# [date][row][value_type] = value
arr[$3][$1][$2] = $5;
cl[0] = "cash";
cl[1] = "loans";
for(date in arr) {
if(date == "null") continue;
for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
row = cl[i];
print date, row,
arr[date][row]["daily_value"] +arr["null"][row]["daily_value"],
arr[date][row]["monthly_value"] +arr["null"][row]["monthly_value"],
arr[date][row]["priorday_value"] +arr["null"][row]["priorday_value"],
arr[date][row]["priorweek_value"] +arr["null"][row]["priorweek_value"],
It's not exactly what you've listed as your expected output. When you expect 21.00
, it'll be just 21
here. If .00
is important it can be fixed by using printf("%.2f", the_value);
instead of just print
ing the result of the addition above.
File 1:
2022-02-22, cash, 3, 0, 10, 32, 8
2022-02-22, loans, 4, 21, 12, 23, 9
File 2:
2022-02-22, cash, 3, 0, 10, 32, 0
2022-02-22, loans, 4, 21, 12, 23, 0
File 3:
2022-02-22, cash, 0, 0, 10, 32, 8
2022-02-22, loans, 0, 0, 12, 11, 9
A version with a scale of 2:
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
FS=" *, *";
# [date][row][value_type] = value
arr[$3][$1][$2] = $5;
cl[0] = "cash";
cl[1] = "loans";
vt[0] = "daily_value";
vt[1] = "monthly_value";
vt[2] = "priorday_value";
vt[3] = "priorweek_value";
vt[4] = "priormonth_value";
for(date in arr) {
if(date == "null") continue;
for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
row = cl[i];
printf("%s, %s", date, row);
for(j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
printf(", %.2f", arr[date][row][vtype] + arr["null"][row][vtype]);
File 1:
2022-02-22, cash, 3.00, 0.00, 10.00, 32.00, 8.00
2022-02-22, loans, 4.00, 21.00, 12.00, 23.00, 9.00
File 2:
2022-02-22, cash, 3.00, 0.00, 10.00, 32.00, 0.00
2022-02-22, loans, 4.00, 21.00, 12.00, 23.00, 0.00
File 3:
2022-02-22, cash, 0.00, 0.00, 10.00, 32.00, 8.00
2022-02-22, loans, 0.00, 0.00, 12.00, 11.00, 9.00
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 104111
$ head file{1..3}
==> file1 <==
cash , monthy_value, null,null, 0.000
==> file2 <==
cash , monthy_value, null,null, 0.000
==> file3 <==
cash , monthy_value, null,null, 0.000
I personally would use a combination of awk
and Bash
like so:
for fn in file{1..3}; do
declare -A arr
while read k v; do
done <<< $(awk -F, -v keys='daily_value priormonth_value' '
BEGIN{split(keys,tmp,"[ \t]+"); for (e in tmp) tgt[tmp[e]]}
$2 in tgt {
printf("%s %s\n",$2,$(NF))
}' "$fn")
echo "$fn"
declare -p arr
unset arr
declare -A arr=([daily_value]="3" [priormonth_value]="8" )
declare -A arr=([daily_value]="3" [priormonth_value]="8" )
declare -A arr=([daily_value]="3" )
Upvotes: 0