Reputation: 83
I have a problem while testing with jest and enzyme. When I try to test changes in one of my Formik's inputs I get this error that an update inside a test was not wrapped in act(...). I tried to import act and wrap line of code that simulates changing input (as shown below) but it didn't help. So here is my question how and where should i use this act to stop getting this warning in my test?
// SignInModal
const SignInModal = () => {
const { isLoading } = useSelector((state) => state.auth);
const { props } = useSelector((state) => state.modals);
const { submit } = props;
const signInForm = (
<div className={classes.logoContainer}>
<Logo />
<h3 className={classes.title}>Log in to Friends</h3>
<div className={classes.formContainer} data-test={'component-sign-in-modal'}>
initialValues={{ email: '', password: '' }}
onSubmit={(values) => {
submit({ ...values });
{() => {
return (
<div className={classes.inputsContainer}>
<MyFormikInput as={Input} required name='email' type='email' placeholder='Email address' className={classes.input} />
<MyFormikInput as={Input} required name='password' type='password' placeholder='Password' className={classes.input} />
<Button className={classes.button} isTransparent>
Sign in
return <div className={classnames(classes.modal, classes.modalVisible)}>{isLoading ? <Spinner /> : signInForm}</div>;
// MyFormikInput
const MyFormikInput = ({ label, ...props }) => {
const [field] = useField(props);
return (
<div className={classnames(classes.container, props.className)}>
<Field {...field} {...props} />
export default MyFormikInput;
// Input
const Input = (props) => {
const { type, name, onChange, value, required, className, disabled, placeholder } = props;
return (
className={classnames(className, classes.input)}
export default Input;
// SignInModal.test
import { act } from '@testing-library/react';
let store;
const setup = (initialState) => {
store = storeFactory(initialState);
return mount(
<Provider store={store}>
<SignInModal />
describe('sign in inputs typing', () => {
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = setup();
afterEach(() => {
// wrapper.unmount();
test('changes email input content on change', () => {
const emailInput = formikFindByInputName(wrapper, 'email');
act(() => {
emailInput.simulate('change', { target: { name: 'email', value: '[email protected]' } });
expect(emailInput.instance().value).toEqual('[email protected]');
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3632
Reputation: 83
Actually i found a way to get rid of this warning by doing it like this:
test('changes email input content on change', async () => {
const emailInput = formikFindByInputName(wrapper, 'email');
await act(async () => {
await emailInput.simulate('change', { target: { name: 'email', value: '[email protected]' } });
expect(emailInput.instance().value).toEqual('[email protected]');
But I still want to ask if there is a better way to fix my problem?
Upvotes: 4