Reputation: 1
I have a .razor
page in my Blazor.Server program called EditPerson.razor
This page is opened when the user does a double click on a table row in another page.
The page initialize doing a GET request to the API that return that person's data based on the id
passed in the URL parameter.
In the html/razor
part I have two components that are the main form for the person's personal data and a tab area for addresses and contact info.
Then I have tow @if
checks that control the show of two modals dialog, one for errors and other for the success message.
The problem is that when I change the boolean variable to show the success message, the @if
checks are not triggered and the modal is never show.
This is the html/razor
code for example:
@page "/pessoas/edit/{PessoaId}"
@inject IPessoaApiService _apiService
@inject NavigationManager _uriHelper;
@using Ekklesia.Web.Library.Models.Pessoa
@using Ekklesia.Web.Library.Models.UI.Modais
@using Core.Enums
@using Ekklesia.Web.Library.Interfaces
<PageTitle>Ekklesia - Editar Pessoa</PageTitle>
<div id="pessoa-insert" class="container-fluid p-2">
<div class="card ekklesia-form">
<div class="card-header">
<h1 class="display-4 ps-2 pt-1">Editar Pessoa</h1>
<div class="card-body">
<PessoaDadosForm Pessoa="Pessoa" @ref="PessoaDadosForm" />
<GradePessoa Pessoa="Pessoa" />
<div class="card-footer">
<div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse m-2 me-2">
<div class="ms-3">
<SfButton CssClass="e-primary"
<i class="fa-solid fa-check me-2"></i>Salvar
<SfButton CssClass="e-secundary"
<i class="fa-solid fa-ban me-2"></i>Voltar
@if (_showErrorModal)
<ModalBase Modal="@_erroModal"
@if (_showSuccessModal)
<ModalBase Modal="@_successModal"
And here is the @code
@code {
#region Parâmetros e campos internos
public string PessoaId { get; set; }
private PessoaDadosForm? PessoaDadosForm { get; set; }
private PessoaViewModel _pessoa = new();
private PessoaViewModel Pessoa
get { return _pessoa ?? new(); }
set { _pessoa = value; }
private bool _showErrorModal = false;
private ModalBaseViewModel _erroModal = new();
private bool _showSuccessModal = false;
private ModalBaseViewModel _successModal = new();
#region Overrides
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
var response = await _apiService.Get(pessoaId: Convert.ToInt32(PessoaId));
if (response.Success
&& response.StatusCode is HttpStatusCode.OK)
if (response.Data is not null)
var pessoa = response.Data.SingleOrDefault();
Pessoa = pessoa ?? throw new Exception($"A busca pela pessoa de ID {PessoaId} retornou nula");
#region Métodos da page
private async Task Update()
Pessoa.Sexo = (SexoEnum)PessoaDadosForm.SexoInt;
Pessoa.Tipo = (TipoPessoaEnum)PessoaDadosForm.TipoInt;
Pessoa.Status = StatusEnum.Ativo;
var response = await _apiService.Update(Pessoa, Convert.ToInt32(PessoaId));
if (response.StatusCode is HttpStatusCode.OK)
var resultado = response.Data ?? Pessoa;
_pessoa = new();
AbrirModalSucesso("A atualização foi um sucesso.", response.Message);
List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> erros = new();
response.Errors.ForEach(e =>
new(e.Field == "DataNascimento" ? "Data Nascimento" : e.Field, e.Message));
AbrirModalErro("A inserção da nova pessoa falhou.", response.Message, erros);
private void Voltar()
_pessoa = new();
#region Modais
private void OnFecharModalErro()
_erroModal.ModalClass = "fade";
_erroModal.ModalDisplay = "hidden";
_erroModal.ShowBackdrop = false;
_showErrorModal = false;
private void OnFecharModalSucesso()
_successModal.ModalClass = "fade";
_successModal.ModalDisplay = "hidden";
_successModal.ShowBackdrop = false;
_showSuccessModal = false;
private void AbrirModalErro(string texto, string descricao, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> erros)
_erroModal.Texto = texto;
_erroModal.Descricao = descricao;
_erroModal.Erros = erros;
_erroModal.ModalClass = "show";
_erroModal.ModalDisplay = "block";
_erroModal.ShowBackdrop = true;
_showErrorModal = true;
private void AbrirModalSucesso(string texto, string descricao)
_successModal.Texto = texto;
_successModal.Descricao = descricao;
_successModal.ModalClass = "show";
_successModal.ModalDisplay = "block";
_successModal.ShowBackdrop = true;
_showSuccessModal = true;
private void InicializarModalErro()
_erroModal = new()
Titulo = "Ocoreu um erro",
ModalTipo = "modal-erro",
ModalBotaoPrincipalTexto = "Entendi"
private void InicializarModalSucesso()
_successModal = new()
Titulo = "Sucesso",
ModalTipo = "modal-sucesso",
ModalBotaoPrincipalTexto = "Ok"
The success message modal is to been opened in this portion:
private void AbrirModalSucesso(string texto, string descricao)
_successModal.Texto = texto;
_successModal.Descricao = descricao;
_successModal.ModalClass = "show";
_successModal.ModalDisplay = "block";
_successModal.ShowBackdrop = true;
_showSuccessModal = true;
Here is where the modal data is prepared:
private void InicializarModalSucesso()
_successModal = new()
Titulo = "Sucesso",
ModalTipo = "modal-sucesso",
ModalBotaoPrincipalTexto = "Ok"
This is the modal code:
@using Ekklesia.Web.Library.Models.UI.Modais
<div class="modal @Modal.ModalClass" data-bs-backdrop="static" data-bs-keyboard="false" tabindex="-1" style="display:@Modal.ModalDisplay">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header ekklesia-modal-header @Modal.ModalTipo">
<h5 class="modal-title">@Modal.Titulo</h5>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="ekklesia-form">
<div class="d-sm-flex flex-row">
<div class="col-sm">
<div class="modal-texto">
<div class="modal-descricao">
@if (Modal.ModalTipo == "modal-erro")
@if (Modal.Erros.Count > 0)
<div class="card p-1 mt-3">
<div class="card-body p-1">
@foreach (var erro in @Modal.Erros)
<b>Campo:</b> @erro.Key <br/>
<b>Erro:</b> @erro.Value
<hr />
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-@(Modal.ModalTipo == "modal-erro" ? "danger" : "success")"
@if (Modal.ShowBackdrop)
<div class="modal-backdrop fade show"></div>
@code {
public ModalBaseViewModel Modal { get; set; } = new();
public EventCallback OnFecharModal { get; set; }
private async Task Confirm()
await OnFecharModal.InvokeAsync();
I have another page for creating new persons and in there I used the same aproach for the modals and worked there.
I have tried to invoke the StateHasChanged()
method in different parts of the process but it changed noting.
I have tried for some 4 hours to resolve this before asking for help here.
Please, if anyone can help, I will be very gratefull!
P.S.: This is my very first question here, if more info is needed please comment bellow that I will be watching for tips.
I am from Brazil, that's is why some parts of the code have portuguese words.
I am using some Syncfusion components in those code examples.
This is how the page looks rigth now: Edit page print
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Views: 1311
Reputation: 543
Without being able to test your code right now, my first suggestion would be to try and call StateHasChanged()
after updating _showErrorModal
Upvotes: 1