Reputation: 3969
In wwwroot/index.html
(Blazor WebAssembly) or Pages/_Host.cshtml
(Blazor Server) we can add a <script src="?"/>
<script src="_framework/blazor.{webassembly|server}.js"></script>
<script src="?"></script> // I want to load this script after all components/site completely loaded.
But the problem is the <script src="?"/>
tag just loaded but I want to load it after loading all components of Blazor. (Some functions inside the script cannot find some elements)
There is a way to load a JS function
like below
@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime
this is index page
@code {
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("initilizeNiceAdminJs");// Initialize main.js after site completely loaded
The OnAfterRenderAsync
method helps us to load a JS function after loading entire components in the Blazor.
Does exist any way to do the same with a <script src="?"/>
tags instead of a function?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 7077
Reputation: 384
You have several ways to do this
Inject a script after Blazor starts this is used to load js after blazor app started
Load a script from an external JavaScript file (.js) collocated with a component on this way you can define a javascript file for each compponent
use your own javascript loader
this code can invoke callback function from blazor app. for this you must register your instance first and you can call it from your blazor app
App = {};
App.LoadScript = (function (Url, Instance, CallBack) {
var head = document.head;
var IsExist = false;
var Scripts = head.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = Scripts.length; i--;) {
var Src = Scripts[i];
if (Src.src == Url || Src.src.replace(Src.baseURI, '') == Url) {
IsExist = true;
if (!IsExist) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = Url;
if (CallBack && Instance) {
script.onload = setTimeout(() => { App.CsharpInvoker(Instance, CallBack); }, 3000);
else if (CallBack)
script.onload = setTimeout(() => { CallBack(); }, 1000);
else if (CallBack && Instance)
setTimeout(() => { App.CsharpInvoker(Instance, CallBack); }, 1000);
else if (CallBack)
setTimeout(() => { CallBack(); }, 1000);
App.CsharpInvoker = (function CSharpCallBackInvoker(Instance, MethodName, Parameter) {
Instance.invokeMethodAsync(MethodName, Parameter);
Upvotes: 2