
Reputation: 7818

Flatten a tripled nested json into a dataframe


I was given a pretty big json file that looks like this minimal example:

json_file = """

            "name": "First",
            "properties" : 
              "id" : "",
              "name" : ""
            "name": "Second",
                "id" : "23",
                "name" : "a useful product",
                "features" :
            "name": "Third",
            "properties" : 
                "id" : "876",
                "name" : "another one",
                "features" : 

And I want to make a flat table out of it. It should look like this one:

id    name   emptylist  properties.id properties.name    properties.features.name properties.features.id properties.features.features.id properties.features.features.name properties.features.features.value
0     First  []         ""            ""                 NaN                      NaN                    NaN                             NaN                               NaN                               
1     Second []         "23"          "a useful product" Features                 18                     1001                            Colour                            Black                             
1     Second []         "23"          "a useful product" Features                 18                     2093                            Material                          Plastic                           
1     Second []         "23"          "a useful product" Sizes                    34                     4736                            Length                            56                                
1     Second []         "23"          "a useful product" Sizes                    34                     8745                            Width                             76                                
2     Third             "876"         "another one"      Box                      937                    3758                            Amount                            1                                 
2     Third             "876"         "another one"      Box                      937                    2222                            Packaging                         Blister                           
2     Third             "876"         "another one"      Features                 8473                   9372                            Colour                            White                             
2     Third             "876"         "another one"      Features                 8473                   9375                            Position                          A                                 
2     Third             "876"         "another one"      Features                 8473                   2654                            Amount                            6                             

What I tried

I tried this:

import pandas as pd
import json

j = json.loads(json_file)
df = pd.json_normalize(j['products'])

  id    name emptylist properties.id   properties.name                                 properties.features  
0  0   First        []                                                                                 NaN  
1  1  Second        []            23  a useful product   [{'name': 'Features', 'id': '18', 'features': ...  
2  2   Third       NaN           876       another one   [{'name': 'Box', 'id': '937', 'features': [{'i...  


And I tried to play a bit with the additional arguments, but I got nowhere. It seems like this is not the right way.

Can anyone help me?

Additional infos

I got a working solution with R, but I need to be able to do it with Python. If it helps, this would be the R code that I am trying to translate in Python.

jsonlite::fromJSON(json_file)$products %>% 
  jsonlite::flatten() %>%
  unnest(properties.features         , names_sep = ".", keep_empty = TRUE) %>% 
  unnest(properties.features.features, names_sep = ".", keep_empty = TRUE)


With the help of @piterbarg and some research I got to this solution:

j = json.loads(json_file)
df = pd.json_normalize(j['products'])
df1 = df.explode('properties.features')
df2 = pd.concat([df1.reset_index(drop=True).drop('properties.features', axis = 1), 
                df1['properties.features'].apply(pd.Series).reset_index(drop=True).add_prefix("properties.features.").drop("properties.features.0", axis = 1)], axis = 1)
df2 = df2.explode('properties.features.features')
df3 = pd.concat([df2.reset_index(drop=True).drop('properties.features.features', axis = 1), 
                df2['properties.features.features'].apply(pd.Series).reset_index(drop=True).add_prefix("properties.features.features.").drop("properties.features.features.0", axis = 1)], axis = 1)

With this I get exactly the solution I'm looking for but the code looks pretty messy and I'm not sure how efficient this solution may be. Any help?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 408

Answers (2)


Reputation: 9308

It is similar to what you have in Edit, but perhaps slightly shorter syntax and more performant.

If you have NaN in the DataFrame, older version of Pandas could fail on json_normalize.

This solution should work with Pandas 1.3+.

df = pd.json_normalize(products)
df = df.explode('properties.features')
df = pd.concat([df.drop('properties.features', axis=1).reset_index(drop=True),
                pd.json_normalize(df['properties.features']).add_prefix('properties.features.')], axis=1)
df = df.explode('properties.features.features')
df = pd.concat([df.drop('properties.features.features', axis=1).reset_index(drop=True),
                pd.json_normalize(df['properties.features.features']).add_prefix('properties.features.features.')], axis=1)

Perf. with 1000 products.

Code in Edit : 4.85 s ± 218 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
This solution: 58.3 ms ± 10.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 8219

This can be done with a repeated, if somewhat tedious, application of explode to expand lists and apply(pd.Series) to expand dicts:

df1 = df.explode('properties.features')
df2 = df1.join(df1['properties.features'].apply(pd.Series), lsuffix = '', rsuffix = '.properties.features').explode('features').drop(columns = 'properties.features')
df3 = df2.join(df2['features'].apply(pd.Series), lsuffix = '', rsuffix='.features').drop(columns = ['features','emptylist']).drop_duplicates()

df3 looks like this:

      id  name    properties.id    properties.name      0    id.properties.features  name.properties.features      0.features    id.features  name.features    value
--  ----  ------  ---------------  -----------------  ---  ------------------------  --------------------------  ------------  -------------  ---------------  -------
 0     0  First                                       nan                       nan  nan                                  nan            nan  nan              nan
 1     1  Second  23               a useful product   nan                        18  Features                             nan           1001  Colour           Black
 1     1  Second  23               a useful product   nan                        18  Features                             nan           2093  Material         Plastic
 1     1  Second  23               a useful product   nan                        18  Features                             nan           4736  Length           56
 1     1  Second  23               a useful product   nan                        18  Features                             nan           8745  Width            76
 1     1  Second  23               a useful product   nan                        34  Sizes                                nan           1001  Colour           Black
 1     1  Second  23               a useful product   nan                        34  Sizes                                nan           2093  Material         Plastic
 1     1  Second  23               a useful product   nan                        34  Sizes                                nan           4736  Length           56
 1     1  Second  23               a useful product   nan                        34  Sizes                                nan           8745  Width            76
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                       937  Box                                  nan           3758  Amount           1
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                       937  Box                                  nan           2222  Packaging        Blister
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                       937  Box                                  nan           9372  Colour           White
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                       937  Box                                  nan           9375  Position         A
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                       937  Box                                  nan           2654  Amount           6
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                      8473  Features                             nan           3758  Amount           1
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                      8473  Features                             nan           2222  Packaging        Blister
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                      8473  Features                             nan           9372  Colour           White
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                      8473  Features                             nan           9375  Position         A
 2     2  Third   876              another one        nan                      8473  Features                             nan           2654  Amount           6

The names are not quite like you want them, this could be fixed with .rename(columns = {...}) if you want

Upvotes: 0

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