Reputation: 523
Thanks you Theo. Now its look better but I prefer to display each one in the same row and not as below:
I have a script that can read from an excel all the columns. The user need to choose the right column so I am displaying the table but it look very bad (Also tried with | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap that display it 2 rows. without the -AutoSize there is only the start with ...)
In addition how can I search according to background color and string? I am using this for color:
$val = $worksheet.Cells.Item($row, $columnNumber).Interior.ColorIndex
if ($val -eq $searchcolorForPatch) {
# output an object with both values from columns A and B
[PsCustomObject]@{Patch = $worksheet.Cells.Item($row, 1).Value2}
And this for string:
$val2 = $worksheet.Cells.Item($row, $columnNumber).value2
if ($val2 -match $searchValue) {
# output an object with both values from columns A and B
[PsCustomObject]@{Patch = $worksheet.Cells.Item($row, 1).Value2}
I want to get a result only if I have a specific color and a string inside
# get the number of rows in the sheet
$rowMax = $worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
# get the number of columns in the sheet
$colMax = $worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
# create a hash with column header names and their indices
$columns = [ordered]@{}
for ($col = 1; $col -le $colMax; $col++) {
$name = $worksheet.Cells.Item(1, $col).Value() # assuming the first row has the headers
if ($name -ne $null){
$columns[$name] = $col}
$columns | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap
Each result should be in one row
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Views: 942
Reputation: 61218
With the third code, you get a (ordered) Hashtable of the Excel column Names combined with their indices:
# get the number of rows in the sheet
$rowMax = $worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
# get the number of columns in the sheet
$colMax = $worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
# create a hash with column header names and their indices
$columns = [ordered]@{}
for ($col = 1; $col -le $colMax; $col++) {
$name = $worksheet.Cells.Item(1, $col).Value() # assuming the first row has the headers
if ($name -match '\S'){
$columns[$name] = $col}
If you now want to present this HashTable of column names / Excel column indices as a menu to the user, you could do this:
# draw the menu
$columns.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
# {0,2} means to write the index number from $_.Value right aligned for two digits
'{0,2}: {1}' -f $_.Value, $_.Name
Write-Host # add an empty line
# quick and dirty..
do {
$answer = Read-Host "Please enter the number of the update you need to install. Press Q to exit"
# ask this question until the user enters a number or 'Q'
} until ($answer -eq 'Q' -or $answer -match '^\d{1,2}$')
Next examine what the user typed in and perform the appropriate action
Either using a switch like this:
switch ($answer) {
'Q' { break } # user wants to quit
'1' { <# run 'Patch' #> }
'2' { <# run 'Bulk Tool' #> }
'3' { <# run 'Side VIP 8.6.22' #> }
# and so on
Or more generic like:
switch ($answer) {
'Q' { break } # user wants to quit
{1..$columns.Count} {
# get the Name from the chosen value
$action = $columns.Keys | Where-Object {$columns["$_"] -eq $answer}
Write-Host "You chose to perform '$action'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
<# run $action #>
This is what it will look like on screen:
1: Patch
2: Bulk Tool
3: Side VIP 8.6.22
Please enter the number of the update you need to install. Press Q to exit: 2
You chose to perform 'Bulk Tool'
Upvotes: 1