Reputation: 116
I am using Screenutil package to make my flutter app responsive and it works but I have a problem. Whenever I use splitscreen, the app doesn't rebuild its widgets and they overflow. If I restart the app, it resizes perfectly according to the split screen size. Now, similarly when I exit split screen to full screen mode, the app widgets stay the same size as they were in split screen, until I restart the app. So I want the app to automatically rebuild itself whenever there is a change in screen size. How do I implement this?
Screenutil code:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ScreenUtilInit(
designSize: const Size(392.72727272727275, 807.2727272727273),
minTextAdapt: true,
builder: () => MaterialApp(
builder: ((context, widget) {
return MediaQuery(
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0),
child: widget!,
theme: ThemeData(
textTheme: TextTheme(
button: TextStyle(fontSize: 45.sp),
ColorScheme.fromSwatch().copyWith(secondary: Colors.white),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: const Wrapper(),
Normal screen size:
Split Screen Error:
Works fine when app restarted in Split Screen:
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Views: 4634
Reputation: 36
you can try removing the const keyword from the wrapper widget so it will rebuild
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 312
Well, when it comes to adapting to screen size usually a percentage of dimension is used. In the case of flutter, we can find available width and height using MediaQuery.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//Inside Build function since we need context.
// This is device height
final deviceHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
// Device width
final deviceWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
// Subtract paddings to calculate available dimensions
final avaliableHeight = deviceHeight - AppBar().preferredSize.height - MediaQuery.of(context) - MediaQuery.of(context).padding.bottom;
final availableWiddth = deviceWidth - MediaQuery.of(context).padding.right -MediaQuery.of(context).padding.left;
Now you can multiply available Height and Width with screen percentage to adapt. For instance,
Size(availableHeight * .4 ,availableWidth * .5)
Here we're using 4 part of height and 5 of width.
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