
Reputation: 3402

Graph API: sending message to a channel fails as Forbidden (Thread is not marked for import)

I need to use the Graph API to send a chat message to a MS Teams channel, documented here.

I retrieve a token from an App Registration that owns the required permissions:

Permissions have Admin Consent.

This the code C# that gets the token:

var scopes = new[] {
var tenantId = "602*********************************";
var clientId = "634*********************************";
var clientSecret = "DfV*************************************";
var options = new TokenCredentialOptions
    AuthorityHost = AzureAuthorityHosts.AzurePublicCloud
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
    tenantId, clientId, clientSecret, options);

var token = clientSecretCredential.GetToken(new TokenRequestContext(scopes)).Token;

I use Postman to better inspect the response. This is the URL of the POST request:*********************************/channels/19%3a9*********************************%40thread.tacv2/messages

The Authorization header is set with the token obtained by C# code and the payload is the following:

  "createdDateTime": "2022-03-07T17:47:11.7429830Z",
  "from": {
    "user": {
      "id": "2a7*********************************",
      "displayName": "User display name",
      "userIdentityType": "aadUser"
  "body": {
    "contentType": "html",
    "content": "Hello Teams!"

This REST API call perfectly works with Graph Explorer when logged as a tenant user (using only the body property). With the App Registration token and additional properties I get the following response with HTTP status code 403 Forbidden:

    "error": {
        "code": "Forbidden",
        "message": "{\"errorCode\":209,\"message\":\"{\\r\\n  \\\"subCode\\\": \\\"MessageWritesBlocked\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"details\\\": \\\"Thread is not marked for import\\\",\\r\\n  \\\"errorCode\\\": null,\\r\\n  \\\"errorSubCode\\\": null\\r\\n}\"}",
        "innerError": {
            "date": "2022-03-07T17:47:34",
            "request-id": "e0ab5c7b-b64b-4c44-81e3-cc91b344403c",
            "client-request-id": "e0ab5c7b-b64b-4c44-81e3-cc91b344403c"

I don't understand how to satisfy Thread is not marked for import.

I'll appreciate any help on how to succeed in this call. If not possible: any other way to send a message using the Graph API with App Registration token.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2637

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1458

Application permissions are only supported for migration.

Please follow below steps.

1. Create new team in migration state.


Content-Type: application/json
  "@microsoft.graph.teamCreationMode": "migration",
  "[email protected]": "'standard')",
  "displayName": "My Sample Team",
  "description": "My Sample Team’s Description",
  "createdDateTime": "2020-03-14T11:22:17.043Z"

2. Create New Channel in migration state


Content-Type: application/json
  "@microsoft.graph.channelCreationMode": "migration",
  "displayName": "Architecture Discussion",
  "description": "This channel is where we debate all future architecture plans",
  "membershipType": "standard",
  "createdDateTime": "2020-03-14T11:22:17.047Z"

3. Execute graph query for import messages


         "displayName":"Joh Doe",
      "content":"Hello World"

Ref Doc:

Upvotes: 1

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