john doe
john doe

Reputation: 13

Extjs paging toolbar problem

When I try to show five rows only, the paging toolbar says "showing 1-5 of [however many items I got in db]", the problem is that the grid actually shows the entire db even if it says it shows just the 5 items. This is my store:

var viewOrder = Ext.create('', {
    model : 'orderModel',
    pageSize: 5,
    proxy : new{
        type : 'ajax',
    url : 'allOrderJson',
    method : 'GET',
    reader : {
        type : 'json',
        root : 'jsonArray',
        totalProperty : 'total'
autoLoad: false,

the model:

Ext.regModel('orderModel', {
    fields : [ {
        name : 'order_number',
        type : 'string'
    }, {
    name : 'status',
    type : 'string'
    }, {
    name : 'time_of_delivery',
    type : 'string'
    }, {
         name : 'last_edited',
         type : 'string'
    } ]

before I create my grid, I load the store:

    params : {
        start : 0,
        limit : 5,

my grid:

xtype : 'grid',
    id : 'incompleteorders',
    title : 'outstanding orders',
    store : viewOrder,

    columns : [ {
        text : 'order number',
        dataIndex : 'order_number',
    }, {
        text : 'status',
        dataIndex : 'status',
    }, {
        text : 'delivery date',
        dataIndex : 'time_of_delivery',
    }, {
        text : 'last edited',
        dataIndex : 'last_edited',
    }, ],
    dockedItems : [ {
        xtype : 'pagingtoolbar',
        pageSize : 5,
        store : viewOrder, 
        dock : 'bottom', 
        displayInfo : true,
        emptyMsg : 'No data to display',
    } ]

Can you see if I'm doing something wrong? I tried following the sencha documentation, but obviously that did not work properly.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 6441

Answers (1)

Evan Trimboli
Evan Trimboli

Reputation: 30092

When a request gets sent to the server for 5 items, do you only return the 5 items it requests? It's up to you to do the appropriate filtering on the server.

See the totalProperty option here:

The totalProperty refers to the property in your response that contains the total number of records. It defaults to total, so your response should look something like:

    "total": 20,
    "records": [{
        "a": "foo"

In doing so you will also need to set the root property on the reader appropriately, in the example above it would be "records".

Upvotes: 1

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