Reputation: 1
i created an enun in sql
CREATE TYPE asset_type AS ENUM (
I want switch the value bat to ball
how can we switch enum values in sql
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Views: 1199
Here we use an assets table and a foreign key so that only valid values from the assets table can be entered in the column.
The proposed update method will not work if there are more than 2 values for the class in assets, but could be modified to use numbers for the assets and then do something like ID = CASE (ID = max ID) then ID = 1 ELSE ID + 1
create table assets( class varchar(10), vall varchar(10), constraint pk_enums primary key (class,vall)); insert into assets values ('enum1','bat'), ('enum1','ball');
create table sample ( clas varchar(10), val varchar(10), foreign key (clas,val) references assets(class,vall) ); insert into sample values('enum1','bat');
select * from sample;
clas | val :---- | :-- enum1 | bat
update sample set val = vall from assets where class = class and vall <> val;
select * from sample;
clas | val :---- | :--- enum1 | ball
db<>fiddle here
Upvotes: 0
Are you looking to do something like
UPDATE table_name SET column_name =
WHEN column_name = 'bat' THEN 'ball'
WHEN column_name = 'ball' THEN 'bat'
probably with a condition, for example
WHERE player_name = 'Jack'
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 246698
ALTER TYPE asset_type RENAME VALUE 'bat' TO 'scratch';
ALTER TYPE asset_type RENAME VALUE 'ball' TO 'bat';
ALTER TYPE asset_type RENAME VALUE 'scratch' TO 'ball';
Not sure what the point is though.
Upvotes: 1