Reputation: 13
I have a database (with two columns "id" and "serial") with serial numbers. For example:
id |Serial
10 | A18D003.000106
12 | A13D002.000100
122| A19D004.000107
There are many more numbers, but let's assume there are about 50 of each type of key:
From A18D003.00001 to 00052
From A13D002.00001 to 00053
From A19D004.00001 to 00057
I want to get the maximum value of the last 5 digits of the serial number. So the following should appear:
and get the absolute maximum value of what is after the dot:
A18D003.00052 -> 00052
A13D002.00053 -> 00053
A19D004.00057 -> 00057
It should only display:
How to do this in Firebird?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 367
Reputation: 13
I tweaked your (Mark Rotteveel) statement a bit and I must say it works - I used RIGHT instead of substring
select val
from serial
order by RIGHT (serial, 5) desc
fetch first row only
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 16065
Since you have task like that it seems that "Serial" is actualyl two fields, not one. And the table is NOT notmalized yet. So, you most probable have to normilize it.
You would have first to add new VARCHAR
columns (or maybe VARCHAR
From that point you have two strategies.
If you can refactor all of your applications, the natural approach would be to remove the old "complex" column and to recreate it as an expression, based on the two "atom" columns. That way your applications would no be able to write into that "complex" column and whould be discouraged from using it in WHERE
clauses (use new "atom" aolumns instead). Database-wise this seems a normal strategy, but can you effect all your applications in sync - i don't know.
If you can - you have to do a one-time data migration, and then re-work your applications. From now on they should only read the older, "compound" serial columns, never write into them and almost never filter by them.
select rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'ENGINE_VERSION') as version , rdb$character_set_name from rdb$database;
VERSION | RDB$CHARACTER_SET_NAME :------ | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0.5 | UTF8
create table serial ( val varchar(50) not null )
insert into serial (val) values ('A18D003.00052');
insert into serial (val) values ('A13D002.00053');
insert into serial (val) values ('A19D004.00057');
select val from serial order by substring(val from 9) desc fetch first row only
| VAL | | :------------ | | A19D004.00057 |
insert into serial (val) values ('A19F104.00057');
insert into serial (val) values ('A18D003.00010');
insert into serial (val) values ('A13D002.0008');
insert into serial (val) values ('A19D004.00000025');
-- alternative answer alter table serial add serial_part_1 varchar(8) not null ,add serial_part_2 integer not null ,add serial_part_2_text COMPUTED BY (lpad(serial_part_2, 6, '0'))
-- make sure lpad (6, xxx ) always work properly alter table serial add check ((serial_part_2 >= 0) and (serial_part_2 < 1000000))
-- STRATEGY database-first, one-time data migration, needs refactoring of all applications -- should this be just a non-unique index (allowing rows repetitions) -- or should that be a PRIMARY KEY instead ??? create index idx_serial_by_parts on serial(serial_part_1,serial_part_2)
create index idx_serial_by_part2 on serial(serial_part_2)
-- update serial set serial_part_1 = LEFT(val, POSITION( '.' IN val) - 1) ,serial_part_2 = SUBSTRING(val FROM POSITION( '.' IN val) + 1)
7 rows affected
select * from serial
VAL | SERIAL_PART_1 | SERIAL_PART_2 | SERIAL_PART_2_TEXT :--------------- | :------------ | ------------: | :----------------- A18D003.00052 | A18D003 | 52 | 000052 A13D002.00053 | A13D002 | 53 | 000053 A19D004.00057 | A19D004 | 57 | 000057 A19F104.00057 | A19F104 | 57 | 000057 A18D003.00010 | A18D003 | 10 | 000010 A13D002.0008 | A13D002 | 8 | 000008 A19D004.00000025 | A19D004 | 25 | 000025
alter table serial drop val
alter table serial add val COMPUTED BY ( serial_part_1 || '.' || serial_part_2_text )
select * from serial
SERIAL_PART_1 | SERIAL_PART_2 | SERIAL_PART_2_TEXT | VAL :------------ | ------------: | :----------------- | :------------- A18D003 | 52 | 000052 | A18D003.000052 A13D002 | 53 | 000053 | A13D002.000053 A19D004 | 57 | 000057 | A19D004.000057 A19F104 | 57 | 000057 | A19F104.000057 A18D003 | 10 | 000010 | A18D003.000010 A13D002 | 8 | 000008 | A13D002.000008 A19D004 | 25 | 000025 | A19D004.000025
select SERIAL_PART_1, Max(SERIAL_PART_2), Max(val) from serial group by SERIAL_PART_1
SERIAL_PART_1 | MAX | MAX :------------ | --: | :------------- A13D002 | 53 | A13D002.000053 A18D003 | 52 | A18D003.000052 A19D004 | 57 | A19D004.000057 A19F104 | 57 | A19F104.000057
with mx as ( select Max(SERIAL_PART_2) as mx2 from serial ) select * from serial, mx where SERIAL_PART_2 = mx.mx2
SERIAL_PART_1 | SERIAL_PART_2 | SERIAL_PART_2_TEXT | VAL | MX2 :------------ | ------------: | :----------------- | :------------- | --: A19D004 | 57 | 000057 | A19D004.000057 | 57 A19F104 | 57 | 000057 | A19F104.000057 | 57
db<>fiddle here
Alternative strategy would be to keep BOTH new and old columns, and use a smart trigger to keep synchronizing those data values in both directions.
That would let you keep old applications, yet would require a very careful online data conversion-synchronization programming.
For example, in the sample below i did not think much about different combinations of NULL and not-NULL data values. To use this approach in production it would be your task to check for all possible data value sets, correct and broken, and to arm your code against any bad combination.
select rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'ENGINE_VERSION') as version , rdb$character_set_name from rdb$database;
VERSION | RDB$CHARACTER_SET_NAME :------ | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0.5 | UTF8
create table serial ( val varchar(50) not null )
insert into serial (val) values ('A18D003.00052');
insert into serial (val) values ('A13D002.00053');
insert into serial (val) values ('A19D004.00057');
select val from serial order by substring(val from 9) desc fetch first row only
| VAL | | :------------ | | A19D004.00057 |
insert into serial (val) values ('A19F104.00057');
insert into serial (val) values ('A18D003.00010');
insert into serial (val) values ('A13D002.0008');
insert into serial (val) values ('A19D004.00000025');
-- alternative answer alter table serial add serial_part_1 varchar(8) not null ,add serial_part_2 integer not null ,add serial_part_2_text COMPUTED BY (lpad(serial_part_2, 6, '0'))
-- make sure lpad (6, xxx ) always work properly alter table serial add check ((serial_part_2 >= 0) and (serial_part_2 < 1000000))
-- STRATEGY applications-first, on-change two-ways data migration, -- hopefully can avoid immediate refactoring of all applications -- should this be just a non-unique index (allowing rows repetitions) -- or should that be a PRIMARY KEY instead ??? create index idx_serial_by_parts on serial(serial_part_1,serial_part_2)
create index idx_serial_by_part2 on serial(serial_part_2)
-- -- CREATE TRIGGER serial_data_synchronize ACTIVE BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON serial AS BEGIN -- the next condition might need defensive programming -- what should be TRUE OR FALSE OR NULL ? IF ( (NEW.val IS NULL) OR (NEW.serial_part_1 <> OLD.serial_part_1) OR (NEW.serial_part_2 <> OLD.serial_part_2) ) THEN BEGIN NEW.val = NEW.serial_part_1 || '.' || NEW.serial_part_2_text; EXIT; END IF ( (NEW.val IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.val) OR ( NEW.serial_part_1 IS NULL ) OR ( NEW.serial_part_2 IS NULL ) ) THEN BEGIN NEW.serial_part_1 = LEFT(NEW.val, POSITION( '.' IN NEW.val) - 1); NEW.serial_part_2 = SUBSTRING(NEW.val FROM POSITION( '.' IN NEW.val) + 1); END END
select * from serial
VAL | SERIAL_PART_1 | SERIAL_PART_2 | SERIAL_PART_2_TEXT :--------------- | :------------ | ------------: | :----------------- A18D003.00052 | | 0 | null A13D002.00053 | | 0 | null A19D004.00057 | | 0 | null A19F104.00057 | | 0 | null A18D003.00010 | | 0 | null A13D002.0008 | | 0 | null A19D004.00000025 | | 0 | null
update serial set val = val; -- trigger the trigger
7 rows affected
select * from serial
VAL | SERIAL_PART_1 | SERIAL_PART_2 | SERIAL_PART_2_TEXT :--------------- | :------------ | ------------: | :----------------- A18D003.00052 | A18D003 | 52 | 000052 A13D002.00053 | A13D002 | 53 | 000053 A19D004.00057 | A19D004 | 57 | 000057 A19F104.00057 | A19F104 | 57 | 000057 A18D003.00010 | A18D003 | 10 | 000010 A13D002.0008 | A13D002 | 8 | 000008 A19D004.00000025 | A19D004 | 25 | 000025
insert into serial (val) values ('A19F104.00042');
insert into serial (serial_part_1,serial_part_2) values ('A19F104', 21);
select * from serial
VAL | SERIAL_PART_1 | SERIAL_PART_2 | SERIAL_PART_2_TEXT :--------------- | :------------ | ------------: | :----------------- A18D003.00052 | A18D003 | 52 | 000052 A13D002.00053 | A13D002 | 53 | 000053 A19D004.00057 | A19D004 | 57 | 000057 A19F104.00057 | A19F104 | 57 | 000057 A18D003.00010 | A18D003 | 10 | 000010 A13D002.0008 | A13D002 | 8 | 000008 A19D004.00000025 | A19D004 | 25 | 000025 A19F104.00042 | A19F104 | 42 | 000042 A19F104.000021 | A19F104 | 21 | 000021
update serial set serial_part_2 = 12 where val = 'A19F104.00042'
update serial set val = 'A18D003.00022' where serial_part_2 = 10
select * from serial
VAL | SERIAL_PART_1 | SERIAL_PART_2 | SERIAL_PART_2_TEXT :--------------- | :------------ | ------------: | :----------------- A18D003.00052 | A18D003 | 52 | 000052 A13D002.00053 | A13D002 | 53 | 000053 A19D004.00057 | A19D004 | 57 | 000057 A19F104.00057 | A19F104 | 57 | 000057 A18D003.00022 | A18D003 | 22 | 000022 A13D002.0008 | A13D002 | 8 | 000008 A19D004.00000025 | A19D004 | 25 | 000025 A19F104.000012 | A19F104 | 12 | 000012 A19F104.000021 | A19F104 | 21 | 000021
select SERIAL_PART_1, Max(SERIAL_PART_2), Max(val), LIST(val, ', ') from serial group by SERIAL_PART_1
SERIAL_PART_1 | MAX | MAX | LIST :------------ | --: | :------------ | :-------------------------------------------- A13D002 | 53 | A13D002.0008 | A13D002.0008, A13D002.00053 A18D003 | 52 | A18D003.00052 | A18D003.00022, A18D003.00052 A19D004 | 57 | A19D004.00057 | A19D004.00000025, A19D004.00057 A19F104 | 57 | A19F104.00057 | A19F104.000012, A19F104.000021, A19F104.00057
with mx as ( select Max(SERIAL_PART_2) as mx2 from serial ) select serial.* from serial, mx where SERIAL_PART_2 = mx.mx2
VAL | SERIAL_PART_1 | SERIAL_PART_2 | SERIAL_PART_2_TEXT :------------ | :------------ | ------------: | :----------------- A19D004.00057 | A19D004 | 57 | 000057 A19F104.00057 | A19F104 | 57 | 000057
db<>fiddle here
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 109136
You can use substring
to extract the last part of the serial, order by it descending, and then only fetch the first row:
select val
from serial
order by substring(val from 9) desc
fetch first row only
This example assumes that the serial always has the separating dot in position 8, otherwise you may need to use the regular expression form of substring
(e.g. substring(val similar '%.#"%#"' escape '#')
), or use position
Given the complication mentioned in the comments of having serials with 5 or 6 digits, you can also try using one of the following approaches:
Trim leading zeroes and cast to integer:
cast(trim(leading '0' from substring(val from 9)) as integer)
As a variant of the previous, use substring to extract the number:
cast(substring(val similar '%.0*#"([1-9][0-9]*)|0#"' escape '#') as integer)
Left pad (lpad
) zeroes to a common length (for simplicity, I'm assuming 6 here):
lpad(substring(val from 9), 6, '0')
Upvotes: 1