Reputation: 11
i am creating a lambda function for Certification expiration Alert, and getting this error message when Test run
"errorMessage": "'detail-type'",
"errorType": "KeyError",
"requestId": "5449b430-e32a-4645-93b0-f204e92ef6e6",
"stackTrace": [
" File \"/var/task/\", line 25, in lambda_handler\n if (event ['detail-type'] == \"ACM Certificate Approaching Expiration\"):\n"
Function Logs
START RequestId: 5449b430-e32a-4645-93b0-f204e92ef6e6 Version: $LATEST
[ERROR] KeyError: 'detail-type'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/", line 25, in lambda_handler
if (event ['detail-type'] == "ACM Certificate Approaching Expiration"):END RequestId: 5449b430-e32a-4645-93b0-f204e92ef6e6
REPORT RequestId: 5449b430-e32a-4645-93b0-f204e92ef6e6 Duration: 1.54 ms Billed Duration: 2 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 53 MB Init Duration: 233.48 ms
Request ID 5449b430-e32a-4645-93b0-f204e92ef6e6
here it is the full lambda funtion
import json
import boto3
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
# -------------------------------------------
# setup global data
# -------------------------------------------
utc = timezone.utc
# make today timezone aware
today =
# set up time window for alert - default to 45 if its missing
if os.environ.get('EXPIRY_DAYS') is None:
expiry_days = 45
expiry_days = int(os.environ['EXPIRY_DAYS'])
expiry_window = today + timedelta(days = expiry_days)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# if this is coming from the ACM event, its for a single certificate
if (event ['detail-type'] == "ACM Certificate Approaching Expiration"):
response = handle_single_cert (event, context.invoked_function_arn)
# otherwise, we need to get all the expiring certs that are expiring from CloudWatch Metrics
response = handle_multiple_certs(event, context.invoked_function_arn)
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': response
def handle_single_cert(event, context_arn):
cert_client = boto3.client('acm')
cert_details = cert_client.describe_certificate(CertificateArn=event['resources'][0])
result = 'The following certificate is expiring within ' + str(expiry_days) + ' days: ' + cert_details['Certificate']['DomainName']
# check the expiry window before logging to Security Hub and sending an SNS
if cert_details['Certificate']['NotAfter'] < expiry_window:
# This call is the text going into the SNS notification
result = result + ' (' + cert_details['Certificate']['CertificateArn'] + ') '
# this call is publishing to SH
result = result + ' - ' + log_finding_to_sh(event, cert_details, context_arn)
# if there's an SNS topic, publish a notification to it
if os.environ.get('SNS_TOPIC_ARN') is None:
response = result
sns_client = boto3.client('sns')
response = sns_client.publish(TopicArn=os.environ['SNS_TOPIC_ARN'], Message=result, Subject='Certificate Expiration Notification')
return result
def handle_multiple_certs(event, context_arn):
cert_client = boto3.client('acm')
cert_list = json.loads(get_expiring_cert_arns())
if cert_list is None:
response = 'No certificates are expiring within ' + str(expiry_days) + ' days.'
response = 'The following certificates are expiring within ' + str(expiry_days) + ' days: \n'
# loop through the cert list and pull out certs that are expiring within the expiry window
for csl in cert_list:
cert_arn = json.dumps(csl['Dimensions'][0]['Value']).replace('\"', '')
cert_details = cert_client.describe_certificate(CertificateArn=cert_arn)
if cert_details['Certificate']['NotAfter'] < expiry_window:
current_cert = 'Domain:' + cert_details['Certificate']['DomainName'] + ' (' + cert_details['Certificate']['CertificateArn'] + '), \n'
# this is publishing to SH
result = log_finding_to_sh(event, cert_details, context_arn)
# This is the text going into the SNS notification
response = response + current_cert
# if there's an SNS topic, publish a notification to it
if os.environ.get('SNS_TOPIC_ARN') is not None:
sns_client = boto3.client('sns')
response = sns_client.publish(TopicArn=os.environ['SNS_TOPIC_ARN'], Message=response.rstrip(', \n'), Subject='Certificate Expiration Notification')
return response
def log_finding_to_sh(event, cert_details, context_arn):
# setup for security hub
sh_region = get_sh_region(event['region'])
sh_hub_arn = "arn:aws:securityhub:{0}:{1}:hub/default".format(sh_region, event['account'])
sh_product_arn = "arn:aws:securityhub:{0}:{1}:product/{1}/default".format(sh_region, event['account'])
# check if security hub is enabled, and if the hub arn exists
sh_client = boto3.client('securityhub', region_name = sh_region)
sh_enabled = sh_client.describe_hub(HubArn = sh_hub_arn)
# the previous command throws an error indicating the hub doesn't exist or lambda doesn't have rights to it so we'll stop attempting to use it
except Exception as error:
sh_enabled = None
print ('Default Security Hub product doesn\'t exist')
response = 'Security Hub disabled'
# This is used to generate the URL to the cert in the Security Hub Findings to link directly to it
cert_id = right(cert_details['Certificate']['CertificateArn'], 36)
if sh_enabled:
# set up a new findings list
new_findings = []
# add expiring certificate to the new findings list
"SchemaVersion": "2018-10-08",
"Id": cert_id,
"ProductArn": sh_product_arn,
"GeneratorId": context_arn,
"AwsAccountId": event['account'],
"Types": [
"Software and Configuration Checks/AWS Config Analysis"
"CreatedAt": event['time'],
"UpdatedAt": event['time'],
"Severity": {
"Original": '89.0',
"Label": 'HIGH'
"Title": 'Certificate expiration',
"Description": 'cert expiry',
'Remediation': {
'Recommendation': {
'Text': 'A new certificate for ' + cert_details['Certificate']['DomainName'] + ' should be imported to replace the existing imported certificate before expiration',
'Url': "" + event['region'] + "#/?id=" + cert_id
'Resources': [
'Id': event['id'],
'Type': 'ACM Certificate',
'Partition': 'aws',
'Region': event['region']
'Compliance': {'Status': 'WARNING'}
# push any new findings to security hub
if new_findings:
response = sh_client.batch_import_findings(Findings=new_findings)
if response['FailedCount'] > 0:
print("Failed to import {} findings".format(response['FailedCount']))
except Exception as error:
print("Error: ", error)
return json.dumps(response)
def get_expiring_cert_arns():
cert_list = []
# Create CloudWatch client
cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
paginator = cloudwatch.get_paginator('list_metrics')
for response in paginator.paginate(
Dimensions=[{'Name': 'CertificateArn'}],):
cert_list = cert_list + (response['Metrics'])
# return all certs that are expiring according to CW
return json.dumps(cert_list)
# function to setup the sh region
def get_sh_region(event_region):
# security hub findings may need to go to a different region so set that here
if os.environ.get('SECURITY_HUB_REGION') is None:
sh_region_local = event_region
sh_region_local = os.environ['SECURITY_HUB_REGION']
return sh_region_local
# quick function to trim off right side of a string
def right(value, count):
# To get right part of string, use negative first index in slice.
return value[-count:]
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4337
Reputation: 2902
When you test your lambda function, you can create a JSON string to be used as a test event. Make sure that the test event has all the attributes that it needs. For example, a test lambda event is initially set to this:
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3"
You should edit the test event and add all the items that your code expects (find all your occurrences of event['someKey']. In your code, the list of keys I see are:
"detail-type": "some value",
"resources": "some list maybe with square brackets here",
"region": "some-regions",
"time": "some time",
"id": "998877",
"account": "12344567",
Once all the event['keys'] are part of the test event, you should not see your error anymore.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6605
You can first print the event to help you troubleshoot it by checking whether you are actually getting the key you expect ('detail-type'):
import json
print(f"Received: {json.dumps(obj=event, indent=2)})"
If there is a chance that you will not have 'detail-type', then you can either use try/except to deal with the key error, or use if event.get('detail-type')
to guard against it.
Upvotes: 1