Reputation: 11
As the title states, I am trying to do a continual listening AI named Sapphire using the speech_recognition library. For about one minute after starting the code fresh it works fine, however, after it has been running for more than a minute, the speech_to_text() takes forever to run.
Any help would be appreciated, I am looking for some form of solution to this issue. Perhaps I am not understanding the functions well enough, or there may be a way to stop the speech_to_text() function after a certain time.
I am running a texting/email version of the bot as well in addition to the voice version using threading, but I was having this problem with speech_to_text() before threading was involved.
Thank you for your help!
Here is the output:
Me --> Sapphire what time is it
speech_to_text() Time = 5.611827599990647
Sapphire --> 16:46.
Me --> ERROR
speech_to_text() Time = 3.4650153999973554
Me --> ERROR
speech_to_text() Time = 6.241592899998068
Me --> ERROR
speech_to_text() Time = 12.198483600004693
Me --> ERROR
speech_to_text() Time = 3.7981161000061547
Me --> shoe stamps
speech_to_text() Time = 51.52946890000021
Me --> ERROR
speech_to_text() Time = 6.57019980000041
Me --> ERROR
speech_to_text() Time = 46.647391800011974
Here is my code to run the Sapphire AI:
class ChatBot():
def __init__(self, name):
print("----- Starting up", name, "-----") = name
def speech_to_text(self):
recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
# with sr.Microphone(device_index=3) as mic:
with sr.Microphone() as mic:
audio = recognizer.listen(mic)
self.text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio)
print("Me --> ", self.text)
print("Me --> ERROR")
def text_to_speech(text):
if text == "":
print((" --> "), text)
speaker = gTTS(text=text, lang="en", slow=False)"res.mp3")
vlc_instance = vlc.Instance("--no-video")
player = vlc_instance.media_player_new()
media = vlc_instance.media_new("res.mp3")
def wake_up(self, text):
return True if ( in text.lower() else False
def parse_input(txt):
## action time
if "time" in txt and "is" in txt and "it" in txt:
res = action_time()
elif in txt:
res = np.random.choice(
["That's me!, Sapphire!", "Hello I am Sapphire the AI", "Yes I am Sapphire!", "My name is Sapphire, okay?!", "I am Sapphire and I am alive!",
"It's-a Me!, Sapphire!"])
## respond politely
elif any(i in txt for i in ["thank", "thanks"]):
res = np.random.choice(
["you're welcome!", "anytime!", "no problem!", "cool!", "I'm here if you need me!",
"mention not."])
elif any(i in txt for i in ["exit", "close"]):
res = np.random.choice(
["Tata!", "Have a good day!", "Bye!", "Goodbye!", "Hope to meet soon!", "peace out!"])
ex = False
## conversation
if txt == "ERROR":
# res="Sorry, come again?"
res = ""
starttime1 = timeit.default_timer()
chat = nlp(transformers.Conversation(txt), pad_token_id=50256)
endtime1 = timeit.default_timer()
print("Transformer Time = ", (endtime1 - starttime1))
res = str(chat)
res = res[res.find("bot >> ") + 6:].strip()
return res
def sapphire_audio():
ex = True
start = 0
while ex:
starttime1 = timeit.default_timer()
endtime1 = timeit.default_timer()
print("speech_to_text() Time = ", (endtime1 - starttime1))
## wake up
if ai.wake_up(ai.text) is True:
#remove Sapphire from phrase
ai.text = ai.text.lower().replace(, "", 1)
if start == 0:
res = "Hello I am Sapphire the AI, what can I do for you?"
start = 1
res = parse_input(ai.text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true"
# sapphire_email()
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2073
Reputation: 11
First of all - try to measure what method takes that long time to execute. Is it the listen()
method or recognize_google()
Try using function recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(mic)
just once in the beginning, and not every time when you use speech_to_text()
function and see what will happen after that.
Function recognizer.listen(mic)
waits for audio from your microphone to come down to some threshold set by recognizer.adjust_for_ambient_noise(mic)
I assume that sometimes threshold is set so low and to achieve that level of ambient noise you need to wait very long time. (Check your mic in audacity? Listen to that and analyze if ambient noise changes from time to time?)
Also you are sending that audio to Google server using public API key. It's only a guess but maybe some additional delay is provided with sending long length audio data using not that great home internet upload speed. And perhaps Google, since you are sending many requests on public API key, isn't prioritizing your requests which can lead to another delay.
But it's just a guess. Try to do what I wrote at the beginning and we will figure it out.
Upvotes: 1