Reputation: 107
I need to find a specific string in the Windows PATH recursively and replace the string with another string:
Task # 1
I identified(with help) on how to identify the path of available string using the below script.
findstr /s /i /m /c:"topaz3258" H:\MKS\build\host\dev\*.* > H:\topaz3258\result.txt
Task # 2
Now I need your assistance to update "topaz3258" with "topaz103258" in all the above path identified for the string. The file type is ".ini" and ".cmd" files.
Note: Powershell is restricted in the organization, so I have to use Batch script.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 785
Reputation: 36
With powershell scripts you can do a regex replacement within a file pretty easy. I just pulled an example from something I had already, this should probably work in general. but this is just to do one file
(gc "input filename" -raw) -replace 'topaz3258', 'topaz103258' | Out-File -encoding ASCII "output filename"
You can iterate over files pretty easily though
edit, im just writing this freehand but it might look something like
$files = Get-ChildItem H:\MKS\build\host\dev\ -Recurse *.*
foreach ($f in $files){
(gc $f.FullName -raw) -replace 'topaz3258', 'topaz103258' | Out-File -encoding ASCII $f.FullName
if you dont want to do it in-place you can specify a different output path or else just copy the folder tree before operating on it. Depends on what you need exactly. star dot star is a very wide net to cast btw, you might want to filter by text files only or something
I quickly put this together from other answers (Also edited). It will no longer make a new file, it writes directly into the original file. This is dangerous, you cant go back. There is no undo so make a temporary backup somehow. The script will preserve blank lines. It will not respect word boundaries so for example
red blue reddit (red -> green) green blue greendit
@echo off
SET FIND_STR=topaz3258
SET REPL_STR=topaz103258
SET ROOT_DIR=H:\MKS\build\host\dev\
for /R "%ROOT_DIR%" %%a in (*.txt) do (
:: say the filename
echo %%a
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "%%a" ^| find /v /n "" ^& break ^> "%%a"') do (
set "line=%%i"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "line=!line:*]=!"
if defined line set "line=!line:%FIND_STR%=%REPL_STR%!"
>>"%%a" echo(!line!
Upvotes: 1