Reputation: 2837
I have experienced a lot of AppNotIdleException when running the full test suite, but most often they run successfully in isolation (related: I would like to understand exactly how these two APIs should be combined to avoid problems.
For starters there is a configuration called "Looper mode" in Robolectric, which basically defines when different threads are executed. The default value, since Robolectric 4.5, is "PAUSED" which means the developer should control when threads are executed.
In addition AndroidX offers createComposeRule() which makes it possible to build minimal unit tests with a single composable - very nice. This "Compose rule" comes with a "mainClock" with the default behavior to "auto-advance".
Given a simple composable with a button. What is the recommended setup (annotations, clock configs, etc) for my test? Let's assume I want the test to run for Android P (API=28). Any feedback is welcome. I want to keep the tests as tidy as possible.
This is how I would write my tests today:
@Config(sdk = [Build.VERSION_CODES.P])
class MyComposablesKtTest {
val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()
private val buttonNode get() = composeTestRule.onNodeWithContentDescription("My Button")
fun setUp() {
composeTestRule.mainClock.autoAdvance = false
fun `MyComposable - always - sets up view correctly`() {
composeTestRule.setContent {
MyComposable(onClick = {})
fun `MyComposable - when button clicked - performs action`() {
var buttonClicked = false
composeTestRule.setContent {
MyComposable(onClick = { buttonClicked = true })
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