
Reputation: 487

When I flip my sprite it goes out of the tilemaps foreground

I came across a problem that I can't solve. Whenever I move my character if it's near the edge of the map it goes through the tilemaps collider and goes out of the map. Here's the screenshot I took:

This is normal: link text

This is when the bug occurs: bug

Here's the code I'm using to move and flip the character:

 using System.Collections;
 using UnityEngine;
 using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
 public class MovementScript : MonoBehaviour
     Vector2 moveInput;
     Animator animator;
     Rigidbody2D rb;
     BoxCollider2D myCollider;
     PlayerStats playerStats;
     float playerSpeed;
     [SerializeField] float timeToWaitAfterBeingAttackedToMoveAgain = 1f;
     [SerializeField] int kickbackFromEnemyAttack = 40;
     void Start()
         myCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>();
         rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
         animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
         playerStats = GetComponent<PlayerStats>();
     void FixedUpdate()
         playerSpeed = playerStats.GetPlayerSpeed();
     //If the player goes left the sprite flips left, otherwise it flips to the right
     void FlipSprite()
         bool playerHasHorizontalSpeed = Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.x) >= Mathf.Epsilon;
             transform.localScale = new Vector2(Mathf.Sign(rb.velocity.x), 1f);
     void Run()
         Vector2 playerVelocity = new(moveInput.x * playerSpeed, rb.velocity.y);
         rb.velocity = playerVelocity;
         if (myCollider.IsTouchingLayers(LayerMask.GetMask("Ground")))
             animator.SetBool("run", Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.x) >= Mathf.Epsilon);
     void OnMove(InputValue value)
         moveInput = value.Get<Vector2>();
     private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
         if(collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy") && playerStats.PlayerIsAlive())
             this.enabled = false;

Upvotes: 1

Views: 102

Answers (1)

Sven Viking
Sven Viking

Reputation: 2720

You’d likely be better to get the SpriteRenderer component and change its flipX property rather than reversing the scale.

Either way, if the sprite is moving in an unintended way when you flip it, it’s likely that the pivot isn’t set the way you want it — e.g. in this case it’s probably set to the bottom left of the sprite.

Select the sprite asset, click “Sprite Editor” in the inspector, and set the sprite’s pivot to the middle or bottom middle. Apply the changes and the sprite should flip from the centre instead of from the edge.

Upvotes: 2

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