Reputation: 312
I want to upload a text file in application under test. The path of text file is put in one of the cells of excel. I tried using excel library but I am facing issue here. My code is not identifying excel library. I have installed robot framework excel library package in pycharm. Below is my excel and code snippet.
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
Library ExcelLibrary
Library Collections
*** Variables ***
${path_excel} D:\\Users\\test.xls
*** Test Cases ***
open Excel ${path_excel}
#Click File Upload Here
Choose File xpath=//input[@class="dz-hidden-input"] ${path}
*** Keywords ***
[Arguments] ${path}
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Views: 944
Reputation: 644
You need to give your test case a name and run the excel keyword within it (indented)
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
Library ExcelLibrary
Library Collections
*** Test Cases ***
Test Case A
${path} Get Path From Excel D:\\Users\\test.xls
Choose File xpath=//input[@class="dz-hidden-input"] ${path}
*** Keywords ***
Get Path From Excel
[Arguments] ${excel_file_path}
Open Excel ${excel_file_path}
${path} Read Cell Data By Name Robot_framework A2
[Return] ${path}
Your keyword also needs a name, just argument in keyword section isn't correct format, you use a keyword similar to how functions work in other languages
Upvotes: 1