Reputation: 517
When I scroll through the collectionView, the data displayed is incorrect and also changes when scrolling up and down. I have implemented the function prepareForReuse in the collection view cell
The data in my arrays are correct, and the data inside
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath)
is correct as well when I log it.
Collection View Cell
class ToonCollectionCell: UICollectionViewCell {
@IBOutlet weak var toonTitle: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var toonImage: UIButton!
override func prepareForReuse() {
toonTitle.text = nil
toonImage.imageView!.image = nil
override func awakeFromNib() {
Table View Cell
import UIKit
import SDWebImage
class ToonCell: UITableViewCell {
@IBOutlet weak var collectionView: UICollectionView!
@IBOutlet weak var date: UILabel!
@objc func reloadTableViewData() {
override func awakeFromNib() {
// Initialization code
self.collectionView.delegate = self
self.collectionView.dataSource = self
self.collectionView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(reloadTableViewData), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "reloadData"), object: nil)
override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) {
super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated)
extension HomePage: UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return dateArr.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "toonTitle") as? toonTitle else {
fatalError("Cannot create cell")
} = dateArr[indexPath.row]
if(dateArr[indexPath.row] == "Monday") {
// cell.identi = "123"
cell.collectionView.tag = 11
else if(dateArr[indexPath.row] == "Tuesday") {
cell.collectionView.tag = 22
else if(dateArr[indexPath.row] == "Wednesday") {
cell.collectionView.tag = 33
else if(dateArr[indexPath.row] == "Thursday") {
cell.collectionView.tag = 44
else if(dateArr[indexPath.row] == "Friday") {
cell.collectionView.tag = 55
else if(dateArr[indexPath.row] == "Saturday") {
cell.collectionView.tag = 66
else if(dateArr[indexPath.row] == "Sunday") {
cell.collectionView.tag = 77
else {
cell.collectionView.tag = 1
return cell
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
return 300
extension ToonCell: UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDataSource {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// print("Tag: ", collectionView)
if(subscribedToons.isEmpty) {
return 0
if(collectionView.tag == 11) {
// print("Monday: ",subscribedToons["Monday"]!.count)
return subscribedToons["Monday"]!.count
else if(collectionView.tag == 22) {
// print("Tues: ",subscribedToons["Tuesday"]!.count)
return subscribedToons["Tuesday"]!.count
else if(collectionView.tag == 33) {
//print("Wed: ",subscribedToons["Wednesday"]!.count)
return subscribedToons["Wednesday"]!.count
else if(collectionView.tag == 44) {
// print("Thurs: ",subscribedToons["Thursday"]!.count)
return subscribedToons["Thursday"]!.count
else if(collectionView.tag == 55) {
// print("Fri: ",subscribedToons["Friday"]!.count)
return subscribedToons["Friday"]!.count
else if(collectionView.tag == 66){
//print("Sat: ",subscribedToons["Saturday"]!.count)
return subscribedToons["Saturday"]!.count
else if(collectionView.tag == 77){
// print("TEST COUNT: ",subscribedToons["Sunday"]!.count)
//print("Sun: ",subscribedToons["Sunday"]!.count)
return subscribedToons["Sunday"]!.count
return 0
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! ToonCollectionCell
let collectionIndex = collectionView.tag
var day = ""
if(collectionView.tag == 11) {
day = "Monday"
else if(collectionView.tag == 22) {
day = "Tuesday"
else if(collectionView.tag == 33) {
day = "Wednesday"
else if(collectionView.tag == 44) {
day = "Thursday"
else if(collectionView.tag == 55) {
day = "Friday"
else if(collectionView.tag == 66) {
day = "Saturday"
else if(collectionView.tag == 77) {
day = "Sunday"
if(subscribedToons[day]!.count == 0) {
print("COUNT IS 0")
cell.toonImage?.subviews.first?.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
cell.toonTitle.text = subscribedToons[day]![indexPath.row]["title"] as! String
var toonId = subscribedToons[day]![indexPath.row]["toonId"] as! String
var url = "urlexample" + toonId + "?alt=media&token="
cell.toonImage?.sd_setBackgroundImage(with: URL(string: url)!, for: .normal)
return cell
HomePage View Controller
class HomePage: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var exitSearch: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var searchBar: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.searchBar.delegate = self
self.tableView.delegate = self
self.tableView.dataSource = self
tableView.separatorColor = .clear
exitSearch.isHidden = true
let currentDate = Date()
var dateComponent = DateComponents()
for i in 0...6 { // Appends the following days to dateArr = i
let futureDate = dateComponent, to: currentDate)
let index = Calendar.current.component(.weekday, from: futureDate!)
let appendWeekday = Calendar.current.weekdaySymbols[index-1]
@IBAction func exitButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
exitSearch.isHidden = true
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
exitSearch.isHidden = false
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
exitSearch.isHidden = true
Upvotes: 1
Views: 715
Reputation: 517
I figured out the answer:
I had to add these lines of code into my ToonCell file
@objc func reloadTableViewData() {
func resetCollectionView() {
override func prepareForReuse() {
Upvotes: 1