Reputation: 117
I have this code that I use to create PDF from spreadsheets and I modified it to use it in another spreadsheet and now I'm getting this error.
Exception: Request failed for returned code 400. Truncated server response: <meta name="viewport" c... (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response)
The full error seems to be:
Page Not Found/* Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. */.goog-inline-block{position:relative;display:-moz-inline-box;display:inline-block}* html .goog-inline-block{display:inline}*:first-child+html .goog-inline-block{display:inline}#drive-logo{margin:18px 0;position:absolute;white-space:nowrap}.docs-drivelogo-img{background-image:url('//');background-size:116px 41px;display:inline-block;height:41px;vertical-align:bottom;width:116px}.docs-drivelogo-text{color:#000;display:inline-block;opacity:0.54;text-decoration:none;font-family:'Product Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:32px;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;position:relative;top:-6px;left:-7px;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5),(min-resolution:144dpi){.docs-drivelogo-img{background-image:url('//')}}body {background-color: #fff; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0; padding: 0;}a, a:link, a:visited {color: #112ABB;}.errorMessage {font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; line-height: 150%;}Sorry, unable to open the file at this time.
Please check the address and try again.
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html {height: 100%; overflow: auto;}body {height: 100%; overflow: auto;}#outerContainer {margin: auto; max-width: 750px;}#innerContainer {margin-bottom: 20px; margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px; margin-top: 80px; position: relative;}Is there a way I can solve this error? Here's the script:
var ss2 = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl('');
var sheetName = ss2.getSheetByName('Exportación_pdf');
var sheetName2 = ss2.getSheetByName('Selección pedido');
var folderID = "14QBHZ5268OI9cqurbcIuvDfa3GG6HUVa"; // Folder id to save in a folder.
var num_rows = sheetName.getRange("AR1").getValue();
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID);
var pdfName = ss2.getSheetByName('Exportación_pdf').getRange('F1:F3').getValue() + "_" + ss2.getSheetByName('Exportación_pdf').getRange('AK5').getValue() + "_" + ss2.getSheetByName('Selección pedido').getRange('Q4').getValue(); // Nombre del documento
var bogus = DriveApp.getRootFolder();
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Creando PDF');
// export url
var url = ''+ss2.getId()+'/export?exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf' // export as pdf / csv / xls / xlsx
+ '&range=Exportacion_pdf!AJ1:AQ'+num_rows
+ '&size=A4' // paper size legal / letter / A4
+ '&portrait=false' // orientation, false for landscape
+ '&fitw=true' // fit to page width, false for actual size
+ '&sheetnames=false&printtitle=false' // hide optional headers and footers
+ '&pagenumbers=true&gridlines=false' // hide page numbers and gridlines
+ '&fzr=true' // do not repeat row headers (frozen rows) on each page
+ '&top_margin=0.5&bottom_margin=0.5&left_margin=0.5&right_margin=0.5'
+ '&gid='+ss2.getSheetId(); // the sheet's Id
var token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {muteHttpExceptions: true,
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
var theBlob = response.getBlob().setName(pdfName+'.pdf');
// delete pdf if already exists
var files = folder.getFilesByName(pdfName);
while (files.hasNext())
// create pdf
var newFile = folder.createFile(theBlob);
return true;
Thank you so much in advance!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 869
Reputation: 2452
Change this:
var url = ''+sheetName+'/export?exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf'
To this:
var url = ''+ss2.getId()+'/export?exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf'
Seems you are not adding the Google Sheet id
to the URL.
Upvotes: 0