Reputation: 33
Say we have the following definition of monoid actions:
class Monoid m => Action m a where
act :: m -> a -> a
I would like to be able to extend this idea to some sort of extensible record type:
class ... => ActionR mfields afields where
actR :: Rec mfields -> Rec afields -> Rec afields
such that actR
is defined if Rec mfields
and Rec afields
have the same set of field labels, and the corresponding field values are related by Action
. Essentially, I want to "zip" matching fields with act
, and so I need to be able to apply a type-level zipping operation of kind * -> * -> Constraint
Is there a way of using extensible records in Haskell that can express this idea?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 113
Reputation: 33
Turns out this is fairly straightforward( if you ignore the mess of language extentions ) to implement using Vinyl records.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.Monoid.Action where
import Data.Kind ( Constraint )
import Data.Vinyl
( rzipWith, rcast, RApply, RMap, Rec(..), type (⊆) )
class Monoid m => Action m a where
act :: m -> a -> a
-- | A pair of field functions with the same label
newtype App f g l = App (f l, g l)
app :: f l -> g l -> App f g l
app a b = App (a, b)
instance ( Monoid (Rec f mls)
, RecBiApply Action f g als g
, RMap als
, RApply als
, als ⊆ mls
=> Action (Rec f mls) (Rec g als) where
act mr ar = rBiApplyMethod @Action act (rzipWith app (rcast mr) ar)
class RecBiApply (c :: * -> * -> Constraint) f g ls h where
rBiApplyMethod :: (forall l. c (f l) (g l) => f l -> g l -> h l)
-> Rec (App f g) ls
-> Rec h ls
instance RecBiApply c f g '[] g where
rBiApplyMethod _ _ = RNil
instance ( RecBiApply c f g ls h
, c (f l) (g l)
=> RecBiApply c
(l ': ls)
rBiApplyMethod f (App (m, a) :& rest) = f m a :& rBiApplyMethod @c f rest
Then, we can define a little example, loosely based on the official vinyl tutorial:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Example where
import Data.Vinyl ( Rec(..) )
import Control.Lens ( makeLenses )
import Data.Singletons.TH (genSingletons, Proxy(..))
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..), Last)
import Data.Vinyl.Class.Method (PayloadType)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Monoid.Action ( Action(..) )
newtype Vec2 = Vec2 (Sum Int, Sum Int)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Show Vec2 where
show (Vec2 (Sum x, Sum y)) = "Vec2 " <> show x <> " " <> show y
vec2 :: Int -> Int -> Vec2
vec2 x y = Vec2 (Sum x, Sum y)
newtype AList a = AList { unAList :: [a] }
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Show a => Show (AList a) where
show (AList xs) = "AList " <> show xs
instance Monoid m => Action m (AList m) where
act m = AList . fmap (m <>) . unAList
data Fields
= Position
| Classes
deriving Show
type family ActF (f :: Fields) :: * where
ActF Position = Vec2
ActF Classes = [String]
newtype Act f = Act { _unAct :: ActF f }
makeLenses ''Act
instance Semigroup (ActF l) => Semigroup (Act l) where
Act m1 <> Act m2 = Act (m1 <> m2)
instance Monoid (ActF l) => Monoid (Act l) where
mempty = Act mempty
type family AttrF (f :: Fields) :: * where
AttrF Position = AList Vec2
AttrF Classes = AList [String]
newtype Attr f = Attr { _unAttr :: AttrF f }
makeLenses ''Attr
genSingletons [ ''Fields ]
class DisplayField l where
dispF :: f l -> String
instance DisplayField Position where dispF _ = "pos"
instance DisplayField Classes where dispF _ = "classes"
instance (DisplayField f, Show (AttrF f)) => Show (Attr f) where
show f@(Attr x) = dispF f <> "=" <> show x
instance (DisplayField f, Show (ActF f)) => Show (Act f) where
show f@(Act x) = dispF f<> "=" <> show x
instance Action (ActF l) (AttrF l) => Action (Act l) (Attr l) where
act (Act m) (Attr a) = Attr $ act m a
-- | Creates an entry in a record of actions.
(=:!) :: sing f -> ActF f -> Act f
_ =:! x = Act x
-- | Creates an entry in a record of attributes.
(=::) :: sing f -> AttrF f -> Attr f
_ =:: x = Attr x
svgShapes :: Rec Attr '[ 'Position, 'Classes]
svgShapes = (SPosition =:: AList [vec2 3 5, vec2 4 10])
:& (SClasses =:: AList [["shape1"], ["shape2"]])
:& RNil
svgShapesR :: Rec Attr '[ 'Classes, 'Position]
svgShapesR = (SClasses =:: AList [["shape1"], ["shape2"]])
:& (SPosition =:: AList [vec2 3 5, vec2 4 10])
:& RNil
canvasShapes :: Rec Attr '[ 'Position ]
canvasShapes = (SPosition =:: AList [vec2 1 2, vec2 3 4])
:& RNil
moveAndAddClass :: Rec Act '[ 'Position, 'Classes]
moveAndAddClass = (SPosition =:! vec2 100 50)
:& (SClasses =:! ["foo"])
:& RNil
moveOnly :: Rec Act '[ 'Position]
moveOnly = (SPosition =:! vec2 200 100)
:& RNil
newtype Vec2 = Vec2 (Sum Int, Sum Int)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Show Vec2 where
show (Vec2 (Sum x, Sum y)) = "Vec2 " <> show x <> " " <> show y
vec2 :: Int -> Int -> Vec2
vec2 x y = Vec2 (Sum x, Sum y)
newtype AList a = AList { unAList :: [a] }
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Show a => Show (AList a) where
show (AList xs) = "AList " <> show xs
instance Monoid m => Action m (AList m) where
act m = AList . fmap (m <>) . unAList
data Fields
= Position
| Classes
deriving Show
-- | Monoidal action fields
type family ActF (f :: Fields) :: * where
ActF Position = Vec2
ActF Classes = [String]
newtype Act f = Act { _unAct :: ActF f }
makeLenses ''Act
-- | Attribute list fields. Items in the list correspond to different shapes.
type family AttrF (f :: Fields) :: * where
AttrF Position = AList Vec2
AttrF Classes = AList [String]
newtype Attr f = Attr { _unAttr :: AttrF f }
makeLenses ''Attr
genSingletons [ ''Fields ]
-- | Implement a `FieldAction` relation between action fields and attribute fields.
instance Action (ActF l) (AttrF l) => FieldAction Act Attr l where
actF (Act m) (Attr a) = Attr $ act m a
class DisplayField l where
dispF :: f l -> String
instance DisplayField Position where dispF _ = "pos"
instance DisplayField Classes where dispF _ = "classes"
instance (DisplayField f, Show (AttrF f)) => Show (Attr f) where
show f@(Attr x) = dispF f <> "=" <> show x
instance (DisplayField f, Show (ActF f)) => Show (Act f) where
show f@(Act x) = dispF f<> "=" <> show x
instance Action (ActF l) (AttrF l) => Action (Act l) (Attr l) where
act (Act m) (Attr a) = Attr $ act m a
-- | Creates an entry in a record of actions.
(=:!) :: sing f -> ActF f -> Act f
_ =:! x = Act x
-- | Creates an entry in a record of attributes.
(=::) :: sing f -> AttrF f -> Attr f
_ =:: x = Attr x
svgShapes :: Rec Attr '[ 'Position, 'Classes]
svgShapes = (SPosition =:: AList [vec2 3 5, vec2 4 10])
:& (SClasses =:: AList [["shape1"], ["shape2"]])
:& RNil
svgShapesR :: Rec Attr '[ 'Classes, 'Position]
svgShapesR = (SClasses =:: AList [["shape1"], ["shape2"]])
:& (SPosition =:: AList [vec2 3 5, vec2 4 10])
:& RNil
canvasShapes :: Rec Attr '[ 'Position ]
canvasShapes = (SPosition =:: AList [vec2 1 2, vec2 3 4])
:& RNil
moveAndAddClass :: Rec Act '[ 'Position, 'Classes]
moveAndAddClass = (SPosition =:! vec2 100 50)
:& (SClasses =:! ["foo"])
:& RNil
moveOnly :: Rec Act '[ 'Position]
moveOnly = (SPosition =:! vec2 200 100)
:& RNil
And finally, we can apply records of actions to records of attributes:
ghci> act moveAndAddClass svgShapes
{pos=AList [Vec2 103 55,Vec2 104 60], classes=AList [["foo","shape1"],["foo","shape2"]]}
ghci> act moveAndAddClass svgShapesR
{classes=AList [["foo","shape1"],["foo","shape2"]], pos=AList [Vec2 103 55,Vec2 104 60]}
ghci> act moveAndAddClass canvasShapes
{pos=AList [Vec2 101 52,Vec2 103 54]}
ghci> act moveOnly canvasShapes
{pos=AList [Vec2 201 102,Vec2 203 104]}
Notice how we can still apply moveAndAddClass
to canvasShapes
even though it doesn't contain a Classes
Upvotes: 1