Reputation: 617
I have been working my brain on this one and can not figure out how I'm losing integrity here...
I have the following script I am trying to convert to Base64:
Function Get-Networks {
$Network = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | where { $_.MACAddress -notlike $null } | select Index, Description, IPAddress, DefaultIPGateway, MACAddress | Format-Table Index, Description, IPAddress, DefaultIPGateway, MACAddress
$WLANProfileNames = @()
$Output = netsh.exe wlan show profiles | Select-String -pattern " : "
Foreach ($WLANProfileName in $Output) {
$WLANProfileNames += (($WLANProfileName -split ":")[1]).Trim()
$WLANProfileObjects = @()
Foreach ($WLANProfileName in $WLANProfileNames) {
try {
$WLANProfilePassword = (((netsh.exe wlan show profiles name="$WLANProfileName" key=clear | select-string -Pattern "Key Content") -split ":")[1]).Trim()
Catch {
$WLANProfilePassword = "The password is not stored in this profile"
$WLANProfileObject = New-Object PSCustomobject
$WLANProfileObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "ProfileName" -Value $WLANProfileName
$WLANProfileObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "ProfilePassword" -Value $WLANProfilePassword
$WLANProfileObjects += $WLANProfileObject
Remove-Variable WLANProfileObject
return $WLANProfileObjects
$Networks = Get-Networks
echo $Networks
initially, I was using the following snippet to do it. This would read the contents of my file to a variable and then convert it. I noticed when I converted it back this was outputting everything to one line and messing up the formatting
$Content = Get-Content -Path $FilePath
$converted = [convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($Content))
So I then switched to the following snippet to convert it using the file path instead of saving the content to a variable and I was pleased to see when I converted it back it maintained its integrity.
[convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -path $FilePath -Encoding byte))
but when I tried to execute it, this time it threw the following errors and I couldn't be more confused
畆据楴湯䜠瑥中瑥潷歲ൻ␊敎睴牯‽敇浗佩橢捥⁴楗㍮弲敎睴牯䅫慤瑰牥潃普杩牵瑡潩⁼桷牥⁻弤䴮䍁摁牤獥渭瑯楬敫␠畮汬素†⁼敳敬瑣䤠摮硥敄捳楲瑰潩Ɱ䤠䅐摤敲獳敄慦汵䥴䝐瑡睥祡䅍䅃摤敲獳簠䘠牯慭慔汢湉敤ⱸ䐠獥牣灩楴湯偉摁牤獥ⱳ䐠晥畡瑬 偉慇整慷ⱹ䴠䍁摁牤獥ഉ␊䱗乁牐景汩乥浡獥㴠⡀ഩ␊畏灴瑵㴠渠瑥桳攮數眠慬桳睯瀠潲楦敬⁼敓敬瑣匭牴湩瀭瑡整湲∠㨠∠潆敲捡⡨圤䅌偎潲楦敬慎敭椠伤瑵異⥴ൻ : The term
'畆据楴湯䜠瑥中瑥潷歲ൻ␊敎睴牯‽敇浗佩橢捥⁴楗㍮弲敎睴牯䅫慤瑰牥潃普杩牵瑡潩⁼桷牥⁻弤䴮䍁摁牤獥渭瑯楬敫␠畮汬素†⁼敳敬瑣䤠摮硥敄捳楲瑰潩Ɱ䤠䅐摤敲獳敄慦汵䥴䝐瑡睥祡䅍䅃摤敲獳簠䘠牯慭慔汢湉敤ⱸ䐠獥牣灩楴湯偉摁牤獥ⱳ䐠晥畡瑬偉慇整慷ⱹ䴠䍁摁牤獥ഉ␊䱗乁牐景汩乥浡獥㴠⡀ഩ␊畏灴瑵㴠渠瑥桳攮數眠慬桳睯瀠潲楦敬⁼敓敬瑣匭牴湩瀭瑡整湲∠㨠∠潆敲捡⡨圤䅌偎潲楦敬慎敭椠伤瑵異⥴ൻ' is not recognized
as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ 畆据楴湯䜠瑥中瑥潷歲ൻ␊敎睴牯‽敇浗佩橢捥⁴楗㍮弲敎睴牯䅫慤瑰牥潃普杩牵瑡潩⁼桷牥⁻弤䴮䍁摁牤獥渭瑯楬敫␠畮汬素†⁼敳敬瑣䤠摮 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (畆据楴湯䜠瑥中瑥潷歲ൻ␊敎睴...圤䅌偎潲楦敬慎敭椠伤瑵異⥴ൻ:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
How do I simply write a script to convert this file to base64 so I can execute it properly?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 11373
Reputation: 440102
To complement your own, effective solution with some background information:
Base64 encoding is an ASCII-string-based encoding of arbitrary byte data, so if a string is to be encoded, its specific encoding as an array of bytes needs to be decided on.
In your original attempt (as in your effective solution), you correctly obtained your Base64-encoded string based on the bytes that make up the UTF-16LE encoding of the input string to encode ([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes(...)
), because that is what the Windows PowerShell CLI (powershell.exe
) / PowerShell (Core) 7+ CLI (pwsh
) requires in an argument passed to its -EncodedCommand
in .NET, -Encoding Unicode
in PowerShell's various file-processing cmdlets)The problem with your original attempt was to use Get-Content
without the -Raw
switch, as Santiago Squarzon pointed out:
Without -Raw
, Get-Content
emits the target file's lines one by one, which, when (implicitly) collected, result in an array of lines - as opposed to the single, multi-line string that -Raw
Either way, Get-Content
reads the file content into .NET string(s), which are composed of UTF-16 code units ([char]
instances), and to make sure that the file content is interpreted correctly, you may need to use the -Encoding
invariably operates on in-memory .NET strings.
When an array is passed to a .NET method that expects a single [string]
argument, PowerShell - perhaps unfortunately - automatically stringifies it by space-concatenating its elements.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 617
I ended up doing a little more research and found a method that did exactly what I needed it to and maintained all its integrity.
$encoded = [Convert]::ToBase64String(
(Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw -Encoding UTF8)
Upvotes: 6