Reputation: 133
I'm attempting to build a small prototype of Redis incorporated functionality into my already existing .net web application.
What is working
I have Redis installed, running, and can connect my application to it.
I have created a small class to connect to Redis and have successfully prototyped both setting and getting records to and from the running Redis instance.
What is not working
Where I'm having an issue is with subscribing to event notifications - specifically having the application informed whenever a key expires in Redis.
What I have done thus far
I have configured Redis to enable event notifications using "notify-keyspace-events Ex" in my redis.conf file.
In my class I have attempted to subscribe to keyevents for key expiration with the following:
using StackExchange.Redis;
namespace abc
public static class RedisClass{
private static readonly ILogger log;
private static readonly int port;
private static ConfigurationOptions RedisConfiguration => new ConfigurationOptions{
EndPoints = {{"localhost", port}},
DefaultDatabase = 0,
ClientName = "redisClientName"
private static IConnectionMultiplexer redisMultiplexer => ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(RedisConfiguration);
static RedisClass(){
port = ####;
private static void ConfigureSubscription {
using (IConnectionMultiplexer connection = RedisMultiplexer)
IDatabase db = connection.GetDatabase();
ISubscriber subscriber = connection.GetSubscriber();
subscriber.Subscribe("__keyevent@0__:expired", (channel, value) =>
log.Error($"from subscription: {channel}, {value}");
log.Error($"subscription IsConnected : {subscriber.IsConnected()}");
log.Error($"ping: {subscriber.Ping()}");
//test publish
subscriber.Publish("__keyevent@0__:expired", new RedisValue("testing publish"));
log.Error("subscription set up");
I will open a command window to show all subscription messages by entering:
redis-cli -p #### --csv psubscribe '*'
I will then run the app, and observe the following in the log file:
...|ERROR|subscription IsConnected: True
...|ping: 00:00:00.0009082
...|subscription set up
...|from subscription: keyevent@0:expired, testing publish
and observe the following in the command window:
"pmessage","*","keyevent@0:expired","testing publish"
So far so good.
I will then open up a second command window, and in this second command window create a key in Redis, and have it expire:
set keyToExpire valueToExpire EX 5
The first command window diplays the expiration message, as expected
But my log file does not show a corresponding "from subscription" message.
I've looked through a handful of pub/sub examples. They all seem to be following the same general approach I have captured above.
My Questions
Is there something I'm missing? I'm expecting to see the second "from subscription" message in my log file.
Is there some other away to have my application be notified whenever a key expires from Redis?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1295
Reputation: 133
I got this worked out.
There were two issues with my initial approach.
Pulling the proper parts out of a using statement and putting everything on the same ClientName produced the expected behavior when running the application.
Upvotes: 1