Reputation: 549
Currently this is how my ghci prompt looks like:
and I want to make it so that my prompt doesn't display duplicate modules as shown below:
but I can't really figure out how. My configuration(ghci.conf) file's contents is as shown below:
:set +m
import qualified IPPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.HsColour as HsColour
import qualified Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise as HsColour
import qualified Language.Haskell.HsColour.Output as HsColour
let myColourPrefs = HsColour.defaultColourPrefs { HsColour.conid = [HsColour.Foreground HsColour.Yellow, HsColour.Bold], HsColour.conop = [HsColour.Foreground HsColour.Yellow], HsColour.string = [HsColour.Foreground HsColour.Green], HsColour.char = [HsColour.Foreground HsColour.Cyan], HsColour.number = [HsColour.Foreground HsColour.Red, HsColour.Bold], HsColour.layout = [HsColour.Foreground HsColour.White], HsColour.keyglyph = [HsColour.Foreground HsColour.White] }
let myPrint = putStrLn . HsColour.hscolour (HsColour.TTYg HsColour.XTerm256Compatible) myColourPrefs False False "" False . IPPrint.pshow
:set -interactive-print=myPrint
prompter :: [String] -> Int -> IO String
prompter modules line = return $
concat [ "\ESC[33m\STX[Module(s): "
-- this is the only line that changed
, Data.List.intercalate ", " $ zipWith (\n m -> concat [show n, ".", m]) [1..] modules
, "]\ESC[0m\STX\n \ESC[38;5;86m\STX\x03BB > \ESC[0m\STX"
:set prompt-function prompter
clear = putStr "\ESC[2J\ESC[H"
Thank you in advance.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 73
Reputation: 549
By using nub
which removes duplicate elements from a list (see:, I was able to remove duplicate elements from the module list as shown below:
In order to do that the code also has to be modified to:
prompter :: [String] -> Int -> IO String
prompter modules line = return $
concat [ "\ESC[33m\STX[Module(s): "
-- this is the only line that changed
, Data.List.intercalate ", " $ zipWith (\n m -> concat [show n, ".", m]) [1..] (nub modules)
, "]\ESC[0m\STX\n \ESC[38;5;86m\STX\x03BB > \ESC[0m\STX"
and since nub
is part of the Data.List module, I had to also include:
import Data.List
Upvotes: 1