Reputation: 55
I am using the diabetic
data set from the survival
package in R. Within that dataset, is the column age
. If I were to plot time-to-event curves comparing the patients' age, I would have way too many survival curves. I want it so that when I select the "age" button for my input, it splits the age
column into 4 groups, so that when I plot the survival curve, I only have 4 curves. I keep getting an error though. Am I writing the loop correctly?
ui <- navbarPage(title = "Diabetic Retinopathy",
### Page 1 ###
tabPanel(title = "Survival Curves",
radioButtons(inputId = "comparison",
label = "Select variable you wish to compare",
choices = c("laser", "age", "eye", "risk"),
selected = "laser")
tabPanel(title = "Plot",
plotOutput(outputId = "curve")),
tabPanel(title = "Summary",
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "details"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
### Page 1 ###
fit <- reactive(
surv_fit(as.formula(paste("Surv(time, status) ~ ",
if(input$comparison == "age") {
for(i in diabetic$age) {
if(i < 15) {
diabetic$age[i] <- "lessthan15"
} else if(i >= 15 & i < 30) {
diabetic$age[i]<- "fifteento30"
} else if(i >= 30 & i < 45) {
diabetic$age[i] <- "thirtyto45"
} else {diabetic$age[i] <- "fortyfiveplus"}
} else {return(input$comparison)})), data = diabetic)
output$curve <- renderPlot(
shinyApp(ui, server)
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Views: 122
in surv_fit(as.formula(paste("Surv(time, status) ~ ",
etc. two things got mixed up:
You could add a column age_class to your data right from the start and use this as an option for your comparison picker.
PS: to convert numeric (age) to factor (age_class) without if-else-skyscrapers:
df$age_class <- cut(df$age,
breaks=c(-Inf, 15, 30, 45, Inf),
Upvotes: 1