Say I have a large array of M 32 bit ints in which each value has no more than N bits set. Now I want to return the subset which matches the query Target AND Value == Target, i.e. values in which the targets bits appear set in the array's values.
Brute force is easy, simply iterator the array and extract where target&value == target. This becomes way too slow if M gets very large. Anyone have an idea of how to convert the array into a data structure that is more optimal to search?
One way is to store arrays or value for each bit (thus for 32 bit array you need 32 of these) and then only search the values that match each bit in the target value. This helps a little unless N gets close to 32 or the target has close to N bits set. Since what I am looking for is essentially a partial match, hashing or sorting doesn't appear to help.
Exact correct results are a requirement. This will have to work without access to parallel hardware (like a GPU or using SIMD).
I will be using C++ but just some pointers to algorithms or ideas is fine. The most likely case would be M=100000 and N=8 and be called frequently.
Just to reiterate: I need a partial match (like item = 011000 matching target = 001000) not an exact match. Although the M items is known ahead of time, the possible values of targets can be anything.
I finally decided to stick with brute force. For 80,000 items it's not worth doing anything else. I imagine if the size of the dataset were more like 800,000,000 it might be worth it.
Upvotes: 14
Views: 1405
Reputation: 13243
How about looking at this problem from another view point?.. Consider your set of integers as a collection of one-dimension pictures. One of the way to organize them is to split each picture into two parts A
and B
and sort all pictures by categories:
contains only zeroes and B
contains some bits is set (at least one)A
contains some bits set and B
contains only zeroesA
and B
contains some bits set (superset of 1 and 2)A
and B
contains only zeroesNow you do the same split of your target/mask into the same parts and categorize in the same way. After that you can deduce next (by target/mask category):
On the next level parts A
and B
is splitted again (so you have 4 parts) and so on.
Of course I don't expect it to give some speed-up. But for some sets of data where there is not so much bits is set (as opposite to variants with bit-based-tree) it might work better.
Update: I've got speedup for 34% in Haskell variant:
benchmarking burte-force list search
mean: 14.67350 ms, lb 14.65103 ms, ub 14.71614 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 153.6920 us, lb 95.70642 us, ub 246.6497 us, ci 0.950
benchmarking tree-lookup search
mean: 9.592271 ms, lb 9.564509 ms, ub 9.667668 ms, ci 0.950
std dev: 216.6084 us, lb 100.3315 us, ub 455.2730 us, ci 0.950
Source code:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Criterion.Main
import Criterion.Config
import System.Random
class BitmapsCollection a where
type BitmapOf a
bitmapsCollection :: [BitmapOf a] -> a
findMaskedPattern :: a -> BitmapOf a -> [BitmapOf a]
-- Plain lookup through array
newtype BitmapsList p = BitmapsList [p]
deriving (Show, NFData)
instance Bits p => BitmapsCollection (BitmapsList p) where
type BitmapOf (BitmapsList p) = p
bitmapsCollection = BitmapsList
findMaskedPattern (BitmapsList xs) m = filter (\e -> e .&. m == m) xs
-- Tree of bitmap partitions
data Bits p => BitmapsCoverTree p = EmptyBitmapsCoverNode
| BitmapsCoverNode (p,p) (BitmapsCoverTree p) (BitmapsCoverTree p) [p] [p]
| LeafBitmapsCoverNode [p]
deriving Show
instance (Bits p, NFData p) => NFData (BitmapsCoverTree p) where
rnf EmptyBitmapsCoverNode = ()
rnf (LeafBitmapsCoverNode xs) = rnf xs
rnf (BitmapsCoverNode mask node1 node2 category3 category4) = mask `deepseq` node1 `deepseq` node2 `deepseq` category3 `deepseq` rnf category4
data BitmapCoverCategory = CoverA | CoverB | CoverAB | CoverZero
coverCategory :: Bits a => (a, a) -> a -> BitmapCoverCategory
coverCategory (maskA, maskB) x = case (x .&. maskA, x .&. maskB) of
(0, 0) -> CoverZero
(0, _) -> CoverB
(_, 0) -> CoverA
_ -> CoverAB
coverCategorize :: Bits a => (a, a) -> [a] -> ([a], [a], [a], [a])
coverCategorize mask = walk (id, id, id, id) where
category = coverCategory mask
walk (a, b, ab, z) [] = (a [], b [], ab [], z [])
walk (a, b, ab, z) (x:xs) = case (category x) of
CoverA -> walk (a . (x:), b, ab, z) xs
CoverB -> walk (a, b . (x:), ab, z) xs
CoverAB -> walk (a, b, ab . (x:), z) xs
CoverZero -> walk (a, b, ab, z . (x:)) xs
suffixMask, prefixMask :: Bits a => Int -> a
suffixMask n = complement 0 `shiftL` n
prefixMask n = complement (suffixMask n)
rangeMask :: Bits a => (Int, Int) -> a
rangeMask (n, m) = suffixMask n .&. prefixMask m
instance Bits p => BitmapsCollection (BitmapsCoverTree p) where
type BitmapOf (BitmapsCoverTree p) = p
bitmapsCollection bms = buildCoverNode (0, bitSize (head bms)) bms where
splitBoundary = 4
buildCoverNode :: Bits a => (Int, Int) -> [a] -> BitmapsCoverTree a
buildCoverNode _ [] = EmptyBitmapsCoverNode
buildCoverNode (n, m) xs | (m - n) < splitBoundary = LeafBitmapsCoverNode xs -- too small
buildCoverNode (n, m) xs = BitmapsCoverNode mask node1 node2 category3 category4 where
mm = (n+m) `div` 2
mask = (rangeMask (n, mm), rangeMask (mm, m))
(category1, category2, category3, category4) = coverCategorize mask xs
node1 = buildCoverNode (n, mm) category1
node2 = buildCoverNode (mm, m) category2
findMaskedPattern EmptyBitmapsCoverNode _ = []
findMaskedPattern (LeafBitmapsCoverNode ps) m = filter (\e -> e .&. m == m) ps
findMaskedPattern (BitmapsCoverNode _ node1 node2 category3 category4) 0 = flatten where
flatten = findMaskedPattern node1 0 ++ findMaskedPattern node2 0 ++ category3 ++ category4
findMaskedPattern (BitmapsCoverNode mask node1 node2 category3 category4) m = result where
targetCategory = coverCategory mask m
filterTarget = filter (\p -> p .&. m == m)
result = case targetCategory of
CoverA -> findMaskedPattern node1 m ++ filterTarget category3
CoverB -> findMaskedPattern node2 m ++ filterTarget category3
CoverAB -> filterTarget category3
CoverZero -> category1 ++ category2 ++ category3 ++ category4
category1 = findMaskedPattern node1 0
category2 = findMaskedPattern node2 0
main = do
gen <- getStdGen
let size = 1000000
bitmaps :: [Word32]
(bitmap, genm) = first fromIntegral (random gen :: (Int, StdGen))
bitmaps = map fromIntegral (take size (randoms genm) :: [Int])
bitmapsList = bitmapsCollection bitmaps :: BitmapsList Word32
bitmapsTree = bitmapsCollection bitmaps :: BitmapsCoverTree Word32
bitmapsList `deepseq` bitmapsTree `deepseq` return ()
defaultMainWith defaultConfig (return ()) [
bench "burte-force list search" $ nf (findMaskedPattern bitmapsList) bitmap,
bench "tree-lookup search" $ nf (findMaskedPattern bitmapsTree) bitmap
Update: Kind of C++11 code. It gives 10.9444 ms for brute-force and 8.69286 ms for this algorithm. I've cheated by making output of distribution of turned on bits more sparse.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <random>
#include <functional>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
// benchmark boiler plate code
double cputime()
struct rusage usage;
int check = getrusage( RUSAGE_SELF, &usage );
assert(check == 0);
return (usage.ru_utime.tv_sec + usage.ru_utime.tv_usec*1.0e-6);
//return (((double)clock())/((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
double measure(std::function<void()> func, size_t iterations)
double t1, t2;
size_t i;
t1 = cputime();
for(i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) func();
t2 = cputime();
return (t2 - t1);
std::pair<std::string, double> human(double value)
static const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> prefixes = {
{ "pico", 1e-12 },
{ "nano", 1e-9 },
{ "micro", 1e-6 },
{ "milli", 1e-3 },
{ "", 1 },
{ "kilo", 1e3 },
{ "mega", 1e6 },
{ "giga", 1e9 },
{ "tera", 1e12 }
for(auto it = prefixes.begin(); it != prefixes.end(); ++it)
if (it->second > value)
auto prev = *(--it);
return std::pair<std::string, double>(prev.first, value/prev.second);
auto last = *prefixes.rbegin();
return std::pair<std::string, double>(last.first, value/last.second);
void bench(std::string name, std::function<void()> func, double bench_seconds = 10)
const double accurate_seconds = 0.1;
std::cout << "benchmarking " << name << std::endl
<< "estimating iterations" << std::endl;
size_t base_iterations = 1;
double base_seconds = measure(func, base_iterations);
while(base_seconds < accurate_seconds)
base_iterations *= 2;
base_seconds = measure(func, base_iterations);
const size_t iterations = bench_seconds * base_iterations / base_seconds;
const double estimated_seconds = iterations * base_seconds / base_iterations;
std::cout << "estimated time " << estimated_seconds << " seconds (" << iterations << " iterations)" << std::endl;
const double seconds = measure(func, iterations);
const auto ips = human(iterations / seconds);
const auto spi = human(seconds / iterations);
std::cout << "benchmark took " << seconds << " seconds" << std::endl
<< "average speed " << ips.second << ' ' << ips.first << " iterations per second" << std::endl
<< "average time " << spi.second << ' ' << spi.first << " seconds per iteration" << std::endl;
// plain brute-force lookup
template<class iterator>
std::list<typename iterator::value_type> brute_lookup(const typename iterator::value_type pattern, iterator begin, const iterator &end)
typedef typename iterator::value_type value_type;
std::list<value_type> result;
for(;begin != end; ++begin)
if ((*begin & pattern) == pattern) result.push_back(*begin);
return result;
// tree-traversing lookup
template<class _value_type>
struct cover_node
typedef _value_type value_type;
value_type mask_a, mask_b;
std::auto_ptr<cover_node<value_type>> node_a, node_b;
std::vector<value_type> category_ab, category_zero;
template<class _value_type>
std::ostream &pprint(std::ostream &s, const std::auto_ptr<cover_node<_value_type>> &node, const std::string indent = "")
if (!node.get())
s << indent << "cover_node: (null)" << std::endl;
return s;
s << indent
<< "cover_node: mask = " << std::hex << node->mask_a << "/" << node->mask_b
<< ", leafs = " << std::dec << node->category_ab.size() << "/" << node->category_zero.size() << std::endl;
const std::string sub = indent + " ";
pprint(s, node->node_a, sub);
return pprint(s, node->node_b, sub);
enum class cover_category { a, b, ab, zero };
template<class vt>
identify_cover(const vt mask_a, const vt mask_b, const vt x)
const auto a = (x & mask_a) != 0;
const auto b = (x & mask_b) != 0;
if (!a)
if (!b) return cover_category::zero;
else return cover_category::b;
if (!b) return cover_category::a;
else return cover_category::ab;
template<class vt>
vt bitmask(const size_t n, const size_t m)
return (~0 << n) & ~(~0 << m);
template<class iterator>
std::auto_ptr<cover_node<typename iterator::value_type>>
build_cover_node(size_t n, size_t m, iterator begin, const iterator &end)
const size_t split_boundary = 4;
typedef typename iterator::value_type value_type;
std::auto_ptr<cover_node<value_type>> node(new cover_node<value_type>);
if ((m - n) < split_boundary) // too small group
// overlapped mask for simplification of sub-tree into list
node->mask_a = ~0;
node->mask_b = ~0;
node->category_ab.insert(node->category_ab.end(), begin, end);
return node;
std::list<value_type> category_a, category_b;
const size_t h = (n + m) / 2;
node->mask_a = bitmask<value_type>(n, h);
node->mask_b = bitmask<value_type>(h, m);
auto &category_ab = node->category_ab;
auto &category_zero = node->category_zero;
// categorize
for(;begin != end; ++begin)
switch(identify_cover(node->mask_a, node->mask_b, *begin))
case cover_category::a:
case cover_category::b:
case cover_category::ab:
case cover_category::zero:
// build sub-nodes
if (!category_a.empty()) node->node_a = build_cover_node(n, h, category_a.begin(), category_a.end());
if (!category_b.empty()) node->node_b = build_cover_node(h, m, category_b.begin(), category_b.end());
return node;
template<class _value_type>
struct cover_walker
typedef _value_type value_type;
typedef cover_node<value_type> node_type;
cover_walker(value_type target_pattern, const node_type &root_node) :
const std::list<value_type> &get_result() const
return result;
value_type target;
std::list<value_type> result;
template<class Container>
void filtered_add(const Container &xs)
for(auto it = xs.begin(); it != xs.end(); ++it)
const auto &x = *it;
if ((x & target) == target) result.push_back(x);
template<class Container>
void add(const Container &xs)
result.insert(result.end(), xs.begin(), xs.end());
void flatout(const node_type &node)
if (node.node_a.get()) flatout(*node.node_a);
if (node.node_b.get()) flatout(*node.node_b);
void walk(const node_type &node)
const auto &mask_a = node.mask_a;
const auto &mask_b = node.mask_b;
if (mask_a == mask_b)
switch(identify_cover(mask_a, mask_b, target))
case cover_category::a:
if (node.node_a.get()) walk(*node.node_a);
case cover_category::b:
if (node.node_b.get()) walk(*node.node_b);
case cover_category::ab:
case cover_category::zero:
int main()
std::mt19937 rng;
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> uint_dist;
const auto bitmap = uint_dist(rng);
//const uint32_t bitmap = 0;
std::vector<uint32_t> bitmaps;
//for(auto it = bitmaps.begin(); it < bitmaps.end(); ++it) *it = uint_dist(rng);
for(auto it = bitmaps.begin(); it < bitmaps.end(); ++it) *it = uint_dist(rng) & uint_dist(rng) & uint_dist(rng); // sparse
const auto brute = [&bitmaps, bitmap](){
brute_lookup(bitmap, bitmaps.begin(), bitmaps.end());
std::auto_ptr<cover_node<uint32_t>> cover_tree = build_cover_node<std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator>(0, 32, bitmaps.begin(), bitmaps.end());
pprint(std::cout, cover_tree);
const auto traversal = [&cover_tree, bitmap]() {
cover_walker<uint32_t>(bitmap, *cover_tree).get_result();
bench("brute-force array search", brute);
bench("tree-traversal search", traversal);
return 0;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 9332
You could build a bitwise trie.
When traversing the trie, for each 0 in the target, you would need to traverse both branches.
Edit After testing a quick implementation I would NOT recommend this approach. The brute force approach was ~100 faster than this one.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 10457
General approach.
Build tree by bits. Level one node is fisrt bit, than level 2 node is 2nd bit, ...
When you get mask you just negate it and you know which parts of tree you have to exclude.
Than can quickly traverse only trough nodes that are relevant.
N_bits space solution*
Just sort this integers in place and use binary search to traverse this tree.
Complexity O(N_results*N_bits))
it looks like that it run faster by factor 3 compared to bruteforce O(N). But this is my first code in c++, so I might missed something. Any comment about code would be also cool.
How code works?
Only data structure it uses is sorted array of inputs.
At each step it splits array on two parts based on bound using binary search whit std::lower_bound();
in case that mask[depth] is 1 it does not need to go on left part of this tree
It has to go right in any case.
If you put mask like 0xFFFFFFFF it will always go only right and will perform in log(n) time if you put mask 0x00000000 it will return all solutions, so it will go at each step both left and right and will perform worse than naive loop. Once size of array is less than 10 (can be changed) it uses naive approach to return all solutions in output vector.
On random input vector of lenght 100k and mask 0x11111111 (8 bits) it runs twice faster than naive loop.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void find_masks(const int mask,const int bound,const int depth,const vector<int>::iterator begin,const vector<int>::iterator end, vector<int> &output )
vector<int>::iterator i,split;
if( ( distance(begin,end)<10 ) | (depth==0) ) //if less than 10 we just bruteforce it is also stopping condition
for(i=begin; i!=end; i++)
if(mask == (int)(mask & (*i)))
int bitmask = (1<<depth) ;
split=lower_bound(begin,end,bound | bitmask );
if( !(mask & bitmask) ) //go left if mask == 0 at this point
find_masks(mask,bound,depth-1,begin,split, output );
find_masks(mask,bound | bitmask ,depth-1,split, end, output );
int main ()
vector<int> result,v,bruteforce;
vector<int>::iterator i;
//100k random vector
for(int i=0; i<100000; i++)
int r=0;
for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
int mask=0xF0F;
//use sorted vector and binary search for traversing tree
find_masks(mask,0,31,v.begin(),v.end(), result );
//use naive loop
for(i=v.begin(); i!=v.end(); i++)
if(mask == (int)(mask & (*i)))
cout<<"n solutions binary search " << distance(result.begin(),result.end())<<endl;
cout<<"n solutions loop " << distance(bruteforce.begin(),bruteforce.end())<<endl;
cout<<"are solutions same => " << equal(result.begin(),result.end(),bruteforce.begin());
return 0;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 16928
This solution will take memory proportional to the number of '1' bits in M, but should run reasonably quickly. I am assuming that the set M is static with many Target matching requests.
Given the set M, sort it into ascending order. Next construct an array containing one slot per bit. You are using 32 bit numbers so you need an array of 32 slots. Call this array: MBit[0..31]. Each slot contains a pointer to a linked list (call it: MPtr). The linked list contains numbers from M where the corresponding bit is set. For example all numbers from M having bit 3 set would be found in the linked list: MBit[3].MPtr.
The basic algorithm is to process each of the MBit lists where the corresponding Target number has a '1' bit set. Only numbers common to all of the processed lists are selected. Since each MPtr list contains sorted numbers we can scan forward until the number we are looking for is found (a match), a larger number is found (no match) or the list is exhausted (no more matches possible).
The major drawback to this approach is that the same number from M will appear in as many linked lists as it has '1' bits. This is a bit of a memory hit but you have to give something somewhere!
Build the MBit array as outlined above.
Build another array data structure for the Target number. The array contains 1 slot per bit in the Target (call this: TBit[0..31]). Each slot contains a linked list pointer (call it: MPtr) and a boolean (call it: BitSet). BitSet indicates whether the corresponding bit of Target is set.
Given a new Target:
/* Initialize each slot of TBit to the head of the corresponding MBit Linked list */
if Target == 0 then goto Done /* Target contains only zero bits - no matches */
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { /* Bit 0 is LSB, Bit 31 is MSB */
TBit[i].MPtr = MBit[i].MPtr /* List of numbers with bit i set */
TBit[i].BitSet = (Target && 1) /* Target bit i set? */
Target = Target >> 1 /* Shift 1 bit right */
/* Iterate until one of the linked lists in TBit is exhausted */
for(;;) {
First1Bit = False /* Found first '1' bit in Target for this iteration */
AcceptCandidate = True /* Assume Candidate number matches all '1' bits in Target */
for (i = 0; i < 32 & AcceptCandidate; i++) { /* For each bit in TBit Array... */
if !TBit[i].BitSet then iterate /* Target bit is zero, nothing to add */
if !First1Bit then { /* First Target '1' bit, initialize for iteration */
if TBit[i].MPtr == Nil then goto Done /* List exhausted, no more matches possible */
Candidate = value(TBit[i].MPtr) /* Candidate Number from linked list */
TBit[i].MPtr = next(TBit[i].MPtr) /* setup for next cycle */
First1Bit = True /* First 1 bit for this cycle completed */
} else {
/* Scan list until Candidate or larger number found... */
while (TBit[i].MPtr != Nil & value(TBit[i].MPtr) < Candidate) {
TBit[i].MPtr = next(TBit[i].MPtr)
if TBit[i].MPtr = Nil then goto Done /* List exhausted, no more matches possible */
AcceptCandidate = (value(TBit[i].MPtr) == Candidate)
if AcceptCandidate then {
/* Candidate contains a '1' bit in the same positions Target contains a '1' bit */
/* Do what you need to do with Candidate */
Done: /* No further matches on Target are possible */
I can see a number of optimizations to the above outline but figured this would be a good start.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21106
This seems like something a SQL database would be good at. If you put a composite index on (MSB, BitsSet, Value) your results should be very fast.
Value INT
BitsSet INT
INSERT INTO IntegerList(Value, BitsSet, MSB) VALUES(@Value, GetBitsSet(@Value), GetMSB(@Value)
SELECT Value FROM IntegerList WHERE MSB = GetMSB(@Target) AND BitsSet >= GetBitsSet(@Target) AND (Value & @Target) = @Target
SELECT @b = 0x80000000
SELECT @c = 32
WHILE (@b <> 0)
IF (@b & @value) = @b
SELECT @b = @b / 2
SELECT @c = @c - 1
SELECT @b = 0x80000000
SELECT @c = 0
WHILE (@b <> 0)
IF (@b & @value) = @b
SELECT @c = @c + 1
SELECT @b = @b / 2
If you must do it in straight C++ I suggest trying to emulate the SQL approach.
Create a struct or class with int Value, BitsSet, MSB
Create 2 arrays of the nodes one sorted for MSB and the other for BitsSet.
Use binary search on the MSB (matching the MSB of Target) array and the BitsSet (matching all BitsSet >= Target) array.
Get the union of those two results, then perform your Target & Value == Target check.
Upvotes: 0