Reputation: 499
I am trying to iterate over boost graph. While iterating, I am trying to find incoming edges and outgoing edges from that vertex. But I am getting segmentaion fault.
I tried to debug and found the line where it throws segmentation fault.
(vertex -> vertex of the graph of which incoming and outgoing edges needs to find out)
(graph -> boost graph )
//Finding out edges of vertex
boost::graph_traits<BGType>::out_edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges( vertex, graph ); // error at this line
for( boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges(vertex, graph); ei != ei_end; ++ei)
auto target = boost::target ( *ei, graph );
graph[target]._isVisible = false;
//Finding in edges of vertex
boost::graph_traits<BGType>::in_edge_iterator ein, ein_end;
boost::tie(ein, ein_end) = in_edges( vertex, graph ); // error at this line
for( boost::tie(ein, ein_end) = in_edges(vertex, graph); ein != ein_end; ++ein)
auto source = boost::source ( *ein, graph );
graph[source]._isVisible = false;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 885
Reputation: 394054
boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = out_edges( vertex, graph ); // error at this line
boost::tie(ein, ein_end) = in_edges( vertex, graph ); // error at this line
Both comments suggest that either graph
or vertex
are invalid. Check that graph
is still a valid reference to an object.
If so, then "obviously" vertex
is incorrect. It could be out-of-range. Consider checking it:
void hide_neighbours(BGV vertex, BGType& graph) {
assert(vertex < num_vertices(graph));
And while you're at it, we can simplify the implementation:
void hide_neighbours(BGV vertex, BGType& graph) {
assert(vertex < num_vertices(graph));
using boost::make_iterator_range;
for (auto e : make_iterator_range(out_edges(vertex, graph)))
graph[target(e, graph)]._isVisible = false;
for (auto e : make_iterator_range(in_edges(vertex, graph)))
graph[source(e, graph)]._isVisible = false;
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/function_property_map.hpp>
struct VertexProps {
bool _isVisible = true;
using BGType = boost::adjacency_list< //
boost::vecS, //
boost::vecS, //
boost::bidirectionalS, //
using BGV = BGType::vertex_descriptor;
void hide_neighbours(BGV vertex, BGType& graph) {
assert(vertex < num_vertices(graph));
using boost::make_iterator_range;
for (auto e : make_iterator_range(out_edges(vertex, graph)))
graph[target(e, graph)]._isVisible = false;
for (auto e : make_iterator_range(in_edges(vertex, graph)))
graph[source(e, graph)]._isVisible = false;
int main() {
BGType graph(8);
add_edge(1, 5, graph);
add_edge(5, 3, graph);
add_edge(3, 7, graph);
add_edge(7, 4, graph);
add_edge(6, 5, graph);
add_edge(2, 5, graph);
auto annotate = boost::make_function_property_map<BGV>([&graph](auto v) {
auto id = std::to_string(v);
return graph[v]._isVisible ? id : "(" + id + ")";
print_graph(graph, annotate, std::cout << std::boolalpha);
hide_neighbours(4, graph);
print_graph(graph, annotate, std::cout << "\nNeigbours of 4 hidden:\n");
hide_neighbours(5, graph);
print_graph(graph, annotate, std::cout << "\nNeigbours of 5 hidden:\n");
0 -->
1 --> 5
2 --> 5
3 --> 7
4 -->
5 --> 3
6 --> 5
7 --> 4
Neigbours of 4 hidden:
0 -->
1 --> 5
2 --> 5
3 --> (7)
4 -->
5 --> 3
6 --> 5
(7) --> 4
Neigbours of 5 hidden:
0 -->
(1) --> 5
(2) --> 5
(3) --> (7)
4 -->
5 --> (3)
(6) --> 5
(7) --> 4
Note that if you specify an invalid vertex you'll get:
sotest: /home/sehe/Projects/stackoverflow/test.cpp:17: void hide_neighbours(BGV, BGType&): Assertion `vertex < num_vertices(graph)' failed.
If the above doesn't immediately remove/expose the issue then you have Undefined Behaviour. Perhaps graph
is indeed a dangling reference, or graph
has been modified in illegal ways (e.g. removing vertices that weren't cleared).
Feel free to post another question with more relevant code if you need help finding such causes.
Upvotes: 3