Reputation: 311
What is a good practice of getting the named ranges of my sheet from VBE Intellisense?
I have created a workaround of getting the named range from the class module of a sheet, but I think is is too laborious, as can be seen from the code below, which is inside Sheet1 class module. What could be less code alternative?
Sub MY_SUB()
Dim rg As Excel.Range
Set rg = Me.frFirstPayment
End Sub
Function frFirstPayment() As Excel.Range
Set frFirstPayment = Me.Range("FirstPayment")
End Function
Function frClientAddress() As Excel.Range
Set frClientAddress = Me.Range("ClientAddress")
End Function
Edit based on SO Tim Williams's comment
Here is how I am generating the various named ranges of my report sheets:
1 - Copy and paste the following procedure into a standard module (I have given it a quick bar icon shortcut link).
2 - Activate the sheet you want to get all its named ranges.
3 - Run the procedure, from the VBE or clicking que quick bar icon.
4 - Paste the clipboard into the activesheet class module.
5 - Now, there, type, for example, "set rg = me.z", and select the desired named range from the Intellisense.
Sub Named_Ranges_Properties_Sheet_Class_Module_To_Clipboard()
Dim r As Name, propName As String, strOut As String, ws As Worksheet, obj As New DataObject
Set ws = ActiveSheet
For Each r In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If Excel.Range(r).Parent.Name = ws.Name Then
propName = "z" & r.Name
strOut = strOut & _
"Property Get " & propName & "() As Excel.Range" & vbNewLine & _
vbTab & "Set " & propName & " = Me.Range(""" & r.Name & """)" & vbNewLine & _
"End Property" & vbNewLine
End If
Next r
If Len(strOut) > 0 Then
obj.SetText strOut
MsgBox "Ok"
MsgBox "Activesheet has no named range."
End If
End Sub
Below we have a second form code, which generates a "compact" code (one line of code per property), using the colon statement ":".
Dim r As Name, propName As String, strOut As String, ws As Worksheet, obj As New DataObject, k As Integer
Set ws = ActiveSheet
For Each r In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If Excel.Range(r).Parent.Name = ws.Name Then
k = k + 1
propName = "z" & r.Name
strOut = strOut & _
"Property Get " & propName & "() As Excel.Range: Set " & propName & " = Me.Range(""" & r.Name & """)" & ": End Property" & vbNewLine
End If
Next r
If k > 0 Then
obj.SetText strOut
End If
MsgBox k & " named rage(s) found."
End Sub
Upvotes: 3
Views: 154
Reputation: 2494
Create a dedicated module, e.g. named VARS where you define public String constants, e.g.
Const FirstPayment as String = "Sheet1!$A$1:$B:B10"
(pressing F3 in the UI to paste the list of defined names will generate most of the syntax required for this) Then, in your actual code you could set your Range variable as
Set rg = Range(VARS....)
and you should get the required Intellisense after the first dot following VARS. (you could then release memory by deleting them from Name Manager)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5731
Something like this?
Enum Ranges
FirstPayment = 0
ClientAddress = 1
End Enum
Property Get NamedRange(NameIndex As Integer) As String
Dim RangeNames As Variant
RangeNames = Array("FirstPayment", "ClientAddress")
NamedRange = CStr(RangeNames(NameIndex))
End Property
Set frFirstPayment = Me.Range(NamedRange(Ranges.ClientAddress))
Perhaps too clunky? Enums are great, but limited to numbers
Upvotes: 1