Reputation: 67
I am trying to make a shiny app that all it does is display different line plots based on which check boxes are selected.
My data is housed in an excel file and it has 5 tabs, each of which I would like to have a plot and a corresponding check box. I have included a picture of the data
I found the code below that creates checkboxes, but it also has a slider bar that I don't need (if I could use it, I would have it set the range of years to show in the plot)
Thanks for the help
df <- iris[, colnames(iris) != "Species"]
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Density Plots of Quantitative Variables"),
sliderInput("bw", "Slide to change bandwidth of Plot",
min = 0.1,
max = 20,
value = 3,
step = 0.1,
animate = TRUE
checkboxGroupInput("variableinp", "Choose variables",
choices = colnames(df), selected = colnames(df)[1]
), verbatimTextOutput("value")
server <- function(input, output) {
# observeEvent(input$variableinp, {
# print((input$variableinp))
# })
output$densityplot <- renderPlot({
if (!is.null(input$variableinp)) {
getoutandquant <- function(x) {
q1 <- quantile(x)[[2]]
q3 <- quantile(x)[[4]]
IQR <- q3 - q1
out1 <- q3 + (1.5) * IQR
out2 <- q1 - (1.5) * IQR
# Finding the list of points which are outliers for a particular variable.
out <- x[x > out1]
out2 <- x[x < out2]
outliers <- tibble(x = c(out, out2), y = 0)
nplot <- length(input$variableinp)
x <- input$variableinp
for (i in 1:nplot) {
outlier <- getoutandquant(df[, x[i]])
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes_string(input$variableinp[i])) +
stat_density(geom = "line", adjust = input$bw) +
p1 + geom_point(data = outlier, aes(x, y), shape = 23)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 167
Reputation: 7106
We can keep everything in one single plot by pivoting the data and modifying getoutandquant
function with an additional argument. The purpose of this is to be able to use color
argument to differentiate each column.
df <- iris[, colnames(iris) != "Species"]
#pivot data to long format
df_long <- df %>%
#add an additional argument
getoutandquant <- function(x, group_name) {
q1 <- quantile(x)[[2]]
q3 <- quantile(x)[[4]]
IQR <- q3 - q1
out1 <- q3 + (1.5) * IQR
out2 <- q1 - (1.5) * IQR
# Finding the list of points which are outliers for a particular variable.
out <- x[x > out1]
out2 <- x[x < out2]
outliers <- tibble(x = c(out, out2), y = 0, group_name)
Finally we change the server to plot one or more columns depending the number of checkboxes selected.
server <- function(input, output) {
outliers <- reactive({
#call getoutandquant function with each of the selected cols
map_dfr(input$variableinp, ~ getoutandquant(df[, ..1], group_name = .x))
df_long_filt <- reactive({
filter(df_long, name %in% input$variableinp)
output$densityplot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(df_long_filt()) +
stat_density(aes(x = value, color = name),
geom = "line",
adjust = input$bw
) +
labs(y = "Density\n", color = "Column") +
#we change the dataset to plot the outliers
data = outliers(), aes(x = x, y = y, color = group_name),
shape = 23,
size = 5
The ui will remain the same.
df <- iris[, colnames(iris) != "Species"]
#pivot data to long format
df_long <- df %>%
#add an additional argument
getoutandquant <- function(x, group_name) {
q1 <- quantile(x)[[2]]
q3 <- quantile(x)[[4]]
IQR <- q3 - q1
out1 <- q3 + (1.5) * IQR
out2 <- q1 - (1.5) * IQR
# Finding the list of points which are outliers for a particular variable.
out <- x[x > out1]
out2 <- x[x < out2]
outliers <- tibble(x = c(out, out2), y = 0, group_name)
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Density Plots of Quantitative Variables"),
sliderInput("bw", "Slide to change bandwidth of Plot",
min = 0.1,
max = 20,
value = 3,
step = 0.1,
animate = TRUE
checkboxGroupInput("variableinp", "Choose variables",
choices = colnames(df), selected = colnames(df)[1]
), verbatimTextOutput("value")
server <- function(input, output) {
outliers <- reactive({
#call getoutandquant function with each of the selected cols
map_dfr(input$variableinp, ~ getoutandquant(df[, ..1], group_name = .x))
df_long_filt <- reactive({
filter(df_long, name %in% input$variableinp)
output$densityplot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(df_long_filt()) +
stat_density(aes(x = value, color = name),
geom = "line",
adjust = input$bw
) +
labs(y = "Density\n", color = "Column") +
#we change the dataset to plot the outliers
data = outliers(), aes(x = x, y = y, color = group_name),
shape = 23,
size = 5
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 1