Reputation: 75
Description: Created a VMSS scale set using a custom image from VS2019 VM and started a devops build agent in Azure devops Issue: After creating the devops agent, the scale set instances are struck in creating state and agent is not starting
VMSS Configuration: { "vmss": { "doNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs": false, "overprovision": false, "platformFaultDomainCount": 1, "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "singlePlacementGroup": false, "timeCreated": "2022-04-28T01:31:02.4410107+00:00", "uniqueId": "", "upgradePolicy": { "mode": "Manual", "rollingUpgradePolicy": { "maxBatchInstancePercent": 20, "maxUnhealthyInstancePercent": 20, "maxUnhealthyUpgradedInstancePercent": 20, "pauseTimeBetweenBatches": "PT0S" } }, "virtualMachineProfile": { "networkProfile": { "networkInterfaceConfigurations": [ { "name": "vmsca150eNic", "properties": { "dnsSettings": { "dnsServers": [] }, "enableAcceleratedNetworking": false, "enableIPForwarding": false, "ipConfigurations": [ { "name": "vmsca150eIPConfig", "properties": { "privateIPAddressVersion": "IPv4", "subnet": { "id": "/subscriptions//resourceGroups/AzureDevops-BuildAgents-TESTRK-Windows/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/AzureDevops-BuildAgents-TESTRK-Windows-vnet/subnets/default", "resourceGroup": "AzureDevops-BuildAgents-TESTRK-Windows" } } } ], "primary": true } } ] }, "storageProfile": { "imageReference": { "id": "/subscriptions//resourceGroups/AzureDevops-BuildAgents-TESTRK-Windows/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/vmGalleryWindows/images/VMSSImageDefinition", "resourceGroup": "AzureDevops-BuildAgents-TESTRK-Windows" }, "osDisk": { "caching": "ReadWrite", "createOption": "FromImage", "diskSizeGB": 127, "managedDisk": { "storageAccountType": "Premium_LRS" }, "osType": "Windows" } } } } }
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1696
Reputation: 1
There is no solution, its a Microsoft dev ops agent pool bug, had log discussion with MS support team. they are not able to resolve.
Upvotes: 0